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How Does Your SL Look Today?

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Ok. So this isn't a big deal for anyone but me, but I'm kinda proud of myself.

I make my own backdrops all the time, and have become pretty handy with texturing using Blinn-Phong materials, but I set myself a task to make a scene using, wherever possible, full perm mesh and PBR materials.

So, everything in this pic except me and the soap dish -- walls, floor, tub, fixtures, shower curtains -- is made with full perm mesh that I textured myself using PBR. The materials for the curtains and the tub I made by hand. I'm not big on the curtain pattern, actually, and will probably change it, but the exciting thing about that one is that it's the first time I've used an alpha material! Woot me!! Oh yes, and a reflection probe of course.

Anyway, eventually, I'll add other stuff that is not PBR or full perm -- toilet, sink, etc. -- because I'm enthusiastic but not actually stupid. But I'm sufficiently proud of myself that I thought I'd post this.

Look at that bathtub gleam!!!!



Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


Ok. So this isn't a big deal for anyone but me, but I'm kinda proud of myself.

I make my own backdrops all the time, and have become pretty handy with texturing using Blinn-Phong materials, but I set myself a task to make a scene using, wherever possible, full perm mesh and PBR materials.

So, everything in this pic except me and the soap dish -- walls, floor, tub, fixtures, shower curtains -- is made with full perm mesh that I textured myself using PBR. The materials for the curtains and the tub I made by hand. I'm not big on the curtain pattern, actually, and will probably change it, but the exciting thing about that one is that it's the first time I've used an alpha material! Woot me!! Oh yes, and a reflection probe of course.

Anyway, eventually, I'll add other stuff that is not PBR or full perm -- toilet, sink, etc. -- because I'm enthusiastic but not actually stupid. But I'm sufficiently proud of myself that I thought I'd post this.

Look at that bathtub gleam!!!!



It's not even "grungy" yet (a reoccurring theme in your pictures).  Now I know why you needed "full perm"!

(Rereading post) Great job!

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5 hours ago, Robberinthemuseum said:
On 8/27/2024 at 2:57 PM, Luna Bliss said:

Ember Hair?!  What the heck? lol They're running out of sales ideas @ this place!  Or is it for Halloween?a829176157b2b3e760f6361bc49a125a.gif



It's HOT!!   You know, come to think of it, I might just buy it for one of my pagan/shamanic ceremonies where we celebrate the animals and the elements -- fire being one of the elements...lol.

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So since I sometimes do stupid things I bought a no transfer version of the ring my GF had picked out. This morning I sent a note card to the owner of Ysoral and asked if she could help, and she sent my GF a copy. Great customer service that deserves recognition

new ring


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8 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

It's not even "grungy" yet (a reoccurring theme in your pictures).

I don't necessarily want this bathroom "grungy," but I do think I might make a separate set of PBR materials for it that introduce a bit of "wear and tear" of the sort that bathrooms are prone to. I'd like it to look "lived in," rather than something you'd see in a showroom. So, maybe some slight staining in the tub under the faucets. Some marks on the otherwise pristine plaster walls. That sort of thing.

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So I was sitting in my living room, hanging out with my fairy friend while reading the forums


When the topic of games came up, and I decided it had been a while since I last curbed the zombie plague that is going on in Second Life.  Plus, I forgot that there was an Easter Hunt going on and wanted to complete it.


See how rude zombies are?  I need that green egg, I was there first, and this zombie just appears out of nowhere and tries to get it from me.


I eventually got them all, and turned in the quest and got a prize 😁


Brooding mah egg.

I made a video of my journeys, working on another quest.

 Anyway, now I am goofing around in the region.



I'm a multitasker, brooding mah egg while taking care of zombie business.  I wonder what my egg will hatch into.

Edited by Istelathis
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I'm still at Grimly's, this time on one of their platforms that is more medieval fantasy themed.  I've been goofing around online, so I wonder if the owner is wondering what I am up to just standing around in one spot 🤣

Anyway, I was out exploring a bit and was attacked by a bunch of local bandits, so I made my way back to the village inn, looking for a bed to rest in while I recovered some health, and I ran into this.


Oh mah gawdz, don't you dare tell me that is not Anabelle's doll. There is some evil spirits dwelling in there, and I for one am not having it.. not at all! 


The power of FSM compels you!  Now go to the light, evil doll, go to the light!


This house is clean!




After exorcizing the inn, I went out for some fresh air.  My this area looks so lovely, I had to take snapshot of it.

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10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

The movie wasn't so terrible except the head-in-a-box.

I saw that movie years ago, sometimes even now it messes with my head.


Today a friend IMed me and wanted me to come by and give her my opinion of some dresses she made textures for, I was thinking what do I know about dress textures, so I brought along an expert.

checking out dresses


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Playing zombie games, while watching Z nation :D


It has been a few years since I have watched this show, just long enough where I start to forget a lot of the details and it is enjoyable again.  I tell you, sometimes having a poor memory can be a good thing. 

I found a pretty nice spot for it in my home, it gives me a view of my pool, while being able to watch the TV at the same time.


I lost 😭 It is all the bot's fault, she wouldn't stop distracting me with talk of the show.


As revenge, I'm going after her with my player on the board.  Unfortunately, the prim bullet does not seem to have any effect. It does not go past the board..



I'm afraid of the retaliation that may occur now.

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8 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

My pics are not half as fancy as yours, but I'll post them when I have some time to sit at my computer.

We aren't competing for who takes the fanciest pics. Now with my female alts, and yours, we can compete on who looks the best!!! LOL!!! It's all about having fun anyways!!!

Edited by SandorWren
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