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Extreme oldbie seeks new friends.

Chibi Chang

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So a little bit about myself, I guess would be a good way to start off.

 My name is Chibi Chang, and this is probably my first forum post in about 7 years.

 As of this month, I have been in Second Life for 8 years, it should be obvious that the density of people that have stuck through this long is very thin. I have DJ'd many nights away, designed and obliterated entire cities, seen many good people come and go. I am indisputably the first male cat boy in the world, and quite a few people in the past have found that alluring. This might be going too far, but sometimes I like to think that all of the other cats in the world after me are my misguided children. :3

 Almost all of my friends are gone from the world now, however, and it is very lonely for someone like me, who has seen it all and has no aspirations to do anything to even log in anymore. I see this phenomena probably similar to being a senior citizen in real life, and having your friends and relatives perish, leaving you with nothing but your children to watch over.


 I don't know what I'm trying to say, everyone. I guess I just want to find some new and consistent people that are relatively intelligent and fun to be around. Maybe even some people that might spark my creativity and get me doing things again. I don't want to be too picky, but I don't want to be friends with everyone in the world either. Let's make this thread a sort of application process. Feel free to message me inworld or here, and if you pique my interest, I'm sure we can have a lucrative friendship. :D


 PS: I apoligize if any of this sounds grim, offensive, or depressing. I'm just not in a great mood at the moment, hence my seeking of new friendship to brighten my life.

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Hi Chibi, 

your name and story rang a bell, and when checking my favourite blog I found the wonderfull post Stacia did on you! I'm only half your age inworld and I've noticed the same: friends leave for whatever reason and making new friends seems to get harder. 

It's amazing that you're in this world for all that time, I'm sure you'll manage and your mood will lighten!


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wow, i didnt know SL had been going that long.. I have been around SL since midway thru 2007, and so much has changed it is hardly the same grid anymore.. I have decided to give SL a rest for a while, and see what happens..

maybe i am just over it, but SL is just not the same, many people have come and gone since then...

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Chibi Chang wrote:

So a little bit about myself, I guess would be a good way to start off.

 My name is Chibi Chang, and this is probably my first forum post in about 7 years.

 As of this month, I have been in Second Life for 8 years, it should be obvious that the density of people that have stuck through this long is very thin. I have DJ'd many nights away, designed and obliterated entire cities, seen many good people come and go. I am indisputably the first male cat boy in the world, and quite a few people in the past have found that alluring. This might be going too far, but sometimes I like to think that all of the other cats in the world after me are my misguided children. :3

 Almost all of my friends are gone from the world now, however, and it is very lonely for someone like me, who has seen it all and has no aspirations to do anything to even log in anymore. I see this phenomena probably similar to being a senior citizen in real life, and having your friends and relatives perish, leaving you with nothing but your children to watch over.


 I don't know what I'm trying to say, everyone. I guess I just want to find some new and consistent people that are relatively intelligent and fun to be around. Maybe even some people that might spark my creativity and get me doing things again. I don't want to be too picky, but I don't want to be friends with everyone in the world either. Let's make this thread a sort of application process. Feel free to message me inworld or here, and if you pique my interest, I'm sure we can have a lucrative friendship.


 PS: I apoligize if any of this sounds grim, offensive, or depressing. I'm just not in a great mood at the moment, hence my seeking of new friendship to brighten my life.


Hi Chibi!  Wow 8 years huh?  May I suggest.  Seek out the Forum Cartel group and join it.  The antics of this group is always quite intertaining.  You may also hang out at my sim (look at my signature for the SLURL).  We are a friendly bunch here, and the sim is the home of Hippiestock 11.  I do hope you find what you are looking for!



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hi Chibi!

welcome to the forums!

here is a great place for making friends, i invite you to stay as a forum regular, join the fun threads, join the conversations. its a great experience.

im a part of the forums since 2009, and since then i have made many friends here, sharing perspectives and knowledge, you have collected thru the years valuable experiences, saw how second life transformed to what it is now, with your lifetime experience you can shed a light on conversations, and gives us an insight of that part that we wished but we didnt lived, and you can enjoy the fresh new perspectives of people that are sharing this world with you

theres always some new experience to try, and you can find here the invigorating spark you are looking for, you can browse the topics of your interest and comment in them, and start a thread that interest you and have a conversation with all of us, something new and creative can flow around

i offer you my friendship hand, and welcome you to become a part of this great group of friends


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Tight Rope_003.jpg


I am coming up on my fourth SL birthday which makes me a young one compared to me.

I came into SL during the major growth of 2007 and it was truly an exciting time to be here. Everything seemed fresh and new and there was the shared excitement of exploring so much of the world with others who had just joined.  My Friends list just seemed to be bulging with names.  I became close with quite a few folks.

But time has a way of passing by.  A day in SL can seem like a week, a week can seem like a month and a month can seem like a year.  Sadly ( at least to me) most of my original friends are gone.  And for me too it has seemed harder to make new friends.

But one thing that I finally realized was that some of that was really my fault.  I had stopped introducing myself to new people.  So as I have been out and about I have started making it a point to initiate conversations.  I go to a lot of live music shows.  I browse profiles and when I see something I like I use it to open the conversation.  Doing this I have started making some good new friends.  It's been a slow process but it is working.

Writing this now also reminds me of one of the things that I did when I first started SL.  When ever I'd meet someone I'd ask them to show me their favorite place in SL.  Not just give me a LM but to take me there and show me around.  With over 30,000 SIMS I know I haven't seen everything yet.  It could be a great way to get to know someone new and maybe discover things you havn't seen yet.  Just last week I discovered a Circus and had a ton of fun there walking the high wire among other things.

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Hi Chibi

there are a lot of "oldbies" in the forum cartel group. 

I first joined during the beta. Then was too busy with RL and my computer also had trouble keeping up. I came back in a couple of years later, and lost that account if memory serves, when they said "we cleared everyone who hadn't logged in, in six months." 

Then I joined in 2006 and that time I could remember my log in, I had time, I had a better computer, and the log in stuck because I paid for a Premium membership. And here I am. And here I stay.

I don't take friends list requests but if you need someone to hang out with or somewhere to hang out just IM me and say hi. I can meet you somewhere, if I'm not in the middle of making something. Or maybe I will need a break from that. Just say hi.

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I can relate to this and have been considering a post a little similar to the OP for a while now. I'd say the list of people I've known dwindles a little bit every few months.

Forum Cartel is probably not a bad place to kick start yourself back in if you can find an angle on relating there.

You kinda have to figure out your interests and find someone who shares enough of them. I'm a bit of a builder - but not much so. I'm a reggae nut, but on the roots/faith side. I'm highly political and a leftist - but I rarely sync with liberals who lack the inner-city-conflict roots I come from. Rarely feel relaxed around males. And I waver between furry and neko, having phases in SL where I'm very PG or running around sans-threads.

I'm a bit of a tough mix to take there... :)

- You're probably going to need something like that for yourself. A bit of a description, one that sells you better than mine does me - but which will get attention from the right sorts of people. V2 also now has searchable interests, which can also be filled via the web profiles. Make good use of those and refine them often to sync with more people.

Right now your interests just says: "cats". :)



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I have similar experience. All my old friends did leave SL. I did leave for a while as well but I am back now. But its differend without friends now. One thing I noticed is that it is a bit more difficult to meet new friends today. But maybe its just my feeling.

However I noticed when I arrive at any party or place where tons of avatars are, that most of them arent really interestedd in chatting or to have a talk. Instead of that its quit often that you cant read anything because of the extrem gesture spam.

Then I did try out the more not so crowded placed and found some peoples who know each other.. but anyhow it was hard for me to come in that circle. Maybe because not much same interests.. well or maybe because I am shy at beginning. I stop to be shy if we know each other.. but this wont start lately. Maybe I visit the wrong places.. I dont know.

Fact is, that I do not have much fun alone in SL. And some more of these days, and I probably will stop using SL again for some time.

I dont know.. but I can understand the OP.

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  • Lindens


Chibi Chang wrote:

 Almost all of my friends are gone from the world now, however, and it is very lonely for someone like me, who has seen it all and has no aspirations to do anything to even log in anymore. I see this phenomena probably similar to being a senior citizen in real life, and having your friends and relatives perish, leaving you with nothing but your children to watch over.


Chibi! Oh wow, remember me? I think we first met back in 2004 through mutual friends, and I was trying to find out what the whole "neko" thing was about before I adopted some feline traits shortly afterwards. Curiously the other day thanks to the nice folks at How Vexing, I have a tail again. Didn't we talk about visual effects at one point? In the years following, I became a shader freak, and one of my latest obsessions is translating optical phenomena to sound.. :)

What you say is so poignant; I've seen people come and go, and some come back unbeknownst to me at the time because they wanted to find a new path on an alt. Speaking with my offline family reminds me how lonely it can be, despite a well-lived life, if you outlive everyone else.

But I'm glad you're still here.


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Of course I remember you! Your last name was a little bit different, though. ;3

How long have you been a watermelon?

High five for ancient friendships! BLAM!


I think what I really need is a new going-nowhere group of supertalented professional procrastinators to work on never to be released project like all of my previous endeavors. Those were the best days. :D


I also added my 'interests' to the v2 profile as previously suggested, though I can't see that leading anywhere positive. People will now just filter me out for being a nutjob.


I haven't slept in 3 days. I'm going to explode now, everyone please open your parasols to page 36 and begin reading aloud while shielding yourself from my raining giblets. : D


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  • Lindens

Ha, Chibi, you are one of the rare and few who remembers me as "Torley Torgeson" I think. ^5

I've always been into watermelons but I think it's grown more... colorful... after the years. Especially after local government denied me certain, ahem, liberties with the color of my brick-and-mortar house. Watermelons have been exploding too.

I AM hoping that improved Interests matching will help those of us who think we are so "weird" find others with similar obsessions, mwahaha! It's nice to know we're not alone. Besides, it's only really "weird" (in an awkward way) if you're not being yourself. =^_^=

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