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Should I update my head?


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Hi! I have been using the Lelutka Greer for years and I love the look, animations, HUD... Problem is, it's been hard to find a shape/skin combo that looks fresh and up to date. 

I bought one of the Lelutka Evolution heads for an alt account a few months ago. It's pretty, but it was a huge bummer not being able to use Lelutka appliers that aren't specifically for the Evo line. It kinda feels like a sacrifice of options both ways: not many skins and shapes for Greer, and not the history of appliers for Evo.

My question is, should I just bite the bullet and upgrade my main to an Evolution head?  All the new skins and makeup I'm seeing released is BOM, which (I think?) Greer isn't compatible with, unless Leleutka has released an update Idk about. Are most people updating to BOM ready heads?  If you have updated, are you happy with the selection of products, and how difficult was it having to do an overhaul of applier items in your wardrobe?

As for other heads, I didn't care for Catwa when I tried it in the past.  I see Genus has become a lot more popular.  Anyone here a big fan of these heads?

Thanks. ❤️ 

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Genus is a great option, but they're unavailable right now. Sadly, they were DCMA'ed last month, and are tied up in that process. 

I really like LAQ heads, myself. They're great with BOM skins and take really well to system skins made before mesh. I wear a Birdy skin with the Maitreya applier sometimes on mine. There are lots of different features. The only problem is that the major third party skin makers don't make a lot of skins for them - but the LAQ brand skins are gorgeous and detailed, and reasonably priced. 

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11 minutes ago, AmethystxMoonstone said:

All the new skins and makeup I'm seeing released is BOM, which (I think?) Greer isn't compatible with, unless Leleutka has released an update Idk about.

Most mesh heads that were released before BoM came about have now updated. The two Lelutka heads that I own (Andrea and Guy) both updated to include a BoM activation option on their HUDs, so It's highly likely that Greer will have done the same. The update will be free, so there's no harm in getting it.

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4 hours ago, AmethystxMoonstone said:

Problem is, it's been hard to find a shape/skin combo that looks fresh and up to date. 

Frankly, I don't quite get this. You don't need a skin specifically saying "hey, I'm made for the Greer head!". One of my alts is happy with a Genus BOM skin by Session on her ...iforgotwhichheadsheowns... LeLutka head.

And yeah, unless you'd have a non-Bento head aka the really, really old and static ones, you can happily get your update and enjoy BOM layers.

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I have the oldest Bento head, Simone, and it is updated to BoM. I am going to update to the new Evolution head as soon as Lelutka has a head that I like. Their Evolution heads are so far very, very different from Simone. I already see that there is no new makeup in events for other than Evolution heads, so I plan to update. I use the makeups that is pre Evolution for LeLutka, so I can wait until there is a head I really like.

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7 hours ago, AmethystxMoonstone said:

My question is, should I just bite the bullet and upgrade my main to an Evolution head?  All the new skins and makeup I'm seeing released is BOM, which (I think?) Greer isn't compatible with, unless Leleutka has released an update Idk about. Are most people updating to BOM ready heads?  If you have updated, are you happy with the selection of products, and how difficult was it having to do an overhaul of applier items in your wardrobe?

Greer should be compatible with BoM if you have an up to date version all pre Evolution heads are now known as Origin heads i'm sure and work with BoM, the demos i had before getting my Chloe head had a BoM option in the HUD long before it went live in LL main viewer. I bought at the right time as with in a day or two FS came out with a BoM viewer and i've never had to bother with brand specific appliers i just use my mesh head the same way as my system head quite pleased that my system layer cosmetics work well. If i was in the market for a new head i wouldn't bother with one that didn't work with BoM

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8 hours ago, AmethystxMoonstone said:

Hi! I have been using the Lelutka Greer for years and I love the look, animations, HUD... Problem is, it's been hard to find a shape/skin combo that looks fresh and up to date. 

I bought one of the Lelutka Evolution heads for an alt account a few months ago. It's pretty, but it was a huge bummer not being able to use Lelutka appliers that aren't specifically for the Evo line. It kinda feels like a sacrifice of options both ways: not many skins and shapes for Greer, and not the history of appliers for Evo.

My question is, should I just bite the bullet and upgrade my main to an Evolution head?  All the new skins and makeup I'm seeing released is BOM, which (I think?) Greer isn't compatible with, unless Leleutka has released an update Idk about. Are most people updating to BOM ready heads?  If you have updated, are you happy with the selection of products, and how difficult was it having to do an overhaul of applier items in your wardrobe?

As for other heads, I didn't care for Catwa when I tried it in the past.  I see Genus has become a lot more popular.  Anyone here a big fan of these heads?

Thanks. ❤️ 

I would just for the BoM (Appliers will fade away)  get the one of Genus Heads (if they reopened by now.) Slink has some nice natural Heads that are BoM + Modestly Priced

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I did buy the genus head baby face last year after not being happy with the LAQ head. And I have not changed or updated my genus head.. great support, makeup support and yes I did go bom and i would never go back. .. 100% happy here ^_^ oh and also i have a genus/maitreya combo and no neck seams :)

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14 hours ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

Frankly, I don't quite get this. You don't need a skin specifically saying "hey, I'm made for the Greer head!". One of my alts is happy with a Genus BOM skin by Session on her ...iforgotwhichheadsheowns... LeLutka head.

Sometimes you do; not necessarily for a specific head, but for a specific brand. Case in point are the inner eye corners on a Catwa head when wearing a skin not specifically made for Catwa:


That's not a "slider numbers" issue; the mapping of the texture is slightly different in that area and the inner eye corners get "dragged down" towards the nose regardless of what number the inner eye corners are set to.

I have noticed that Genus skins in particular tend to not look at all nice on Catwa heads. I presume the reverse would also be true (a Catwa skin on a Genus head).



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Besides the gift head being a real special snowflake due to those eye corners... that's why we demo, demo, demo, right? ☺️

For some weird reason, I just got the idea to grab an AK head and try some Catwa BOM skins on it. A little while ago, there were some subtle hints that the UV maps were much alike... ok, that was just slightly mean.

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Lelutka DOES have BOM! Thanks for the heads up people. I've been testing out a bunch of different skins. Glam Affair seems to be the highest quality (am I too picky for being bothered by all the pixelated skins I keep coming across?) 

A few Genus ones from other designers have looked okay. The Catwa skins face doesn't quite line up on the structure of Greer (or at least the shape I have it set.) The inside of the mouth comes out of the lips so they look darkened in the middle. I will say, trying SHAPES made for different brand heads, even Lelutka Evo on an Origins looks super messed up lol.  Any way, more demo'ing to be done!  

Hopefully now I can get used to BOM on Greer, and like @Marianne Little, I will also wait til an Evo head comes out I'm smitten with.  Thanks everyone!

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