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1 second Orb timing, is it necessary

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13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

The issue isn't whether an extreme type of privacy you decided to make the discussion about exists. The issue is how many seconds any individual needs to set their privacy orb at on the Mainland to feel like they have a reasonable amount of privacy.
This amount needs to be something they decide, and your whining about how Mainland can't be private and insisting that people live at a private estate where they likely could not afford the price is beside the point.

My ideology on this, their property, their orb, they pay the land fees and they bought the orb. They can choose however they want to set it. And if someone doesn't like it, too darn bad. 

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1 minute ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

My ideology on this, their property, their orb, they pay the land fees and they bought the orb. They can choose however they want to set it. And if someone doesn't like it, too darn bad. 

I can't "Like" this enough, or you'd have 10,000 likes by me alone.

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3 minutes ago, LunaRavencroft said:

I can't "Like" this enough, or you'd have 10,000 likes by me alone.

It's just common sense really. I mean if someone came into my home, I wouldn't be nice or polite about it in RL. I would tell them to gtfo, if they didn't. I would call the police and well they would probably not remember what happened. Lol 

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3 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

My ideology on this, their property, their orb, they pay the land fees and they bought the orb. They can choose however they want to set it. And if someone doesn't like it, too darn bad. 

I understand your viewpoint.

I'd rather it not have to be sorted out by money or private ownership however, but instead by respecting the feelings of others. I'm afraid because we have so many people who don't respect others space or need for privacy we have to sort it out in the only way possible - via property ownership.

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1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

No real talk - getting cursed out by an orb before getting sent home kinda did hurt my feelings a bit, LMAO. Just didn't expect it. Then I got mad because it never occurred to me to be that creative with my own security (I'm not that mean, though). 😂


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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

While everyone has been in here. I happened to overhear through the grapevine, That someone snuk into all you places and took all you popsicles!! \o/

Also since I'm already in the forum and really don't want to start another thread for something that can get simply answered here.

 A friend of mine was wondering if anyone in here knows where someone might be able to buy a really big fridge?

Thanks ahead of time. :D

Ha ha! I wasn't here and we don't have any popsicles or ice cream. 😛

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9 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

It's just common sense really. I mean if someone came into my home, I wouldn't be nice or polite about it in RL. I would tell them to gtfo, if they didn't. I would call the police and well they would probably not remember what happened. Lol 

Exactly! Yet, somehow, wanting privacy isn't reasonable. Seriously? Funny thing how, once the orbs go up, the rando intrusions go down. lol

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20 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

My ideology on this, their property, their orb, they pay the land fees and they bought the orb. They can choose however they want to set it. And if someone doesn't like it, too darn bad. 

But what is LL going to do with all those "an orb made me cry" reports?


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I confess to not having read all the posts that precede mine, but I did see a few things I wanted to comment on.

On 5/30/2022 at 10:42 AM, Coffee Pancake said:

It's amusing the OP appears to be complaining about a warning while "exploring" INSIDE someone else's house.

Why is it amusing? Many people, of which I am one, welcome people exploring their houses. Since I can be in SL only a small fraction of the time, it seems wasteful to have no one enjoying it the rest of the time. It makes me happy for others to enjoy it, and I don't understand people who want to keep visitors out.

On 5/30/2022 at 10:45 AM, Coffee Pancake said:

The system can't tell the difference between someone "exploring" mainland by flight or a vehicle, and someone "exploring" your house and messing with your stuff.

I am puzzled. How can they mess with my stuff in SL? Sure, IRL I lock my doors and have an alarm, but there people can indeed damage my stuff. In SL, the worst they can do is leave some unwanted objects that it will take me a few seconds to return. It's worth spending a few seconds occasionally doing that to have many nice people share my enjoyment.

On 5/30/2022 at 10:45 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

Well, yes it would be nice but not everyone in SL is nice or cares about anything outside of their SL.


5 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

It's this kind of overkill that makes me not want to associate with most people in SL.

I wouldn't say most, but I wouldn't care to associate with anyone who would set a security orb to less than 20 seconds. Even if I react as fast as I can, it will usually take me several seconds to leave. They primarily affect me while flying, and the owners are people who place skyboxes at low altitudes. Also, there should be a special place in avatar hell for people who configure their orbs to add intruders to the parcel ban list because that makes it impossible to fly over the land at any altitude.

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53 minutes ago, LunaRavencroft said:

Well then, allow me to retort.

I've had randos intrude and start talking, on voice, acting as though they belonged. Acting as my family and I weren't in our private home. My home is not on any roadside, it's not by any clubs, etc.. It's on the other side of an Italian looking town (that's housed on the other side of a mountain range wall), and has no access to roads or anything. Therefor, there is ZERO reason for people to come, uninvited.

Would you have me allow some random stranger intrude into MY safe space, encroaching upon our privacy, that they may intrude where they are not welcome, just because it's not their parcel? What, then, if someone intruded entry at your RL home's door? What if some random stranger came barging into your house, on whatever street you live, in whatever city, on whatever continent in this world? Would you just accept that "Oh this person was just passing through, may as well let them be comfortable and not have them leave as soon as possible if not sooner" hmm?

My home has no roads by it, no water ways, not even an airport nearby. There is no welcome mat for randos. Randos, Codex, are not permitted on my parcel. 

I've literally had one rando come into my home, while enjoying time with my family, and start talking. He took a seat, and started acting like he owned our home. That we were somehow his guests. Started hitting on us. I've had other randos intrude entry as well, and when asked to leave, they refused or ignored it. So, then, why should I allow them entry that they may disrupt our peace? Why, then, shall they be given quarter and allowed to intrude, despite being repeatedly told to leave? 

I'm a friendly person, however, intruders uninvited are not welcome, nor will they ever be.

Once again, my home is not on any roadways, airways, or waterways, therefor there is no reason for the randos that wander the mainland to come to my home. 

Also, if my security orb is on my parcel, it only affects those on my parcel that aren't on the allowed list. Therefor, no one is being "sniped" 

To intrude and ignore being told, repeatedly, to leave, that you are unauthorized and are not welcome, and expect not to be ejected is not reasonable.

I am amazed at how you appeared to reply to the statement of mine that you quoted - then actually address nothing that I said, nor is what you said counter to anything I said.

No one is making a case to remove your preference for privacy. Not one person.

What has been presented is a request to set your orb to a reasonable eject delay, and for LL to disallow one user sending another user home as they can lose their place moving about and exploring on the Mainland during legitimate, non-malicious activity (which the overwhelming majority of SL'ers do). Sniping your fellow SL'ers and tp'ing them home without warning is not reasonable.


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6 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

I am amazed at how you appeared to reply to the statement of mine that you quoted - then actually address nothing that I said, nor is what you said counter to anything I said.

No one is making a case to remove your preference for privacy. Not one person.

What has been presented is a request to set your orb to a reasonable eject delay, and for LL to disallow one user sending another user home as they can lose their place moving about and exploring on the Mainland during legitimate, non-malicious activity (which the overwhelming majority of SL'ers do). Sniping your fellow SL'ers and tp'ing them home without warning is not reasonable.


Yes but here is an idea, you can't always get what you want. And people will set their orbs at any duration of time they want and send you wherever they please. That is not up for debate, nor are you paying for their land fees, nor are you on public access land anymore. If you don't like their rules, suck it up. If it's their land, they make the rules. Down to how long an orb has to kick your silly little butt off and send you to timbuctoo. 

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6 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

I am amazed at how you appeared to reply to the statement of mine that you quoted - then actually address nothing that I said, nor is what you said counter to anything I said.

No one is making a case to remove your preference for privacy. Not one person.

What has been presented is a request to set your orb to a reasonable eject delay, and for LL to disallow one user sending another user home as they can lose their place moving about and exploring on the Mainland during legitimate, non-malicious activity (which the overwhelming majority of SL'ers do). Sniping your fellow SL'ers and tp'ing them home without warning is not reasonable.


I'd say I'm amazed that you ignore my response, just to attempt to downplay what I say, in some feeble attempt to make yourself feel somehow "superior," but, all you've really done is disappoint me.

I will no longer dignify you, with responses other than this.


If you do not want to be ejected from my home, do not come to my home uninvited.

Now, good day.

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I formerly owned a couple of airports, a preserve in the snow lane where I held holiday events for the entire grid, and a few other things that I did mostly in hopes of positively contributing to the community. I finally discontinued all of that because I got tired of the way that some people feel like they should have a right to plop themselves down in the middle of the community and make themselves a disruption by teleporting home anyone who dares to set a virtual toe across the borderline. It’s kinda like if I bought my home in real life and setup a surface to air missile battery to shoot down any plane that dares to overfly my property. I’ve not yet heard any such a person even attempt to justify why that is a positive contribution to the grid as a whole. But it sure does inhibit exploration and, as a result, use of the places I spent a lot of money in for people to enjoy.

LL has said in the past that it wants the grid to be a social, welcoming environment. And the current interest in the metaverse is a huge opportunity for LL to capitalize because Second Life is basically the most developed metaverse around. But doing that means a certain degree of caretaking and cultivation of community. 

At this point, LL has a rule requiring adequate warning for security orbs. The last I heard, it was refusing to enforce that rule. LL has seen the benefits that came from enforcing that type of rule in terms of building community. And it should have a major, major incentive to want to cultivate community right now when the multiverse is such a big thing. Why in the world would you want to build in where newbies come in, wander around, and greeting by a hostile blue popular and then get bounced out? Talk about a good reason to not login again  

If LL’s desire to have community is limited to words not backed by any action, then I don’t see why I should be paying them for the privilege of trying to combat their own apathy as I strive to contribute to the community they claim to want. So I quit paying the several hundred dollars that I was paying LL every month in an effort to contribute. People have indeed been discussing this since at least when I made my first account (July 2006) and LL needs to address and solve the problem. 

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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

Again, I'm not arguing for any changes. This is how it is right now. For privacy worth having (and even then with serious limitations, as I've said), one must be on an Estate and, really, should own an entire region so access can truly be controlled and location concealed from prying passersby. On Mainland, it's just a weird pretend "privacy" that some folks think is valuable and anything less is unacceptable, but it's all merely cosmetic.

Yes, I'm a Mainland owner, and yes, I think setting up Mainland this way and giving Mainland customers this lame delusion of privacy was a stupid, stupid mistake. That doesn't mean I myself harbor any delusions that it can or should be changed now. But it's simply irresponsible to suggest Mainland to anybody seeking privacy.

If I set my orb to zero seconds, I'd have privacy.  My parcel is also set so no one can see me.  If I so choose, I can turn off IMs to anyone but friends.  That's a fair amount of privacy without having to pay extra.  Just sayin'.

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6 minutes ago, Female Winslet said:

At this point, LL has a rule requiring adequate warning for security orbs. The last I heard, it was refusing to enforce that rule.

There is no such rule on mainland.  The rule applies to Belliseria only.

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7 minutes ago, Female Winslet said:

I’ve not yet heard any such a person even attempt to justify why that is a positive contribution to the grid as a whole. But it sure does inhibit exploration and, as a result, use of the places I spent a lot of money in for people to enjoy.

Maybe cause when you buy land on mainland, that turns it from public access to private land. Why does that give the average joe avatar the right to go and explore someone's home if it is on mainland? That and why is it so bad that people have security setup? I mean if you don't want people coming on your land, that is what you do. 

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