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Linden Houses and Sex


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I have a premium account that gives me a free linden house. This house is in a moderate region. All the regions surrounding my region are moderate. Every occupied house around me has a sex bed. (1) Is this ok in moderate regions to have sex in your linden house? I thought you had to at least be 18 to even come to a moderate area, at least that is what I read on the internet. (2) Can someone move their world view camera across many sims from a General rated sim and watch me having sex? (3) how far can people zoom their cameras? Mine does not zoom very far and I can't zoom across a region into a new region with it.
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  1. yes, as long as it's not publicly exposed
    • 16/17 Teens are not supposed to be able to access M/A rated land... I'm unsure how that works out for Linden homes as I thought they were all on M land...either they can't access linden homes, or there are some G rated ones somewhere)
  2. theoretically, yes, if they are connected regions,
  3. this depends on draw distance, and a few other factors, in general, only the next region or two over at a max (the servers cull smaller prims and avatar count is limited)
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Aren't Linden homes restricted to the ground? No skyboxes allowed? I'm surprised anyone would put in a sex bed there. Just go buy a 512 plot somewhere else and put a skybox way up in the air. I think that gives you a reasonable amount of privacy.

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It's true there is no such thing as privacy in SL. But on the other hand, don't be so self conscious!  Most folk are too busy with their own second lives and are just not that interested in what you may be doing in yours.

This is especially true in the Linden home lands. I have a Linden home and even though I am surrounded by other Linden homes, there is hardly ever anyone around.  I've moved a few times to different Linden homes and it's always been the case.  It's a ghost town. Just look at your radar, if there's no one there then they can't see or hear you. 


ETA, I didn't mean to reply to you personally, Venus.  I was really talking to the OP, but hit the wrong reply button

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Void Singer wrote:

  1. yes, as long as it's not publicly exposed

Everything in a Linden home -IS- publicaly exposed. Too close together and at ground. So people can and will see you and anything you do in them should not be considered private.

By the ToS it would be ARable. As sexbeds on M land were never approved. The only language to their effect was a cryptic answer from a now-former-linden saying 'well nobody will find it' when asked whether or not using a sexbed on M land was ok. Kinda skipped the question.

So... use at your own risk until such time as the lindens provide more clarity - which they are famous for not doing when it comes to adult activities.

 HOWEVER... the most liberal interpretion of that statement I can reasonably infer is that it would be ok if well hidden... as long as it was not found... ( :D ). Which rules out anything at ground, especially in a place so exposed like a Linden home.


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if it does not meet what adult content is then it is considered mature content and activities..

on mature land you can cut the grass nude if a sim owner allows nudity outside..you just can't have sex while cutting the grass if the grass is outside  lol

it was said that you could have sex beds on mature land and that you could have sex in your private homes..

you don't need a sky box for it..if someone cams in then the ones inside are not advertising..the ones outside are seeking..

if the ones inside were promoting and seeking an audience..then it becomes adult content and activities..otherwise it is mature content and activities..

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

it was said that you could have sex beds on mature land and that you could have sex in your private homes..

you don't need a sky box for it..

See... A lot of people have this perception.

But -where- was it said? Find the quote. I don't think it exists. I think its a common perception and might be correct, but its not in the ToS and there doesn't appear to be any statement on record to the effect - that I've been able to find.


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People only assume they took  sex and sex beds away from mature..Really it never was allowed in our front yards..It was always suposed to be in doors..On mainland anyways..Nude beaches were not allowed outdoors on mainland as well..

Where is it that they said you can't have a sex bed on mature lands ? Where is it that it shows in the definitions that you can't have sex on mature lands..Adult definitions define what the rules are to determine what adult is...

Doing those things on mature land will have your sim rating changed to adult by LL..Not falling into the adult definitions won't..Even for a business

You won't find them saying what a resident with a private home needs to do and what they can't do..Because this move and these definitions were not about the private land owners..Only for commerce and those using search for public awareness..

If it was ment as definitions for private residents as well  don't you think we would have seen at some point them saying sexual activities are not allowed on mature and sex beds are not allowed on mature if they were not?

Basically what they say is if you do have it on mature..Don't do what is described in the adult definitions..

Adult definitions define what is not allowed on mature and has to be moved to adult regions..

all that is is this..

The Adult designation applies to Second Life Regions that host, conduct, or display content that is sexually explicit, intensely violent, or depicts illicit drug use. A region must be designated Adult and therefore require account verification if it hosts, advertises, or publicly promotes the following:

I'm not gonna fill the page up with the definitions because it's really all the short of it right up in the first lines..

that is the main quote from the lindens that counts..

I'm not gonna go through all that mess from back then to try to find someone that said something when it shows it right in the definitions..

 It comes down to this..If you are having sex on a sex bed on your private land or on a friends private land with them and not doing what is listed on the adult definitions then it is mature content and activities and not adult and is allowed..

with pg or general..none of it is..they were clear about that..you would think they would have been just as clear if it was taken away from mature/moderate as well..hehehehe





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Your quote doesn't show anything. So I've gone looking to see if I can do your work for you in this, and below I've partly succeeded in arguing your point that you should have been backing yourself if you were going to advocate it. ;)

It states that sexual activity is not allowed on M land:

Second Life's Moderate designation accommodates most of the non-adult activities common in Second Life.


content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Moderate rather than Adult regions


don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces). However if any of these businesses uses adult-oriented search tags, the region may be categorized as Adult and blocked from appearing in non-Adult search.

We've all been inferring it. But where is it?

I -do- think we're correct to infer it, but there's no proof of that inferance.

We almost have something here:

offer examples of the types of regions that are and are not considered Adult,
based for example on distinctions between "public" and "private" content
, as well as distinctions between content that is "expressly sexually themed" and content that is not. 

In the part I've underlined. But that language is weakened by the second half of the sentence stating expressly sexual as an 'as well as' category rather than under the umbrella of public/private.

So turning to that FAQ for clarity. The first thing to notice is the FAQ is not written by a linden, but by a resident. Yet it is linked to by a page written by lindens so I -guess- that makes it trustworthy.

The new definitions for PG, Mature, and Adult land are eventually supposed to be followed by everyone. In particular,
some things that used to be allowed on Mature land, will not be any more. If you fall in that category, you would have to change those things, or move to Adult land


(2) Mixed public and private use of a parcel, for example a store at ground level which only sells non-adult items, and a
skybox above, which is residential
, and contains sex furniture. The landing point is at the store only. This would require a moderate rating. 

And there is something. In fact that's something pretty solid. It defuddles some of what Blondin had stated. Or does it just imply from what Blondin stated by a resident? Still, no linden has come to contradict it and in fact they've linked to it.

So I guess that answers -my- concern with regards to locations that are genuinely private.

But I would still argue actor beware for anything at ground or otherwise easily publicly accessible.

(And I'm not bothered to have half or more of my argument defeated here by my own post - this is all I've been looking for all this time. An actual statement. People have been putting forth a stance for 2 years now without ever backing it up. A position needs backing to be credible. Still concerned that this section of the FAQ was entered by a resident.)


http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Adult_Content_FAQ - from Smith Peel

http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Maturity-ratings/ta-p/700119#Section_.2.3 - from so many Lindens its best to just let people see the history page to see credits:




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you showed me that it doesn't allow the promotion of sexual conduct..

"don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces). However if any of these businesses uses adult-oriented search tags, the region may be categorized as Adult and blocked from appearing in non-Adult search."

also remember if adult is about advertising and promotion and hosting to the public of sex and drugs and violence ect and all that in the definitions..then non adult would be  mature or moderate non advertised..adult activities is  rating for adult sims adult activities ..sexual industry..

adult content isn't alllowed on moderate land..moderate is..just like sex beds and strip clubs have two ratings so do activities and conduct and content and everythimg else..promote those  things  and it becomes adult..don't and it's non adult/moderate..


here is what it states for Moderate and where it shows that it is about commerce..it is all about public hosting and promotion of the activities and content ect..I'll post both Moderate and mature intact this time because we are gonnna confuse the heck out of others..i just didn't think we were gonna have another one of these threads hehehe


Second Life's Moderate designation accommodates most of the non-adult activities common in Second Life. Dance clubs, bars, stores and malls, galleries, music venues, beaches, parks, and other spaces for socializing, creating, and learning all support a Moderate designation so long as they do not host publicly promoted adult activities or content and do not use adult search tags. Groups, events and classifieds that relate to this broad range of activities and themes generally should also be designated as Moderate.

Residents in these spaces should therefore expect to see a variety of themes and content. Stores that sell a range of content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Moderate rather than Adult regions. Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Moderate regions as long as they don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces). However if any of these businesses uses adult-oriented search tags, the region may be categorized as Adult and blocked from appearing in non-Adult search.



now lets do adult

here it shows what the adult rating applies to..


The Adult designation applies to Second Life Regions that host, conduct, or display content that is sexually explicit, intensely violent, or depicts illicit drug use. A region must be designated Adult and therefore require account verification if it hosts, advertises, or publicly promotes the following:

  • Representations of intensely violent acts, for example depicting death, torture, dismemberment or other severe bodily harm, whether or not photo-realistic. (Photo-realistic means that an image either is or cannot be distinguished from a photograph.)
  • Photo-realistic nudity.
  • Expressly sexually themed content, spaces or activities, whether or not photo-realistic. We broadly define what is "sexually themed" to include any sexually oriented activities and conduct.

Groups, event listings and classified ads that reference these themes or content must also be designated Adult. Linden Lab will enforce these rules but cannot monitor all ephemeral content and conduct within Second Life. Therefore:

  • Regions, groups, and event or classified ad listings that employ search tags plainly suggestive of adult behavior or content require the Adult designation, and will not be viewable to Residents who are not account verified.
  • Linden Lab will conduct proactive monitoring and rely on abuse reports that identify adult content or conduct that is promoted or advertised publicly. Where adult content or conduct on a region is publicly advertised or promoted, that region must be designated as Adult (or such content must be removed). We will re-designate such regions if adult content is not removed.
  • Linden Lab may take into account whether apparent or reported adult content or conduct in a particular region serves only an extremely limited or passive function, or an important educational or cultural function, and therefore would be appropriate for all Second Life audiences.
  • As with all reported activity in violation of our policies, we will actively review all reports of adult conduct and provide Residents with a channel for rebuttal.


Since a private resident would not be advertising or promoting or putting themselves on search for the whole world to come watch them have sex or chop someone up or whatever  is on that list that is trying to get traffic..it doesn't fall under the adult definitions..


the things leaving mature was the adult commerce and porn industry pretty much and all that advertising..

LL's definitions are pretty much like reading their state laws  and quite a few others when it comes to  porn industry..

i looked them up a few times in the past couple of years and i could understand why they worded it like they did..they wanted to get it right with the state and let us figure it out..

i haven't been confused on this subject  since they made the changes and  i had figured out what adult content was and what mature was..


just like the redzone CS change..LL may have to just spell it out clear..but i doubt they are going to do that unless there was a huge bunch of drama like there waa with redzone hehehehe

i think they like to keep a lot guessing on this rather than them feeling they  can test the limits..


as far as blondin goes..ya he said sex beds were allowed..he said it in one of the brown bag meetings..

the old FAQ's were where it said  mature experience won't be changing for residents ..that this change was blehh..i'm having a hard time rememering all of that..but it had to do with bringing more options for residents rather than taking them away..

really if i were you i would listen to the audio files..they are so much easier to listen to than reading all that..also much easier to understand..i listend to them if they had them rather than do all that reading..if i found a spot of intrest i just found it in the transcript and copied the section..

the bad part was they didn't  have them for all the meetings hehehe

 ETA: i would also like to say that i have backed up what i have said on this subject more times than i can count...

it's that  after doing it so many times it starts to feel like it's pointless lol

that and i was hoping this thread wouldn't really get too much into this to where i would have to spend the day looking all that stuff up again hehehe...it takes time to get warmed back up after vacation lol :P







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OFGS, can we not just hush up and enjoy the view? It's a cartoon! If you don't like it, DON'T WATCH, LMAO

Reminds me of a place I worked that undertook the oh-so-silly task of having employees police how short a girls panties were allowed to be. Don't want to see my cheeks? Why is your cam up my skirt!?

Teens? lol. If I had a teen that couldn't figure out how to get themself adult verified under the current system within a matter of hours, I would seriously consider having them tested. That said. We aren't teaching them anything new. Most could teach us all sorts of ways to have fun again.


And I hate living in the air. I keep my sex bed in my house ON THE GROUND with the security set to OFF. I also love to ride nude on horseback cross-country anywhere there isn't a security line. Sue me. But don't try telling me my horse don't cover more than most of the panties I can buy off the marketplace.

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Linden homes are intersting things. I like mine and as a new account holder i picked one up and decorated it.

I had a good look around to see what the neighbouring houses were like and introduced myself to those neighbours who actually made appearances. Many houses were empty, or hardly used, but about half had some activity and a third i was able to get in touch with to say hello.

I`ve spend much time exploring and peering into the empty houses and a good few seem to be "love nests", contain thrones, adult poseballs and so on. Sometimes that is *all* they contain. I am cool with that personally, its their house after all and its not as if the linden home areas have much activity or through traffic.

I agree with the posters above who say that privacy is not assured in second life. So, if you do get some cuddle time, at least make it interesting in case you get an audience!

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if they all have sex beds..just send out flyers for a block party new to the block oooorgy...

if the majority show up then you have the majority of the vote for  them to be ok on the ground..if they don't..well you still had a great time :matte-motes-evil:

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

if they all have sex beds..just send out flyers for a block party new to the block oooorgy...

if the majority show up then you have the majority of the vote for  them to be ok on the ground..if they don't..well you still had a great time :matte-motes-evil:


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Storm Clarence wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

if they all have sex beds..just send out flyers for a block party new to the block oooorgy...

if the majority show up then you have the majority of the vote for  them to be ok on the ground..if they don't..well you still had a great time :matte-motes-evil:


Stop lookin at me like that!!! show some teeth \o/


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

if they all have sex beds..just send out flyers for a block party new to the block oooorgy...

if the majority show up then you have the majority of the vote for  them to be ok on the ground..if they don't..well you still had a great time :matte-motes-evil:


Stop lookin at me like that!!! show some teeth \o/


I don't 'look' at you - I STARE at you.  :matte-motes-bored:

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  • 2 months later...

Are Linden homes restricted to just the owner being able to operate a sexual hud... a **bleep**?  I find that when my alt comes to my home, his **bleep** hud will not operate?  How can i change that so that any avi I invite to the home - male or female - can have sex by using a hud?

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  • 8 months later...

This post is from long ago, what I did find out was that I didnt have to have a "linden home".  I was able to bid on mainland and get land in adult areas.  There I was able in the main land to set many land flags.  The flags I set were:  do not let anybody on nearby land see us.  Keep all voice to this parcel.   Keep all gestures, chat, and media to this parcel.  All these things make me practically invisible in adult land even to my neighbors.  :)  Keep everyone out of my little nest.  etc.  hehehehe. 

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