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Oh hell yes! -- Pet Delights!

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Pet Delight: Got my LSL Parser working this week for Local vs. Global variables, and Vector / Rotation fields (.x, .y, etc.).

Only a few more features before I can step back, take a break from it, and do something else for awhile. I'm thinking music. * looks at piles of instruments *

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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Pet delight of the day

I absolutely love my job. It's tiring, a lot of hard work, long hours, absolute chaos at times. My coworkers have selective hearing often, they can also be pretty mean. Cohesiveness is rare, I treasure it when it appears. I often come home splattered with some known, and maybe unknown, substance(s), countless added germs and random odd gifts in my pockets. I have a lot of "really cool rocks"  and "neat things". I'm supposed to be in charge but you'd never know it if you stopped by.

Yet it is still the best job I have ever had. I won't be all cliché and say I don't do it for the money. I like having a paycheck so I don't, you know, die. But the rewards beyond that, incalculable. 

Today just reminded me how friggen lucky I am to have a job I love, which brings me an immense amount of joy, even when I need a nap., and probably a snack too. 

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Delight: Tomato season is finally here, all my plants are starting to ripen and I got to have my first tomato sandwich of the year! This is a Black Krim, it was a pretty big one and the first to ripen of that variety.

I wait all year for this, it's hard to buy good tomatoes so I grow them and August/September and into October I'm pretty much on a tomato diet.



Edited by AmeliaJ08
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  • 2 weeks later...

More chonky!


Some obscure pen company in the far east released a knock-off of the legendary Japanese fountain pen that goes by the name of Pilot Custom Urushi. Needless to say, the fake one comes at a fraction of the cost. I'd rather spend my hard-earned money on a car or a new kitchen instead of the original pen. Yet, I could not let the opportunity go by to at least get that fake one, just to get a feel of it chonkyness. Final verdict: way to big (15,6 cm long, 2 cm wide at the cap), practically unusable for anyone but Hulk Hogan or Dwayne Johnson, and way, waay too heavy (70 g)! Sailor Pro II Gear Slim (12.5 cm, 17 g) for size comparison.

Excuses for the hand writing. I wasn't wearing my reading glasses.

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2 minutes ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

More chonky!


Some obscure pen company in the far east released a knock-off of the legendary Japanese fountain pen that goes by the name of Pilot Custom Urushi. Needless to say, the fake one comes at a fraction of the cost. I'd rather spend my hard-earned money on a car or a new kitchen instead of the original pen. Yet, I could not let the opportunity go by to at least get that fake one, just to get a feel of it chonkyness. Final verdict: way to big (15,6 cm long, 2 cm wide at the cap), practically unusable for anyone but Hulk Hogan or Dwayne Johnson, and way, waay too heavy (70 g)! Sailor Pro II Gear Slim (12.5 cm, 17 g) for size comparison.

Excuses for the hand writing. I wasn't wearing my reading glasses.

Bonus: Chomky pens may be best for children, too!


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Man I brag  about my job a lot, don't I? What can I say, I LOVE it!

Getting to watch kids who, while they know what a farm is, have never stepped foot on one before. The absolute amazement in their eyes, their little ears perked up listening like this is life and death, the smiles they think no one can see. I just love seeing children learn something for the first time, really learning it and not just listening to someone talk about it.

Also, watching those same kids, a few who are typically a bit ornery in class, clean up messes that others have left as we walk up and down the orchard (with no prompting at all). I mean, come on, how could that NOT make you smile?

We had a fabulous field trip anyway, but the owners of the farm were so kind about it. The kids were picking up dropped apples, cleaning up left behind bags, baskets, garbage and putting them at the end of the rows for easy cleanup. There are signs all around asking people to be kind as they pick and clean up as they go (dropped apples go to animals, no waste!). Apparently not many people do, including the other (older) school classes that were also there.

The first real field trip of the year tends to set the tone, this couldn't have gone any better!  I'm so proud of them! 

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I saw a father who had taken a young child out of the library yesterday telling the child they had to go home now because they child was being too loud. The child was crying and saying, " I don't want to go home. I want to stay at the library. "

On another day, I heard a mother quietly telling her young daughter to speak more quietly in the library. 

It's refreshing to see parents teaching their children to speak softly and behave appropriately at a public library, rather than letting them scream and run wild.

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So, I was having a day. You know the kind where everything that go go wrong does, and your poor little heart says I just can't do this today, so more stuff goes wrong and you feel even worse. One of those train wreck sorts of days minus the train because someone forgot to put the wheels on right. Now every piece of the train has scattered about to the ends of the earth in ten gazillion pieces never to be put back together again. So then I choose to go popple mode, ball up and pretend nothing exists, because now I'm just a fuzzy ball and balls don't have to care about anything. 

But then

I remembered, Saturday Sale has presents. Well first, I remembered I can ignore the world burning down around me and go find something better to do than deal with it, so sl it is. Back to presents now, I almost forgot about this event. Yes, I am totally that person who goes to events just for free stuff. I make no apologies, they wouldn't give them to me if they didn't want me having them, so there.

I did get all the presents, it would be rude not to, yes? I also, though, bought some jeans I liked and they were only $75L, I'm happy about that. 

On top of that, Jian has lil tiger cubs for only $75l and it comes with held, wanderer and companion. So now I have a baby tiger cub by my feet and one running around my house.

The train wreck will be there when I decide to be adult enough to either deal with it or continue to ignore it until the earth implodes. In either case, I still have baby tiger cubs.

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I finally figured out how Firestorm's AO loader works. Previously I, like a dummy, would try to copy animations directly from my AO attachments to the widget, not realizing it needed a link to add them and I had to copy the animations to my inventory first.

Problem solved, now I can mix and match all my cutesy animations and get rid of my script consuming AO attachments for good.

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6 minutes ago, Missy Starchild said:

I finally figured out how Firestorm's AO loader works. Previously I, like a dummy, would try to copy animations directly from my AO attachments to the widget, not realizing it needed a link to add them and I had to copy the animations to my inventory first.

Problem solved, now I can mix and match all my cutesy animations and get rid of my script consuming AO attachments for good.

And  you will never look back!

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8 hours ago, Missy Starchild said:

I finally figured out how FireYastorm's AO loader works. Previously I, like a dummy, would try to copy animations directly from my AO attachments to the widget, not realizing it needed a link to add them and I had to copy the animations to my inventory first.

Problem solved, now I can mix and match all my cutesy animations and get rid of my script consuming AO attachments for good.

Yay! One more free HUD attachment or open window spot too.

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Leftover Delight From Last Night: Finding out why someone I have always considered cool and interesting was acting all weird to me the last time I saw them, and being glad that I didn't just impulsively block and erase them from my SL for it, because it jangled me that they were acting strangely.

I used to experiment with a lot of psychedelics in my RL youth, and discovering that someone was coming down off of an all-day-all-nighter made it all click, and in light of this their behavior wasn't strange at all. I've been there myself before, and remember that the only people who tolerated me were those who understood what was happening inside me at the time.

Anyway, I'm grateful to still have them on my friends list, and feel I know them better, and that is often very good. ^-^ I'm really glad I decided to just say "okay, that was weird" rather than deciding they weren't someone I'd want to hang out with anymore.

That said, I'm going to practice this kind of unreactive patience more in the future, and try to avoid falling into the trap of freaking out and running from things that confuse me.

Besides, it does take a certain amount of mental something-or-other to be around me for any amount of time, anyway, and hey, whatever works. I'm grateful for having the friends I have, and if I throw them away every time the wind blows funny, what does it say about me.

I can't go back and unbreak things already broken, but I can stop myself in the future, by looking at what I do now.

Anyway, I'm glad to still be their friend.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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I have to make up for my peeve, it's my new rule. I consider my peeves part of my jackassery, and no one can solve my jackassery better than me, right? 

Today's delight is the shop and hop. I am not always fond of shopping, people ruin the experience, lmao. But there are so many awesome gifts. It took me hours, and I stopped to make dinner halfway through for about 20 mins (not sorry for taking up a spot while I did, either) but I did it. I walked the whole layout and got nearly all the gifts. I didn't take ones that would do me no good, less I have to feel bad about deleting later.

I only opened one so far, the jinx ickle franken-goaty, because I made him walk with me through the whole thing. He's adorable! 

I think tomorrow, I might open the rest and decorate my little area of the world so it looks more fall-ish and Halloweeny. 


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Time for today's pet delight, I'm on a mission to do one a day, hopefully. 

Meal prepping is today's delight. I try to do at least a little bit a week, when I get the chance (it's usually on a weekend)

Getting my lunches and dinners mostly ready for the week just makes it easier to grab and go in the morning. Sometimes I freeze stuff, then just take it out the night before so I can just heat it up easily. I'm not a big fan of the whole sandwiches and same old same old lunches, they get boring. I like making stuff that I can just heat up and eat quickly since I'm usually doing fifty things at once during lunch anyway. Dinners are much easier to do when they're already cooked and just need heated up on the stove or in the oven. 

Since I only have to cook for myself I can get a lot done at once and then have food ready for whenever.  My freezer, and my budget, thanks me greatly. It's super helpful when wrenches are coming in from every direction and I forget which way is up, too.

Plus, my house smells delicious right now, bonus! 

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