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I've got a lover LOL but I don't know what do lovers talk about!


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Willow Danube wrote:

Rhonda, these are great!

You have described how to 'give' and I'm taking notes. So lets say I'm a virgin (evil winks)... How do I 'receive'?

In Second Life?  Stand still.  Say "yes." :D


I'm not sure I understand, but receiving is much like RL. Your biggest problem will be trying to keep things from going to fast.  And they do move fast in SL. Otherwise it is much the same.  Keep the first couple of dates short so you don't "put out" too fast.  For a back out plan, you can not have a girlfriend call you an hour after the date started like RL.  However, you can have someone show up unexpectedly at your home at any time ;)

Be genuinely happy to talk and accept his flirtations with a blush and a smile.  Flirt back a little.  Try to be sure you would be compatible as friends because there is only so much sex you can do and you need to fill in a lot of time together with other things which in SL means you will talk.  A lot.   Be a good listener (notes from above) find things in common (me too) be nice (no negative comments) say thank you to his compliments and also give him compliments.  Men like to fix things; saying thank you for some form of help is a compliment to them.

I am still trying to figure out the difference between giving and receiving because I pretty much followed the same guidelines as a submissive and (long ago in SL) a man.


I can tell you what I like and you can decide how to take that if it helps.  I like to hear you beg.  I like to make you scream (we'll call it that) I want to make you scream over and over. If you are a good girl, some day I may let you feel me scream.  I like you hear you make noise.  I like the word "yes." I like to dance.  I like to go places I have never been.  I like to kiss. Makeout. Neck. Lots of affection.  I crave it.  I like ropes.  I like to take pictures and not just erotic pictures.  I like to flirt.  I like to keep my pet bound and feed her off my plate.  I like to clean my dirty pet in the shower with a car wash brush before drying her gently, releasing the bonds and brushing out her hair.  If you can receive these advances you will not stay a virgin long.

But that's just me. You would need to find out what the person you are with wants.

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Leeeeeee, this is one of the best OP's I have seen in this forum for quite some time.  Outstanding!  My compliments, and I am a tad envious that I did not make this post, myself.  

On your date I would mention this OP - I think your date would really enjoy reading how you attempted to prepare for your evening together.  Humor goes a long way.

Be your self and enjoy.


@Rhonda  I laughed.:matte-motes-bored:

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@Leeeee:  You have lots of great advice here.  Do not try to do it *all* on the one (first) date.  Make her want to see you again (and again) and you will want to feel the same (to see her again..and again!).

We all were new in SL once but we all have RL experiences we can tap into. 

Enjoy each other ...and the dance!

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Wow - this thread has been an enjoyable read!

Initially, I was tempted to respond in a light-hearted manner, but then I read Rhonda's post.

Having read Rhonda's post, I would just like to say that I think her advice perfect and I struggle to see how her suggested approach could be improved upon.

That approach will, however, take practice to carry off and so don't despair if you find it hard at first. I think that in due course you'll know you're saying the right things and asking the right type of question when you have her responding with comments like:

"You'll perhaps hate me for saying this, but you're so sweet"

"I don't know what it is about you that makes me open up so much"


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What a great topic for discussion...it's one of those things I think that almost everyone wonders about at first, but doesn't want to ask about. You've received some great advice, so all I'll add is that the two of you, above all else, need to find your own way, and learn what you like together.

Asking for (and following) suggestions is great; it says a lot that you cared enough to ask in the first place. But as Rhonda noted, it's OK to break the rules if that works for your relationship. So proceed at your own pace, don't be afraid to laugh because sometimes the situation calls for it, and enjoy!

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Perception can screw up people's minds.

If she is thought of as a lover, yes there can be some inadequacies.

However, if she was thought more as a friend (If you two are not intimate), I think a close friend would be more suitably less stressful or less inadequate to socialize with.

(Too many times I have encountered guys in RL and SL who thought dating me once or twice makes me theirs....dating is still a friendly get-together unless both of us take the next step to get closer.)


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Hmmm.  If he follows the advice given and isn't careful,  the OP runs the risk of sounding VERY scripted and not in the least bit spontaneous or off-the-cuff. 

Does it matter?  To me it does.  But then again, i'm a long way off my first time.  :matte-motes-bashful-cute:  

Generally speaking, it's MUCH better to use your own words if you can.   You'll sound so much more sincere. 

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  • 1 month later...

Ah...a lover ^^

First of all, pick a venue that isn't too laggy or empty (although dancing together when no one else is around can be romantic too). You can go to clubs where you can wear casual clothing, or take her out to a place where she (and you too!) needs to dress up for.

Always compliment her on what she is wearing. It takes effort to look nice, and she will appreciate it. Make sure you look nice as well, of course.

What to talk about...I think the approach varies based on how the relationship started. I find that relationships that started from more...sensual means tend to have sexually charged conversations, but you really don't know the person that well. So you would want to take the time to get to know your lover a bit better. Like a lot of people have said already, find out what she likes to do in SL, and what does she want to do ideally. If you started off in a more conversational manner, then for the most part, you can pretty much continue where you left off the last time you spoke and again, ask questions that will allow you to get to know her better. And remember what she talks about. If you have to write things down, then you aren't doing a good job listening. If she talks about 5 things and you ask her about 3 of them the next time you meet, then it comes from the heart, and not some fake script or false interest.

Personally I like it when the guy talks about himself and what he likes to do while on SL as well. Ambition is attractive ;) Just make sure it doesn't get too one-sided.

As for the actual dancing part...I think that even though you don't have to emote the entire dance sequence, it's a good idea to pay attention TO the type of dance that is happening. If part of the sequence shows you puling your dance partner close to you, writing, "/me pulls you closer to him" would be great, because the intimate action is getting reinforced - in text and in action. Any sensual touching that you want reinforced to make her feel good is good to emote. And talk between emotes :)

If you don't have a place of your own, find a nice romantic place to take your lover for the more...intimate moments. But before you take her, make sure you are familiar with the poses and whether the poses synch with each other. Nothing kills the mood faster if the poses are no good. Or...if you constantly change poses because you can't find the one that you want o.O

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Leeee wrote:


I've got a lover but I didn't plan for that lol


nay way what should I say when we go to dance? during dancing.. what do you say

also when we go to use some poses

I don't know what to talk about




Hi Leeee!  Welcome to SL, and to The SL forums.  Hmm...  Compliment you partner.  It makes them feel good.  Don't talk a lot about yourself.  Put your partner on a pedestal.  Make your partner feel real good about themselves.  Be honest.  Be yourself.  Whisper sweet things in your partners ear!  Forgive me, but I do not know what gender you are, and I looked at your profile, but no help there.  Maybe fill out your profile would help a little.  I will give you some generic examples of what to say.  Here are some examples:

The tone of your voice is like music to my ears, The vision of you is like candy to my eyes, Your very essence moves me to say .. I swear … I love you.

The first time my eyes fell on you … my heart leapt .. And I fell .. In love with you!

You make the nights less dark … you bring sunshine into the darkest corners of my heart.

No matter what the weather is like, even on the coldest rainiest day … the very thought of you warms the deepest parts of my soul and brings light into my life.

Night Light Searching in the dark I’m lost with out your touch,

The day comes but the sun never shines.

It’s a dream yet the candle slowly grows small.

I need the net of your love to catch me when I fall.

One kiss from you is never enough. I am always longing for our next kiss.

Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then in silence, I can only hope, my eyes will speak my heart.

That sparkle in your eyes was my ultimate undoing. 

You have made my world wonderful, beautiful and good beyond my wildest dreams. Never, ever,

did I imagine how great life could be, until I met you and discovered love.

Before you, I was like a little puppy shivering in the cold. Before you, my senses were not yet alive. You are the sustenance that has brought me to life.

This is the true measure of love: When we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will ever love in the same way after us.


Above all, remember that there is a real person behind the avatar.  So treat that avatar as you would want to be treated yourself!


Okay?  I hope this helps you!  Have fun!  Be Good!  If you can't be good then be careful!



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