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I want to hunt Meeroos!

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oh.my gawd, I am SO sick of these things already! :matte-motes-sick: I want to hunt them! Yes! I want to shoot their cute little faces and skin them and sell the pelts so someone can make meeroo fur coats! I want there to be meeroo poaching in SL. I want to be a meerooo poacher! I want to be able to get 30,000 linden on the black market for rare meeroo fur! I want to unleash legions of fire imps to invade meeroo habitats and turn them into scorched and smoldering dens of ash and chared soil. I want to...

well, you get the idea


*disclaimer: The above was meant in jest. IRL I'm an avid animal lover and have fostered pets in my home as well as done vuolunteer work with homeless animals.

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Mags Indigo wrote:

Prove it :smileytongue:

Well, I don't share my personal RL info on the net but I can tell you this... In the year 2000, there were over 80,000 strays in the metro Detroit area alone. That's not including ones in foster homes and places like anti-cruelty, Humane society and greyhound rescue. I can only imagine that statistic has climbed drastically rather than decreasd. For those that have the option, I encourage anyone to consider giving a home to a real animal rather than a virtual one if your choice is one or the other. They will love you forever.


Still...these meeroos are making me want to punch my screen, lol

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Eileen Fellstein wrote:<snipped (again)>

 I encourage anyone to consider giving a home to a real animal rather than a virtual one if your choice is one or the other. They will love you forever.


Still...these meeroos are making me want to punch my screen, lol

KK - I believe you...

... and I agree with you.

I think SL animals can add atmosphere to a place but I have a wee bit of a problem 'getting' the breedable thing I guess.

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Hehe, yes. Well a way for people to  make money I guess, or attempt to. And I know...I inadvertantly helped that cause by drawing attention to it.

Post was actually inspired by a recent convo I had with someone who was breeding. He was hoping to get 'a good one' so he could sell it for big bucks. Meanwhile half his club had been transformed into a meeroo habit and the things were everywhere. 500L a pop for the unwanted ones. I nearly bought one out of sheer compassion, till I came to my senses.

I've seen some people complain of lag that are near people breeding but I honestly have not seen any direct impact myself when I have been near breeding areas of anything.

Hunting/poaching may actually be a form of population control and a way to get others in on the gravy train, if it were implimented ;) Lag or no, if you live near a breeding ground of any sort, it can be an eye-sore if not very well maintained.

The problem is - cute domesticated animals. No one wants them harmed. No one would take issue if I were to breed for instance - GIANT TARANTULAS! ...and make them huntable. (I've had one as a pet in RL BTW, though it was normal sized. Very few have the capacity to love such critters)

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No, sorry, I wouldn't want to breed giant spiders in Second Life. I'm sure some would, though. Go for it.

"Post was actually inspired by a recent convo I had with someone who was breeding. He was hoping to get 'a good one' so he could sell it for big bucks. Meanwhile half his club had been transformed into a meeroo habit and the things were everywhere. 500L a pop for the unwanted ones. I nearly bought one out of sheer compassion, till I came to my senses."

Well that's the thing. If it's a highly trafficked place, put them somewhere else, or at least, in a sky pen.

I didn't put any at Changing Rooms for instance just in case they might cause lag. That's a place designed to let people get in and out and do what they need to do there, without hassle. I don't consider it open for roo farming.

I don't think they do cause lag, I've seen them wake up (when an avatar is near) and fall asleep (I get the notice after I go), and even turn off automatically once when the sim slowed. But in general the sims seem totally unchanged or unharmed. But I only have a few, and most are in the sky pen.

If I had a shop or club and filled them with it, like the USS Enterprise filled with Tribbles, I could see where people could get skeevy.

It is a fad. But they are also very cute. Time, and customer service (COUGH) will tell, if this remains a fad or develops and gets better and better for its customers.

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the subversive in me thinks that breedable tarantulas sounds like a great idea...

the arachnophobe in is s even slightly happy at the idea of making them huntable.... but is much happier with the the idea of NOT having them on the grid.

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Eileen Fellstein wrote:

Well, I don't share my personal RL info on the net but I can tell you this... In the year 2000, there were over 80,000 strays in the metro Detroit area alone. That's not including ones in foster homes and places like anti-cruelty, Humane society and greyhound rescue. I can only imagine that statistic has climbed drastically rather than decreasd. For those that have the option, I encourage anyone to consider giving a home to a real animal rather than a virtual one if your choice is one or the other. They will love you forever.

Here in San Francisco feral pets, mostly cats, have gotten so bad in numbers that several of our native bird species are on the verge of extenction. I'm just waiting for the government to come in declare the quail here protected, and then start frying all the cats in the park... But we've got too man darned hippies (hey wait I'm a darned hippie) that scream bloody murder any time anyone goes near those cats.

Ok so yeah, I'm a darned hippie, but when it comes to cats vs. native wildlife... give me the microwave and I'll put the cats in it myself (and if it isn't obvious from my avatar, I love cats... but when a choice has to made...).


BUT, if people would take those cats in and keep them in... as you suggest, that problem and conflict wouldn't exist.



Um, oh and yeah... breedable pets... sigh... annoying pyramid scheme laggy toy... That said I've got a neighbor who must have a good 100 horses on their lot - stacked  at varying heights... They were trying to sell one of them for 131-million lindens; but I haven't been able to find that one for a week.


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Eileen Fellstein wrote:


The problem is - cute domesticated animals. No one wants them harmed. No one would take issue if I were to breed for instance - GIANT TARANTULAS! ...and make them huntable. (I've had one as a pet in RL BTW, though it was normal sized. Very few have the capacity to love such critters)


I've had an admiration for spider ever since a dream as a child where a giant motherly spider saved me from a monster. Which was years before I was aware of Grandmother Spider. They still freak me out - so its kind a of two-sided coin.



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Void Singer wrote:

the subversive in me thinks that breedable tarantulas sounds like a great idea...

the arachnophobe in is s even slightly happy at the idea of making them huntable.... but is much happier with the the idea of NOT having them on the grid.

I think breedable spiders is actually a viable idea for the goth market and such.

Hopefully those farms would all be in the sky, since so many people have arachnophobia. It would be kind of like having breedable clown farms. :D

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Melita Magic wrote:

No, sorry, I wouldn't want to breed giant spiders in Second Life. I'm sure some would, though. Go for it.

"Post was actually inspired by a recent convo I had with someone who was breeding. He was hoping to get 'a good one' so he could sell it for big bucks. Meanwhile half his club had been transformed into a meeroo habit and the things were everywhere. 500L a pop for the unwanted ones. I nearly bought one out of sheer compassion, till I came to my senses."

Well that's the thing. If it's a highly trafficked place, put them somewhere else, or at least, in a sky pen.

I didn't put any at Changing Rooms for instance just in case they might cause lag. That's a place designed to let people get in and out and do what they need to do there, without hassle. I don't consider it open for roo farming.

I don't think they
cause lag, I've seen them wake up (when an avatar is near) and fall asleep (I get the notice after I go), and even turn off automatically once when the sim slowed. But in general the sims seem totally unchanged or unharmed. But I only have a few, and most are in the sky pen.

If I had a shop or club and filled them with it, like the USS Enterprise filled with Tribbles, I could see where people could get skeevy.

It is a fad. But they are also very cute. Time, and customer service (COUGH) will tell, if this remains a fad or develops and gets better and better for its customers.

I could have picked any one of a number of posts to reply to in this thread, Melita. I picked yours because it covered the most ground. I'm just starting to look around at the new GD section and saw this one had recent activity.

I saw your meeroo thread (I still have not actually seen a meeroo, but then I've been kinda busy) and I have to admit they look cute, but breedable animals is probably not something for me given my limited inworld time. On the other hand a pet tarantula sounds pretty cool. I've seen them in the wild and found them fascinating. I can't say that at home because if I start talking about tarantulas certain family members yell, "Shut up! Shut up!". Arachnophobia can be such a crippling disorder.

I loved that you invoked "The Trouble With Tribbles". Did you see the Next Gen one that used part of that? It was (duh) not as good as the original but the one scene where Worf gets queried about Klingons by his Terran buddies is very good.

Most of all I wanted to comment on how funny everything in this thread has been, from Eileen's OP to the current last post. I don't have the forum background to know, but this looks a whole lot like some of the good stuff from the original GD forum to me.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If you have the prim space to rez it, there is a pet spider available for free if you can find it hidden on some linden park builds on mainland and zindra.

Last saw it in the giant underground complex reached through the reservoir in Zindra.


Really. I haven't been much to Zindra but I'm sure the reservoir can't be hard to find. How large is this spider? I have a fair amount of prim space on account of I bumped my plot size a while back but have been too lazy to build anything yet. And thanks, btw.

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