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What will you spend the most on?

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I don't chase bodies, heads or skins much. I do obsess with shoes and I have a lot. I avoid fps and just get my colours. So up to and around L$500 maybe.

Hairs I'm picky about and the one thing I always demo. I would also demo heads but rarely buy them.

Clothes can be from rock bottom up to the Blueberry mega packs, which cost loads but give such a range of outfits. They hit at over L$2k but worth it!!

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On literally anything I like. 
tho I do hesistate on "big" purchases above 1000l. I do tend to purchase fatpacks of certain creators I like for their quality, and know I'll use more than just one or two colours.

Also, interessting avatarcomponents, like my Lamia-tail, Mermaid tails, extra limbs. I still want a Driderbody so badly (despite being an arachnophobe, lol) but that's a little pricey, so I hesistate.

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With the abundance of weekend sales around if i like something i buy it, for some stores things i think about buying at full price soon enough come up in one of the weekend sales.one of the very few things i'm willing to drop serious L$ on is buildings if a build costs upwards of L$1k and it's good enough i demo it multiple times and can imagine my stuff in it however much it costs is worth it

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I forgot about this til just this past weekend when I was at an RFL event, I spent $12,243LL in donations, playing a fun game of one up man ship with a person who couldn't stand odd numbers in the donation accumulation, so every time they donated to round off to the nearest ten dollar, I'd pay an odd amount to mess with them.   I will give whatever I have to find a cure for cancer.

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