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How do you get media from other parcels to stop playing on your land?

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The Bangu SLURL is restricted access, so my alt has been trying to sort of triangulate from where he can actually get, and so far not much luck. The shared media streams do show up, and zooming the cam into the "yupyup" one does produce sound from a bootlegged movie, but by far the loudest sound I heard, drowning out even the parcel audio stream, was produced by three "FOAM WAVE SWIRLY 01" objects spinning on the water on the parcel I could access. Weirdly, their scripts allowed me to touch and mute them and then I heard only the audio stream. But those waves wouldn't be audible at all on that access-restricted parcel because everybody has "Restrict gesture and object sounds to this parcel."

I realize I'm not having the same experience, so I'll try again in the morning after I've had some sleep, and see if I can figure out how to get closer to what you're hearing.


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Other than those waves, I'm stumped. From anywhere but the far southwest corner of these parcels, I can only get that "yupyup" movie to make an audible sound by 🔍 zooming in to it. The "Google" emitters are silent, just the Google home search page (on Google's Turkish site for some reason) on three different surfaces of a houseboat to the south of the parcels. And I simply can't find anything else that makes a sound that's audible on these parcels.

Trying to understand what you're hearing that I'm not, I'm confused by "if you mute your SL all together, 2 minutes later, this horrid sound will continue to play, even though you are muted." Maybe "mute" means something different, but if the viewer's sound is turned off altogether, whatever this sound is should continue even if SL isn't running at all. I'm guessing that's not the case, so I'm wondering what "muted" actually means here. And that got me thinking about this control:


which could help confirm that the problem is really a Media source. If it really is, then @Solar Legion is correct and it's completely up to the individual user to control their own viewer—which is usually what one would want, including being able to choose which Media sources to play and which to mute. (This is G-rated land so if the media itself is obscene that's a different story.)

Try as I might, I haven't found any Media noise here.

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6 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

Try as I might, I haven't found any Media noise here.

Same here.  Atomic Shrinks club is totally quiet, if you turn off the streaming music.  The wave Sounds, and they are sounds not media, on the adjacent parcel do not carry over the parcel boundary.  Noisyiest thing I heard was the Jacuzzi at the club, and you would need to be in it to hear any water sounds. 

Nothing from Media anywhere.  Must be temporary media on a prim, that a neighbor has shut down.

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Could be one of the patrons wearing stuff, but I suspect the AtomicShrink would have detected that.  We used to have regular visits from three people that wore screaming Mario media players on their person when they came to the club.  Took us a while to notice as NOBODY in regular attendance nor in the staff is daft enough to run around with those "features" enabled.  We got a complaint from, now get this, one of the people wearing the offending objects, that they kept hearing it in our club.  Easy fix, we used a club of another kind on them.  Gone.  Bye.

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4 hours ago, AtomicShrink said:

The problem is only heard with people using the SL viewer, but not Firestorm.

i went to the parcel on Linden Viewer Second Life Release (64bit)

stopped Nearby Media: Outside this Parcel


waited for quite a while and they never started again

so I can't replicate what is happening to you on the Linden viewer.  I think to get a resolution for yourself then you could make a vid of what is happening (showing the media streams turning on by themselves after they have been stopped) and attach the vid to a JIRA


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17 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

I think that's one problem with new arrivals using the SL viewer.  They have Media set to All, and they use Start All Media - which could play Media from outside the parcel and other nearby regions.

They don't stop Media and they don't set Media to only within the parcel.  This is the fault of the user.  It's like someone coming into your living room, turning on the radio, the TV, the stereo, and YouTube music all at once - and then complaining they are hearing too many sounds.  We have to assume SL users are at least as smart here as in RL.  Maybe that's too much to ask :)

i don't disagree with your sentiments on what the default Linden viewer settings should/could be.  The new user default settings have been a discussion point pretty much since the beginning times of SL

tbf to Linden, each of us as users tend to have our preferences for what these could/should be. I know how I like my viewer set up, but am not sure I would find any significant number of people who would agree with me. Nor me with them in how they have set up their viewers

edit add for clarity.  the default viewer media / sound / music setting for new users is everything on and autoplay on. So is a little bit understandable when a new person does ask sometimes how to turn all this noise off


Edited by Mollymews
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10 hours ago, Mollymews said:

so I can't replicate what is happening to you on the Linden viewer.  I think to get a resolution for yourself then you could make a vid of what is happening (showing the media streams turning on by themselves after they have been stopped) and attach the vid to a JIRA

At this point I'd file the darn jira myself, if only I could replicate the problem.

I didn't remember which viewers I used on earlier visits, so I went back again with the Linden viewer ( (64bit)) set with media to autoplay and all audio sources enabled and heard no intruding sounds at either end of the parcels. It's still a pain to test because the south end SLURL is on that access-restricted "Neverland Home" parcel (the banlines for which are surely more trouble for visitors than possibly needing to adjust audio settings), but even trying all around and above that location I don't get intrusive sound on the Linden viewer. Nor at the north end location, even after standing around waiting for a long time.

One thing that crossed my mind is that Shared Media's audio is a function of cam location, not avatar location, and all viewers have these funky Camera Presets now, so that could be one way one user on one viewer could theoretically have their cam way closer to an emitter than another user or viewer. I doubt that's what's going on here because I tried to swing my cam all around and couldn't find anything much to hear, other than that one movie stream I mentioned at the far south end which I could pick up after zooming-in on it.

So yeah, at this point the parcel has had a bunch of visitors who don't experience the problem at all, and without a short demonstration video I don't know what to even try to investigate.

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42 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

So yeah, at this point the parcel has had a bunch of visitors who don't experience the problem at all, and without a short demonstration video I don't know what to even try to investigate.

pretty much yes

only other thing that may be tripping up OP is that in the Linden viewer when we are on a parcel then Stop Nearby Media stops them. But if we then go to any other neighbouring parcel then nearby media on all parcels is restarted automatically when Autoplay is enabled in Preferences

edit add

i tried camming but the media remained stopped. Only when I physically went on to the neighbour parcel did they all start again

Edited by Mollymews
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5 hours ago, Mollymews said:

i tried camming but the media remained stopped. Only when I physically went on to the neighbour parcel did they all start again

not exactly responding to the above, just needed to reply on what I found.

When I visited Atomic's club, there was no active media anywhere nearby that produced sound.  Probably was the wrong time of the day.  But  I could turn on neighbors shared media, mainly the TV screens, by looking at the nearby inactive media and zooming my camera to it. Then I would activate their YouTube and put on some noisy video, like an air hammer school, or giant truck race.  Once activated with my cam  (my avatar was always in the club) the neighboring YouTube sound would blast in the club. That is nothing strange, I just turned on the neighbors noise makers remotely.  I also had all the Media options unchecked, not allowing any Media.  These options seem to only affect in parcel Media, and not off parcel shared Media.  In all cases there was no url listed in my Media box - this was not local Media I was hearing.

If I TPed out of the club region and returned, all was silent again.  It seems really unlikely a club goer would go to that much trouble to turn on nearby Media to compete with the music stream.  What I didn't do was use another alt in the club to see if they could also hear me turn on nearby media sources.  

I also tried the same thing at my Linden Home, which is surrounded by neighbors with shared media devices and media players.  With auto play media turned OFF, I had no problem finding media playing, but only if I cammed to the media first.   I found country music  playing from a CD player in someone's boat, looping the same songs in an adjacent region, about 300 meters away.  I got tired of the looping so I changed to the next tracks.  When I checked later, his boat was gone. lol

In any case, the solution to hearing an unwanted Media sound is to turn it off in your Viewer.  Works every time:




Edited by Jaylinbridges
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There is no solution for the entire land. The solution has been presented to you repeatedly..

Now, if you'd like, I am sure someone can walk you through how to get it to stop on your end so you can then explain it to visitors/put the instructions somewhere. Beyond that, there is not much more that can be done. At all.

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Now .... Hovering over the restricted access parcel ... the only way to have any stream outside of it even present itself is ..... with Draw Distance set to at least 128 meters.

With Media Auto-Play turned on and allowing scripts to control it, yupyup plays. Even with the Draw set to 128 meters, if Auto-Play and script controlled operation are shut off .... it does not play.

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6 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

With Media Auto-Play turned on and allowing scripts to control it, yupyup plays. Even with the Draw set to 128 meters, if Auto-Play and script controlled operation are shut off .... it does not play.

And this is why, back on the first page, I posted the recommendations concerning auto play.  They make these recommendations for a reason.  Is it ON by default in the LL viewer?

  • Allow Media to Auto-Play: With this enabled, video will play automatically (not recommended).
  • Allow inworld scripts to play media: Will allows scripts to automatically start media (not recommended).
  • Play media attached to other avatars: Enables media attached to other avatars (media on a prim).
  • Enable media filter (increased security😞 This will let you control what media stream you connect to, allowing you to whitelist or blacklist any media stream. See this page for more information.
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12 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

And this is why, back on the first page, I posted the recommendations concerning auto play.  They make these recommendations for a reason.  Is it ON by default in the LL viewer?

  • Allow Media to Auto-Play: With this enabled, video will play automatically (not recommended).
  • Allow inworld scripts to play media: Will allows scripts to automatically start media (not recommended).
  • Play media attached to other avatars: Enables media attached to other avatars (media on a prim).
  • Enable media filter (increased security😞 This will let you control what media stream you connect to, allowing you to whitelist or blacklist any media stream. See this page for more information.

Unfortunately some of those controls may not exist in the Linden offered Viewer - something that is quite unfortunate indeed.

There's a reason I made sure to mention the Draw Distance as well - my 'default' for most exploration (unless I need to have it otherwise) is 96 meters, well more than enough in most cases. any higher than that - especially on a continent/Mainland - and one has to question why it is up so high.

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1 hour ago, Solar Legion said:

Unfortunately some of those controls may not exist in the Linden offered Viewer - something that is quite unfortunate indeed.

There's a reason I made sure to mention the Draw Distance as well - my 'default' for most exploration (unless I need to have it otherwise) is 96 meters, well more than enough in most cases. any higher than that - especially on a continent/Mainland - and one has to question why it is up so high.

Yes, I imagine the SL viewer is different, sadly.  I normally keep my draw very low on my mainland for the simple reason that I don't need to see beyond my parcel when I'm there.   Sometimes I'll be out exploring elsewhere and turn it up only to forget to turn it down and wonder why I'm lagging at home.

@AtomicShrinkAnyone is free to respond in this thread.  Even me.

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2 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

Unfortunately some of those controls may not exist in the Linden offered Viewer - something that is quite unfortunate indeed.

What controls exist in the standard LL viewer in regards to media are:

in Preferences -> Sound and Media


When media is enabled, the Media auto-play options are Yes, No or Ask.  I do not remember what the default out-of-the box first installation of viewer choice was for media.

From the toolbar is a pop-up box that can be displayed (which I can't seem to get a picture of) which lets you stop or start media, as well as see all media or just media on this parcel, or outside this parcel, or on other avatars.  When you have selected one of the displayed media sources, there are also buttons to stop selected media or zoom into selected media.  There is also a button on that pop-up box to directly open the Preferences -> Sound and Media page.

Also on the toolbar is the quick access version pop-up of the volume control and enable checkboxes that are also in Preferences -> Sound and Media.

I generally only enable media when there is a specific reason for me to do so - otherwise I leave in un-enabled, and have not had any issues when it is off.  


Editted to add: Molly did go out to the parcel yesterday using the LL viewer, and was not able to replicate the issue either with that viewer, so it doesn't appear to me to be a deficiency in just the LL viewer.

Edited by MoiraKathleen
another thought
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2 hours ago, AtomicShrink said:

Solar Legion, I am hovering over my own land, not restricted. And, you obviously did not go to the video to see what the problem is. You say the solution is posted over and over again, but it is not. Even second life support is telling me that they're having an issue, and they are trying to resolve this. Please stop posting on this. I am here for a serious answer, and you are not helping. Please ask that solar and Rowan Amore stop responding. You guys are not helpful.

Guess what?

  1. You have no control over responses once you've opened a thread
  2. I watched your video, I see exactly what the problem is and the solution has been presented to you over and over again
  3. You have been getting serious answers - you simply do not like them
  4. If you're insistent on using Media Auto-Play and having your Draw Distance set so high as to encompass these problem parcels, there is nothing Support can do to help you

To sum it up and in short? No one is being "unhelpful" - some of us are simply quite tired of being told we "don't know" what we're talking about or that the problem is somehow "different" than the reality.

The solution:

  1. Shut off all Media Auto-Play options - yes, all of them - and keep them off
  2. Barring the above keep your Draw Distance Below 128 Meters

That's it. That's all. There's nothing here that should involve Linden Lab's Support teams, no hinky, hidden options you're missing ... Nothing whatsoever outside of being unwilling/unable to do what is needed.

Do note that when I went to the parcel in your very video - the one with the house boat on it the land itself was restricted access and required anyone not in an access list that was trying to help you to hover above the restriction/ban line envelope. Also note that it took going into my settings twice once the testing was done to make sure that the proper settings (Auto-Play off, Scripted Media Control off) stuck.

ETA: Moira has also posted a screenshot of the relevant Media controls for the Linden offered, default Viewer so you can at least find them.

Edited by Solar Legion
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5 hours ago, AtomicShrink said:

I am trying to look for a solution for the entire land, so that when people come to my land every single one of them does not have to start making changes to their settings.

there isn't a solution along the lines of what you are asking which is: Can we block shared media (media-on-a-prim) on another person's parcel from being heard by visitors to our parcel ?

you would need to file a Request New Feature JIRA to get this capability as a parcel control



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If there are people coming to your club who do not know how or where to set their own viewer's media preferences, than a notecard giver with a notecard explaining the settings for the commonly used viewers would be beneficial for others visiting your parcel.  This knowledge about viewer settings is useful not just when someone is at your parcel, but for them to have in their back pocket, so to speak, for other media issues they might come across in-world.

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