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Random Acts of Kindness


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I try to remember to do random acts of kindness but many times I get caught up in something to grumble about and forget to spread kindness. Lately, I have been doing some in SL though. I send compliments to people about their avi, name or profile or I wish them a wonderful day, etc. Other times I may buy something small for someone.

We are so often bombarded with bad news, toxicity, etc.. would be nice if we took a few minutes each day to do a random act of kindness, whether in SL or RL.

I'm looking for ideas on things to do for kindness, I bet some of you have some really creative ideas!

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I once saw someone in the most beautiful outfit and asked her where she got it. She gave me a landmark and, a few minutes later, the same outfit. It wasn't cheap by the standards of the day and I had never met her before. So generous.

I've had several men get things off high shelves for me lately at the supermarket and even insist that I go in front of them in the queue. I think I'll carry on wearing the mask even when this is all over. I do well when people can't see my face.

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Mine aren’t random, I’m more for keeping a constant level of kindness—for example, refusing to go all-bitchy on things others are quick to make a fuss of. We all have toxicity, it’s just many people show it at the slightest chance because of the all-too common misconception that it makes you sound outspoken (and therefore cool). I’ve had people telling me I’m extremely kind, just because I wholly ignored the angry tirade they first spewed at me (or the world in general) and kept calmly focused on whatever their actual issue was, until they got the hint and we (often easily) talked it thru. Wasn’t even particularly cheerful or sweet, I reserve that for my friends; yet they ended up feeling I was very kind to them. Just showing patience often does the trick—that shows you how rare it’s deemed. And all things rare can be given as a gift.

Sometimes I help people with questions or issues, where there’s not already a helping staff in place whose work I’d interfere with. The virtue of it is, you already know what they need (which you don’t always know, with a compliment or a material gift). And sometimes it’s not technical help, but just listening, even if you can’t solve it for them. Maybe they broke with their partner, or lost their job. Some people just say “oh, that sucks” and change the topic as quickly as possible; they don’t want their mood spoiled. Or they say, “oh, that sucks; I know, I lost mine, too”, and end up telling you all about it; they don’t really want to listen, though they don’t mind if the other does. Sitting with the other with a “tell me everything about it; don’t omit any detail” isn’t something many people do, let alone for strangers. The “leave drama out of SL” thing often ends up meaning “let’s not talk about drama, unless it’s mine”. Listening to a stranger, really listening until you feel he’s healed a bit through catharsis, can be a powerful act of kindness too. And if done right, you both end up feeling better.

Edited by Ren Toxx
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Random acts of kindness:


1) I often give a small gift of l$ to noobs I encounter to help them get started, along with some decent landmarks

2) when I see a bot standing by a body of water, I give them a free push into the water

3) Keep support busy with random crazy ideas phrased as really bad jokes

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I was shopping in the recent shop and hop event, and I got stuck under ground while crossing to the other sim, but that was fine with me because I'm cam shopping, but someone was standing next to me; sent me a message asking if I'm stuck and she's willing to send me a teleport to get me out of there.

Also some time ago, someone sent me a message informing me that my avatar does not show and I appear as  a cloud, and I should refresh my attachments, and she told me how to do that.

One time i was exploring the mainland walking, and nice person was passing by in her car, she stopped and we chit chat a little then she offered me a ride to my destination.

I was working on my land and having a hard time adjusting and terraforming my land, and someone was passing by or maybe watching what I was doing and saw that I'm struggling, so he told me some tips and tricks on how i can work things out, he actually spent an hour telling me how to do this and that, and was very helpful.

There's more, but that's what I remembered right away after reading the topic!

Edited by SarahThe Wanderer
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