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Items being sent out in a group, created from a recently banned account..


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A account was recently banned...

I am in a group, and they are sending out items that this account created and even had a notice in reference to the user not going be back anytime soon.. 

Should items be reported, or just ignore it and let it happen?

Edited by xaoos
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  • xaoos changed the title to Items being sent out in a group, created from a recently banned account..
4 hours ago, xaoos said:

Should items be reported, or just ignore it and let it happen?

I dont get the issue at all.

Imagine im an officer of a group. I create something whats used for being sent to the group on a regular basis... maybe just a very long notecard or whatever. And i give it to the other group officers, too.

Then i do something stoopid and get banned from SL.
Why on earth the other officers and owner shouldnt be allowed anymore to send my notecard to the group?

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As long as it is not a griefing object that puts your account at risk then I would just ignore it. There are a lot of items in SL from accounts that have been banned. In fact if anyone has ever heard of Q-Bikes in the past they'd know those were some of the best scripted bikes on SL and the creator got banned for porting some GTA models in to SL from what I heard. Which honestly I think is a stupid reason to ban someone, but it is what it is. Point being many people still own those bikes. If people got banned for owning objects or even passing them around then no one would be playing SL mate. lol :D

Edited by Velk Kerang
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like the others have said unless its scripted to cause harm, then i would not worry so much about it. unless you know the other person and they didnt want the items passed around. and some times accounts that are banned may be only temp banned for a set time and the person may be back and then they can deal with it themselves if they feel something was done wrong by the other person sharing the items.

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13 hours ago, xaoos said:

A account was recently banned...

I am in a group, and they are sending out items that this account created and even had a notice in reference to the user not going be back anytime soon.. 

Should items be reported, or just ignore it and let it happen?

As long as the items themselves are not either malicious/griefing objects, or stolen, it doesn't matter and can be ignored. The items themselves won't be affected by the creator's ban.

Notices disappear from the listings after 14 days, then after that it's up to the group owners to decide whether or not to re-post the items or not. 

If you have evidence that the items are stolen or dangerous, then you should report it to the group owners. I don't think there's a way to delete a notice early, but they can post another notice to members to warn them not to use the object if necessary.

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