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It seems to be very difficult for me to find people around my age on here, i am always the youngest in the room and it sucks, which also makes it harder to find love interest. Are there no young 90 babies that play sl?😞

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   I know a few people born in the 90's and even in the noughties, I'm one of them myself. I think you'll find age and maturity are two things wholly separate in SL though. 

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41 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

Maybe they are there and just do not want to admit being Millenials.

   I hate being called a millennial, because of its implications. And whilst I make no secret of my age, I'm not amused by the prospect of someone claiming that they should be any more wise or experienced than I, simply because they've lived a little longer. Funnily, I do get attacked a lot for attacking the 'millennial generation' whenever the topic comes up, as I'm outspokenly revolted by the stereotype of ignorant, entitled youngsters that comes to mind when the word is uttered - but it is an empirically confirmed stereotype that is rampant in modern society; I've chastised my roommates to tears, the way my parents would chastise me when I was little. Whether they're scarred for life for it, or if they'll recognise that behaving like an absolute swine when you share a kitchen with other people just isn't acceptable, we'll see. Well, I probably won't, the moment we part ways they're out of my social media as well as my life. Adult people who leave bits of corn and spaghetti in the sink, and don't know how to wipe off a counter after having spilled coffee all over it, shouldn't be allowed to breed and certainly have no place in my life once my living circumstances change. Ordnung muß sein! 

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On 2/16/2019 at 12:34 PM, Orwar said:

, I'm not amused by the prospect of someone claiming that they should be any more wise or experienced than I, simply because they've lived a little longer. 

Um...kind of how it works..older people have more experience, thus more chance to accumulate wisdom. You’ll understand when you’re older. 😹

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Um...kind of how it works..older people have more experience, thus more chance to accumulate wisdom. You’ll understand when you’re older. 😹

   If a person has taken that chance, certainly. But to assume that older = wiser by default is just ignorant. Age itself is not the factor by which wisdom or knowledge is increased or measured.

   By your logic, older people should be richer, because they've had more time to accumulate wealth. I'll have to call my grandmother and give her the good news.

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13 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   If a person has taken that chance, certainly. But to assume that older = wiser by default is just ignorant. Age itself is not the factor by which wisdom or knowledge is increased or measured.

   By your logic, older people should be richer, because they've had more time to accumulate wealth. I'll have to call my grandmother and give her the good news.

Nope, I did not mean to imply what you said. There’s plenty of dumb, ignorant, poor old people. Through no fault of their own. 

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Through no fault of their own. 

   Oh, of course. It must be those evil politicians, the Wall Street people, or 'the patriarchy', or immigrants, or the Illuminati - perhaps even aliens. Bears. Anyone and everyone must be blamed, except those poor, pitiful victims of the wickedness of the world. It would just be incomprehensible to think that anyone would have any individual responsibility for the outcome of their own choices. 

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3 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Oh, of course. It must be those evil politicians, the Wall Street people, or 'the patriarchy', or immigrants, or the Illuminati - perhaps even aliens. Bears. Anyone and everyone must be blamed, except those poor, pitiful victims of the wickedness of the world. It would just be incomprehensible to think that anyone would have any individual responsibility for the outcome of their own choices. 

Wow, I’m confused. I was trying to agree with you, and you appear to be taking both sides of the argument. Good show!

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Wow, I’m confused. I was trying to agree with you, and you appear to be taking both sides of the argument. Good show!

   I thought it had been well established by now, that I'm not a very agreeable person. 😜 

   You did agree with me - but then you said that part which I quoted; I'm a firm believer in the individual, it's up to each and everyone to find success and happiness in their own way. So I sarcastically had a chip at the 'usual' arguments that pop up when people bring up the distribution of wealth. Of course it's someone's own fault, where they end up in life - and again, the more so the longer one has been around and thus had more of a chance to make something out of it. 

   We don't live in a world where equality of outcome is a thing. Most of us though, live in a world where we have the privilege of equality of opportunity. You can't eat the cake and have the cake, but whichever you want to do, you must first bake a cake. 

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1 hour ago, Orwar said:

So I sarcastically had a chip at the 'usual' arguments that pop up when people bring up the distribution of wealth. Of course it's someone's own fault, where they end up in life - and again, the more so the longer one has been around and thus had more of a chance to make something out of it. 


Was there a buried clue that it was sarcasm? I missed the < / sarcasm > tag.

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On 2/16/2019 at 6:34 PM, Orwar said:

   I hate being called a millennial, because of its implications. And whilst I make no secret of my age, I'm not amused by the prospect of someone claiming that they should be any more wise or experienced than I, simply because they've lived a little longer. Funnily, I do get attacked a lot for attacking the 'millennial generation' whenever the topic comes up, as I'm outspokenly revolted by the stereotype of ignorant, entitled youngsters that comes to mind when the word is uttered - but it is an empirically confirmed stereotype that is rampant in modern society; I've chastised my roommates to tears, the way my parents would chastise me when I was little. Whether they're scarred for life for it, or if they'll recognise that behaving like an absolute swine when you share a kitchen with other people just isn't acceptable, we'll see. Well, I probably won't, the moment we part ways they're out of my social media as well as my life. Adult people who leave bits of corn and spaghetti in the sink, and don't know how to wipe off a counter after having spilled coffee all over it, shouldn't be allowed to breed and certainly have no place in my life once my living circumstances change. Ordnung muß sein! 

Oh, I wonder why you get attacked...

You say you hate being called a millenial, because of the implications many non-millenials make when using that word. In theory, its just a term to name a certain age group. Just like generation X, baby boomers, the silent generation, but it turned into a pile of negative stereotypes instead. And here you are, doing the exact same thing like older generations did to taint this word a certain, negative way.

Messy roommates aren't a thing invented by people born in the 90s.

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27 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

You say you hate being called a millenial, because of the implications many non-millenials make when using that word.

   No, because of the implications that I associate with that word. Especially if whoever uses the word does so as a means to establish that they, i.e. 'the elder', knows better for no other reason than being older than I. When used as such, it's just another form of ad hominem that generally requires me to put more effort than it's worth to 'win' the argument through rationality - at that point I've most likely lost interest altogether in trying to convince the person that they may be wrong, and concede from any further attempts to convince an opponent who rather than argument causally stoop to rhetoric fallacies of the most despicable kind. It's a little ironical that the venerable elder in such event fails to perceive one of the most blatant forms of fallacious arguments. 

31 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

In theory, its just a term to name a certain age group.

   In theory, banana only means banana, because the way language works is that we make a series of sounds or glyphs that we've communally agreed or accepted to carry that meaning. If I called you a banana, would you be upset because it's factually inaccurate, or because you perceived an intent to slight you? Or, to hit closer to the topic - if I were to call you 'woman' during an argument, which, though being factually accurate, the overt misogynist implication that just about anyone and everyone would perceive, would be deeply frowned upon. The principle, regardless of social convention, remains the same - when a person fails to argue an argument and instead begins to argue the person, the only options are to continue escalating it until either party is ready to plant a fist in the other's face or realises that it's getting nowhere and chose to concede and cease the communication.

   I hear they call it 'age-ism' these days. If only there was an art of communicating that we could teach in our schools... I suppose most politicians would disprove of that idea, though. Can't have the general populace being equipped to see through lies and bad arguments!

1 hour ago, Syo Emerald said:

Just like generation X, baby boomers, the silent generation, but it turned into a pile of negative stereotypes instead.

   Regardless of Utopian ideals by the political correctness movement and individualist movement alike, people like stereotypes. There are only so many characters in our lives that we are able to make a half-decent judgement of, before we subconsciously begin to bunch people together into groups. These days, we process such vast amounts of people that the human mind simply isn't equipped to become intimately familiar with all of them. Some studies have brought it as far as to suggest that we're subconsciously suspicious of people with different accents than our own, because it's so deep-rooted in us, that people nearby are largely safe to be around, but when someone comes from such a distance that they say 'oot' rather than 'out', they're either intent on pillaging or invading. 

1 hour ago, Syo Emerald said:

And here you are, doing the exact same thing like older generations did to taint this word a certain, negative way.

   How do you use the word 'decimate'? 'Awful'? 'Cute'? 'Myriad'? If generations before me took a word and changed its meaning, am I to be blamed for adhering to the meaning which they passed on to me, or am I to start a movement for the revival of every word to their original meaning? We might as well try to wash the swastika of the taint of national socialism.

1 hour ago, Syo Emerald said:

Messy roommates aren't a thing invented by people born in the 90s.

   I'm willing to agree to that statement without even demanding you provide proof, as I'm of a similar understanding of the matter. I'll simply rejoice with the knowledge that others have suffered as I have, and that people most likely will continue to do so in future generations.

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