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spoop towns

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We go to one of any number of communities that are full of what appear to be living-breathing avatars, nametags, pop-up menu, the whole deal. They have profiles, seem to be real individuals, but they're in a semi-public region with many other such individuals and they're just frozen in place. And you know you're getting into the Experience when it starts feeling spooky. When you stumble across these empty full places- and they're usually public places with clubs and plazas and other businesses- what stories do you tell yourself about what is going on to stay immersed in the experience?

We came across a region with 46 avatars who were to all appearances exanimate, and it hit us that there was some potential story plot hidden in this field of inspiration. Was there some massive misalignment in the passage of time between us and them, yet somehow Second Life is still connecting us, or maybe they've been uploaded to the grid and these are just placeholders for what are now beings of pure information. Or maybe all of them stepped away from their keyboards moments ago, but then why? The cynical answer would be the region developer has connected all those idling bots to make it look active when it is in fact a ghost town. The fun answer is to imagine it is in fact a spook town of some variety. What other stories could fit appearances? 

What's a story fitting of such a melancholic vibe? Or is it joyful? Or mysterious? Or terrifying? Or beautiful? 

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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