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What looks hot on a guy? (advice needed)

Davier Faith

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Willow Danube wrote:

Davier however has the All American feeling with his brown leather jacket , worn out jeans, and nonchalant posture which exude rugged sensuality. Get him a pair of boots and cowboy hat and you can almost smell Malboro on him.


I definitely agree. The one thing he doesn't need is to ruin all his hard work by turning his AV into some unmanly metrosexual... and that's not hard to do. All it takes is a few poor choices (or following popular choice) in attire and *BAM*.. he's sitting around sipping girly drinks with his pinky extended and ordering quiche.

Ok, maybe not all that, but I will say that my preference is most definitely (I mean like 50 to 1) a ruggedly handsome man. I don't care for any of the modern sophisticated, "well dressed" looks, mostly western European stuff... blah and boring IMO. Give me a scruffy badboy that isn't quite so domesticated any day.

For Davier, although it's well known that women are subconsciously attracted to men with somewhat tense, pensive, or brooding looks about their faces, there is such a thing as too much. I see this on a lot of guys AVs and never say anything, but be careful of how low them eyebrows get. IMO yours are right on the limit. They match your face, but the setting itself looks to be very low and that part of the mesh looks quite scrunched up to me.

Just my twocents.gif.

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I only came looking at this thread for the first time after reading that Celstiall had posted a link to a recent post and pic of mine in another thread. 

There is a certain irony in that I was only dressed smartly yesterday after noticing Davier (who I don't know) in his new gear whilst I was hanging around in the Blarney Stone pub in SL Dublin. I was dressed in a scruffy jumper and ripped jeans at the time and Davier's look prompted me to go home and change into something a little smarter! So I think, based upon seeing and, more importantly, noticing Davier inworld, that he has found himself a good look; one that makes him stand out from the crowd.

My only advice to Davier would be that SL women seem to like men to change their outfits regularly. It's best to have a range of clothing styles. My own look ranges from nakie at the beach, through scruffy to very smart. Much depends on my mood of the moment. .

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Willow Danube wrote:

Get him a pair of boots and cowboy hat and you can almost smell Malboro on him. Give him a paper, a pen and a guitar and you'll see him at Nashville crooning the women away..


Smell Marlboro on him?!   Horrible. 

Just the word "Marlboro" makes me think of cancer. (and loathesome cigarette )  (check out how some of the RL"Marlboro Men" died) 

Plus, I'm not into country music or country-crooners...

I lived in Montana as child, and saw boots & cowboy hats a-plenty, it's really not that appealing...

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Dana Hickman wrote:

Willow Danube wrote:

Davier however has the All American feeling with his brown leather jacket , worn out jeans, and nonchalant posture which exude rugged sensuality. Get him a pair of boots and cowboy hat and you can almost smell Malboro on him.


I definitely agree. The one thing he doesn't need is to ruin all his hard work by turning his AV into some unmanly metrosexual... and that's not hard to do. All it takes is a few poor choices (or following popular choice) in attire and *BAM*.. he's sitting around sipping girly drinks with his pinky extended and ordering quiche.

Ok, maybe not all that, but I will say that my preference is
most definitely
(I mean like 50 to 1) a ruggedly handsome man. I don't care for any of the modern sophisticated, "well dressed" looks, mostly western European stuff... blah and boring IMO. Give me a scruffy badboy that isn't quite so domesticated any day.

For Davier, although it's well known that women are subconsciously attracted to men with somewhat tense, pensive, or brooding looks about their faces, there is such a thing as too much. I see this on a lot of guys AVs and never say anything, but be careful of how low them eyebrows get. IMO yours are right on the limit. They match your face, but the setting itself looks to be very low and that part of the mesh looks quite scrunched up to me.

Just my

I don't see rugged or manly in Davier's new look.  That avatar looks like  typical SL pretty-boy to me.   Looks like a SL version of a male model. Too pretty face, etc.  White shirt unbuttoned...at the crotch?  Sheesh. 

Also, it wasn't the clothing per se that I liked about Ian's avatar's look.  It was the over-all effect of looking older, and...well..hell...like he might read a book sometimes.    The "badboy look"  in SL is a dime-a-dozen, and I'm just not interested in that type of look...or the personalities that are currying it.

I guess what this thread really illustrates is that tastes vary, and there is no one magic look that will attract others.  

Davier should develop his own look, based upon "his" personality, and "his" likes.   That should, in theory, attract the type of woman that would be interested in him


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This discussion serves to show that women have many and varied tastes as to what looks good. All I'll say is that when it comes to smart clothing, I've only in the last few weeks "discovered" Utopia and I think their outfits are great. Witness this example:


But as I said earlier, it's important to have some variation in clothing styles. This pic below is an old one that I've posted before, but a personal favourite and one which seems to find favour with women:


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I can't talk for all females, hehe.

Tastes may vary indeed, but I think all like an avatar who's invested some time in their look, and who's dressed "right" for the occasion. Unformal clothes for exploring around the grid, formal for ballroom dancing, swimming trunks or shorts for the beach, knitted sweater and boots for winter sims, tough punk rock for Club Industry dancing, waistcoat, riding boots and top hat for Caledon... I don't fancy avatars who wear the same outfit all places. Especially a (ugly) freebie tuxedo no matter what they do!

A guy who can change somewhat quick when he and his partner discuss what they shall do is nice. Know what you have in your inventory, make folders and outfits. Try to mix stuff, that brown leather jacket can be worn with another shirt, the jeans can be worn with a sweater. Mix expensive clothes, like Aoharu, with free and cheap stuff, as long as the textures and prims look equal in quality. Edit prims so they fit your shape. What women want will be so different, but I doubt anyone will say that they like belts that float around the waist or collars that sink into the chest. :) I think you did a good job with the fitting of the jacket. Keep up the good work!

EDIT: The reply should be to Davier, of course!

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OMG bella... thank you.. I'm so very flattered.

It's so very interesting to me to read different women's thoughts on what is attractive to them and not. For obvious reasons I've lived a long time not thinking about what women are attracted to. That's one of the reasons that I only suggested places that would have quality clothes rather than suggesting what he should look like. For me, it's easy, I've made my av the very thing I like in a man... I've had years to work on it and have basically perfected it until my look turns me on more than any other look in SL.

Please don't think that this makes me narcissistic, that's not the case at all. Tbh, I'm more attracted to men who are very different than what I present myself to be in SL than those that do. But attraction is very individual... that's why my advice to Davier was to be himself.

Sure you can model yourself in a way that is attractive to a lot of people, but if that isn't really who you are, then what have you become? Just be yourself Davier baby.


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Here's some specific advice regarding the proper equipment from another blog (Across the Grid w/ Lindal Kidd). She recommends you check out Dark Delights and in particular recommends the model having "Real" in its name. There is a freebie version and one that costs a few L$ having more features.

@Ian: very handsome. If I were gay, I'd be on you like a rat on a Cheetoh. Start nibbling on you ears and work my way down to your toes.

@dres: I like the like of body hair. Nobody likes hair in their mouth.

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Randall Ahren wrote:

@Ian:.... Start nibbling on you ears and work my way down to your toes.

That's it, Randall!!! Whatever sexual fantasy I had of you just shattered away like objects with collision script. I was about to take your photos and print it out so I can stick them to my bedroom wall like a pin up popstar Idol next to my NKOTB (that's New Kids On The Block for you who did not grew up as teenagers in the 90s), Takeshi Kaneshiro and the brainy-uber-hot man of my sexual fantasy -
.You can forget it now!

@Dana: I'm with you... I find guys who roams around topless, unbuttoned jeans, his crack showing off or full nudity are sexual. Sexual guys are intimidating. Davier's looks reminds me of a guy who knows he is sexy without being sexy. He's all covered up, his choice of colour is subdued and not complicated, the hair suits his face and he is not intricately layered that I had to spend more than a minute to figure out every single piece of clothes he has on his body. I like looking at simple and mildly rugged guys and just surprise me with his personality, brain and humor. I find this kind of guy Sensual. Sensual guys are magnetic.

@ Celestiall .. You are right .. Women's tastes are different and as Carole said it earlier... comes with age too! Oh and I forgot, background and cultural upbringing may influence as well. As asian, I was more exposed to metrosexual guys like Tristan while growing up (Think Hong Kong and Japanese rockstars with their emo-creative hairstyles and avant-garde punkish-gothic clothes)  It was only in my mid to late twenties when I was exposed to suit wearing men due to do a shift of career and geographic workplace. With all this, I still find a simple guy with a simple leather jacket stands out more than the rest.

@Ian: Again, not to offense, I do not find the second picture of my liking. If I am on a date, that attires are not particularly appealing nor will it invoke any sexual feelings in me.... but.... If I was about to go second and third base on my date, that would be the exact state of clothing I want him to be at that time...

@Marianne: Always the best overall advice I've seen. Practical and simple to follow. I would definitely agree with you on all accounts that men should not only dress well but also dress right for the occassion. I see no merit in wearing full tuxedo if you are dancing in a House club nor wearing emo-shirts and hammer pants while waltzing in a jazz club.


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Uh?! Willow, I do NOT wander around SL with my jumper up around my chest! The key I think is to have a look for any given occasion or event and to wear clothes that compliment the proportions of your avatar.

I note the references to Marlborough Man. That, together perhaps with "american preppie boy", is the easiest look to recreate in SL. Great for merging into the background.

I don't actually think Davier's look was at all Marlborough Man! What self-respecting modern day cowboy wouldn't have his shirt tucked in his pants or be wearing a leather belt?! 

Tristan's look is the very antithesis of Marlborough Man; metrosexual I would say. It's success is dependant on the avatar having narrow shoulders and being scrawny. Wearing those clothes on a larger, more well-built male avatar just looks plain odd, and doesn't work. I know. I've tried it!

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@ Ian: Glad to know that.. phewwsss

Anyways...Davier has become from nobody to the most talked about guy in this forum. Many thinks he is attractive, a few digressed to the point of mocking him...He is probably overwhelmed if not perplexed by how a simple request for help had gone into 7 pages long dissecting his avatar from head to toe, from every angles possible... and all this started with a few posted pictures of him. 

His reaction to our posts so far has been commendable and polite which had shown us that he does not only possessed a handsome avatar but also a strong character... and that to me, is HOT. I think he had accomplished what he set out to be. I'm sure right now he is one of the most sort after guy in SL Dublin and is enjoying his fruit of labour.

Tristan is indeed a metrosexual man.. as I have previously mentioned. Metrosexual is not about improving the norms... it is about redefining of what is 'norm' in a fashion world. Tristan's dressing sense is youthful, sleek and colourful which somewhat a subtle reminder for the rest of us that we are not that far away from hitting the grave...:matte-motes-big-grin-wink:  

I think I've done enough stirring for now and my Sweet and Sour Chicken is now cooked. Time to take the dish out for the banquet.


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I would not suggest a specific hairdo, clothing, or skin/shape. Everyone sees each person differently and that includes in SL.

I would say that a good wardrobe is essential in terms of getting or two outfits to fit a versatile lifestyle, meaning some for casual wear, some for formal evening wear, some for semi-formal events, some for other things. This of course includes hairdo and skin...I have several hairdos and skin variations of my looks (fair to deep tanned).

Versatility and to be comfortable in your own "skin" is essential as well.

You could ask women on what they think, but they know what they like, not always knowing what a lot of women like since they do not wear or look for men clothing and haircuts. This may sound weird, but you can always ask gay guys on what looks good on a guy...they have good fashion sense.

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A person's wardrobe depends on the mentality and comfort level.

Ask yourself on what do you enjoy wearing?

We wear clothes that feels good and expresses us.

I wear simple clothes in my leisure, nothing special, at work I wear business suits because I have to, when I am out with my hubby I wear beautiful gowns that make me look good in his eyes and feels good.

I would not suggest another person as a role model, because that is how that person likes to dress and express himself. Unless you have the same mentality and wish to copy yourself, you are not going to be happy with the look since it is not you.

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I was just at an event and saw a guy (quite masculine looking) wearing women's clothing, a dress, stockings and heels.  He had a five o'clock shadow and male short hair.  His profile makes it clear that he is male in RL as well as SL, and that his preference is definitely women.  

And I thought he looked great!  He seemed confident, playful, and a lot of fun - I'm not suggesting that men run around dressed like women, (though I have no problem with that) but this guy was certainly intruiguing.  

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This is a personal preferance and most likely not shared by many.

What looks hot on a guy in my book is looking asian and being asian.

Anyone can have an asian avi but if they got the language and the mannerism to boot as well...:matte-motes-inlove:

Takeshi Kaneshiro :matte-motes-kiss::matte-motes-inlove:, Ken Watanabe :womanwink:...OK I am done here...





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For clothing and full outfits for male on a good price can also recommend the following store (yes it's my own, but I really trying to focuse on providing for male looks in sl):


There is also a link for inworld store (search 'electric feel'). Full outfits all sell on 99 $.


Maybe you can find something on your budget :-)

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