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Genus Babyface Mesh Hair Issue (Help)

Amorenna Bae

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I am new to Genus and am really enjoying it and its flexibility with creating your own unique look. However, most of my mesh hair that looked great on my Catwa head is just...odd on my new Genus head. I've tried everything I can think of. If the hair has a resizing option, it only seems to work some of the time. Unrigged hair seems to be odd too no matter what I do. Any ideas, or am I just in need of finding more hairs that fit the Genus head better?

Attached is an example photo. It's pr!tty April.

Thanks for any and all help. :)


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Genus heads are forehead heavy, by design (at least, the two I've tried), and the eyes tend to be set a little lower than on other heads I've played with, or in system avatars. Also, the ears are large, set low, and angled out, although that's something that's not too hard to fix using the HUD.

One of the things you can do to alleviate the way that the forehead dominates, at least a bit, is to lengthen the chin, and adjust the mouth downward as seems necessary. Then adjust head length and shape accordingly. Also, you might try reducing the length of the head (from back to front) a bit: again, Genus heads tend to be long, I think.

In terms of hair, what works best are non-rigged styles that you can adjust one axis at a time, either using the scripts in the hair, or by conventional editing. Some rigged styles, I've discovered, simply don't work well with the head. I suppose that must be true of most heads, to some degree or other.

(What really bothered me about the Baby Face, and why I abandoned it to return to the "Classic," was the lip shape, which is really pronounced and hard to modify.)

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20 minutes ago, Amorenna said:

Thank you for your reply! I'll give it a try!

I forgot to mention: if you reduce the length of the head, it rather flattens the facial features. But forehead, brows, nose, and chin (and, to a lesser degree, cheeks) can all be adjusted separately to compensate for that!

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A lot of hair is made for Lelutka and Catwa although the creators do not explicitly say so - or very few anyway. There are only a handful that mention it.

So yes, as Scylla said you need to tweak the head shape a bit to get the hair to fit correctly. Most times you can manage to do it without really changing your head appearance too much. Or, if lucky, the hair you have comes in a few sizes in the package or has a HUD to size it up/down. 

For the most part, most hair will fit Genus heads. I've only ran into a few that really don't fit well and I just avoid them. One I remember is Pritty, just can NOT get it to look right at all so I've stopped even trying. Not like there isn't plenty of other options to be had.

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2 hours ago, Elora Lunasea said:

One I remember is Pritty, just can NOT get it to look right at all so I've stopped even trying.

Actually, now that you mention it, I tried two Pr!tty styles over the weekend, and could get neither to fit. So yes, it may well be that this brand simply isn't going to work with Genus heads.

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A couple of my hairs have had odd alpha interference at the hairline which I couldn't resolve but most are ok. I tend not to use a hairbase because I have trouble colour matching for some reason!

But Genus is worth it!

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On 5/6/2019 at 6:42 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

(What really bothered me about the Baby Face, and why I abandoned it to return to the "Classic," was the lip shape, which is really pronounced and hard to modify.)

This. Ditto this.

As for hair - you need to find a brand where it fits well and stick with those brands and some of the better-known brands are not them. I've personally had a good result with Foxy, Rezology, Shi, and a few others and so I tend the stick with them. Though I must also say this is with the Genus Classic face and not the Baby Face. Because, well... what @Scylla Rhiadra says.

Edited by Alyona Su
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  • 8 months later...

Thank you for posting this.  I have been going crazy.  I love my genus head but none of my hairs looked good with it.  So I kept playing with settings, thinking it was me.  Thanks for the tips on good hair places Alyona - they worked great.  Anyone have any other suggestions? 

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Doux and Magika offer different sizes and can often be good fits.  Forehead aside, fit issues can come down to ear placement. I hate when hair is clipping through my ears! I’m not 100% on board with third party ears but I have a few pairs from Swallow for certain situations. The latest have an excellent skin matching hud for many major brands, and they let me finetune ear position for those behind-the-ear looks. 

Edited by missyrideout
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Okay so, it's been awhile and I now use Genus Classic, but, I did whip out my babyface to show you guys what I've done. Since BOM this issue has basically disappeared because I can now stack a hairbase on top of my other layers ^.^


https://gyazo.com/28ec4f5200e1748df0f12f431facfcd2 (front)

This is my babyface ... the one I originally posted was my disaster attempt at learning new shapes. and it's possible that's why it looked so bad on it before. The trick for me was finding Genus hairbases...and BOM makes it a lot easier. ^.^

Edit: I wear mesh ears and I did not bother to move them for the purpose of the screenshot... mesh ears are nice because you can adjust them for the hair for the perfect look! 

Edited by Amorenna
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
22 minutes ago, Beautybyme said:

Doux does not work for me due to the hairline! Point Blank Period.... I have Thousands of lindens down the toilet with them  in hairs that I love 😞 

Oh no! I wear a ton of Doux... I am on the Strange Face now, but before I was using Classic with Doux as well with BOM. There is a specific hairbase I use allllll the time from Besom's Jordan hair...it's the one with the braids. The hairbase included with that works so perfectly with almost every hair I have...and I have a ton of Doux!! (Stealthic looks really good too.) Maybe try that??




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