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@Zalificent Corvinus pointed out what it does. I did not. I pointed out that that particular function used on Caitlin would make me ill. You @Scylla Rhiadra, pointed to further details of what it is capable of from the MP listing.  Only people familiar with the device would know anything.  As I said, to anyone unfamiliar, it could just as easily been a healing device, which it IS capable of.  As @Cinnamon Mistwoodpointed out, to her it looked like a sleeping pod. I guess it's oversharing that I point out I would feel physically ill by seeing my wife's limb's amputated, even if it's just in SL form. Which WAS my point.

Edited by Bagnu
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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I would never guess that you are into that stuff!

How about a tiny extra sun, extra is good. Betelgeuse is fusing helium, it will be seen in the daytime sky and the Natthimmel sim had the same fate. As stowaway assistant to the Chief Medical Officer of the UESS Rocinante I would recommend more sci-fi movies. Please start with Dune. They had Neko Lion bowls of food at Natthimmel, like amputated limbs, and you missed them because you never went there like we did.

Edited by kisket
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4 hours ago, Istelathis said:

That is a gorgeous looking ship, it looks huge!  Does it have a lot rooms inside of it?

It is, isn't it? It was a gift at one of the shop and hop events. Sadly, there's no interior. I think it's meant for a combat sim of sorts. Still, I've been on the lookout for a cool fantasy variant like it since, just to occasionally cruise around with, aye? You're right about the size though. Here's my Avi for scale.


I admit. We had a lot of fun with the idea of some random person looking out their window, seeing this absolutely massive monstrosity sail past and going "yup, that's Second Life I guess".

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3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I would never guess that you are into that stuff!

Not for nothing, there's that saying about quiet waters. I can see it.

/edit: Oh my god, it happened. I started making double posts too. It's too late now. Don't mourn for me, it's all down hill from here.

Edited by ValKalAstra
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8 hours ago, Istelathis said:

I love this one 🥰 May I ask how you got this effect?  

That is a gorgeous looking ship, it looks huge!  Does it have a lot rooms inside of it?

This one reminded of the resurrection pod from the "Fifth Element", and also the medical pod from the movie "Prometheus".  It wasn't until later that I read on the forums for its actual use, which I will put into the ever growing walled off section of my head 🤣

Thanks!!! I used NIK abstract effects pro, and faded it.

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12 hours ago, Bagnu said:

Had no one said anything, I wouldn't have said anything.  Simply from my pics it could have seen purely as a sci-fi healing device. I get called out, I answer honestly. And yes, it CAN be used for healing. That IS a part of it's function.

Could you stop it? Take the debate to DM.

Whether Scylla is right, wrong, or off base, makes no difference. While it may be more Zalificent Corvinus' comment that took this sideways Scylla and others are uncomfortable with that type of sharing. You don't get it because you are into some measure of pain-kink, but it should be obvious the subject is inflicting what Zalificent and you find acceptable on those who don't. Chopping up human bodies is an unpleasant thought for many of us.


Taxing this Shergood Air Bus is surprisingly difficult.

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On 10/10/2023 at 10:18 PM, Bagnu said:

Cat and I inspecting a new piece of machinery I bought yesterday for our playroom. This one will take some time to set up properly.

Cat and Sandor Transformation machine Sandor.png

Transformation Machine.png

I don't see anything wrong with this, except that IT'S A TORTURE DEVICE FOR YOUR "PLAYROOM"!

Halloween Theme FTW?!?

Possible the only advice I'd give is, we don't have to know it's your "playroom". ("Playroom" = "telling us what you do for kink".)

Heck, otherwise - it's "your thread".  UBU

FWIW, I went back several pages to try and figure out how the discussion started.  Too bad that there's almost 2 pages just talking about this.  

ETA: For old folks, "FTW" = "For the win", "FWIW" = "For what it's worth". "UBU" = "You be you."


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2 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Taxing this Shergood Air Bus is surprisingly difficult.

   At least it has wheels, with an Enstrom or an EC-135 you 'need' to taxi whilst hovering (I mean you can slide around on the skids, but even a slight bump may turn your helicopter into a blender!). The H-160 always felt a little too 'spaceship-y' in its handling for my taste, but it's a pretty thing.

   Can't wait for the MD-500 to be released!

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