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would call it larceny


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Selvom jeg er ny, behøver du ikke at snyde en, eller jeg er tilbøjelig til at kalde tyveri.

Indtastning af en butik for at købe en fuld avatar L $ 1800, er glad for at betale den dårligt gemte L $. og venter og venter og venter .. så forsøger du at videresende på deres redeliever tegn ... og vent og vent. intet sker endnu.

Jeg går tilbage til skiltet for at se, hvem sælger og finde ud af, at skiltet har en anden ejer end den burde være, og redelivery-tegnet har den oprigtige ejer. Så jeg vil aldrig kunne få det redelievred ...

skriv til begge mennesker, vent en dag og vedhæft en note, vent en dag og skriv en email .. og jeg venter stadig :(

det er tåget, hvis det havde været 50 100 L $ Jeg ville nok ikke bryde mig, men 1800 L $ ... og hvor mange har ikke prøvet dette ..



What can i do ?


Edited by MrSoerenKlupko
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1 hour ago, MrSoerenKlupko said:

Its look like some have placed some in front of the sales sign and u pay that guy and rest is for the real owner

Submit an Abuse Report. Take a photo of the sign that you paid, and use your editor to show who that sign belongs to.  Do the same thing for the redelivery terminal.  Include that information in your Abuse Report, along with the information from your Transaction History. Even if you are not sure who the thief is, Linden Lab will investigate and find the answer.

Send en misbrugsrapport. Tag et billede af tegnet, du har betalt, og brug din editor til at vise, hvem det tegn ligger til. Gør det samme for redelivery terminalen. Medtag oplysningerne i din misbrugsrapport sammen med oplysningerne i din transaktionshistorik. Selvom du ikke er sikker på hvem tyven er, undersøger Linden Lab og finder svaret.

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1 minute ago, MrSoerenKlupko said:


Even if I'm new you do not have to cheat one, or I'm inclined to call the theft.

Entering a store, to buy a full avatar L $ 1800, are happy to pay the badly saved L $. and waiting and waiting and waiting .. then you try to retransmit on their redeliever sign ... and wait and wait. nothing is happening yet.

I go back to the sign to see who sells and find out that the sign has a different owner than it should be and the redelivery sign has the sincere owner. So I will never be able to get it redelievred ...

write to both people, wait one day and attach a note, wait one day and write an email .. and I'm still waiting :(

it's larceny if it had been 50 100 L $ I probably would not care but 1800 L $ ... and how many have not tried this ..


Not sure I understand you.  Are you saying you paid a sign and not the vendor?   If you have written to the correct merchant and its only been 1 day, I would give it more time.  Check the merchants profile to see if they prefer an IM rather than a notecard or if they have a manager who deals with issues.  I hope you get an answer soon.  

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7 minutes ago, MrSoerenKlupko said:

they got 3 days now, how long should i wait ?!  i mean they can a least write they look at it ... i even have send then the L$ transaktion to prove 

Have you checked their profile to see how they cover customer service issues?

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It is possible that the situation you describe is a scam, where a thief has placed his own vendor in another store.  This is why you should report that object to the store owner, and also file an Abuse Report with Linden Lab.  It is also possible that the store owner is using vendors created by someone else; in that case, you should have received the item you bought, or at least you should be able to get a redelivery.

$L1800 is a lot of money in SL terms, but it's still only about $7.20 USD, so try not to feel too upset.


Het is mogelijk dat de situatie die u beschrijft een oplichterij is, waarbij een dief zijn eigen verkoper in een andere winkel heeft geplaatst.  Daarom moet u dat object melden aan de eigenaar van de winkel, en ook een Abuse Report indienen bij Linden Lab.  Het is ook mogelijk dat de eigenaar van de winkel gebruik maakt van leveranciers die door iemand anders zijn gemaakt; in dat geval zou u het gekochte artikel moeten hebben ontvangen, of in ieder geval zou u in staat moeten zijn om een herlevering te krijgen.

$L1800 is veel geld in SL termen, maar het is nog steeds slechts ongeveer $7.20 USD, dus probeer niet te overstuur te raken.

Vertaald met www.DeepL.com/Translator

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5 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Why on earth would anybody want to pretend to be Danish???

All of the Danes I have met thanks to SL are really nice, and Crown Prince Frederik's wife is an Aussie. Both great reasons to pretend so one can sneak in the back door.


OP, one other option may be to contact the owner of the land group. They may be able to assist in removing any fraudulent prims that steal payments. This won't help you much, but it will stop other people being caught out.

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the one the make it yes .."he" or "she" want a IM or mail ... wich i did ... but the problem the transaction of the linden goto another one.. and thats on trxt for other sim ...

and the redelivery box are for the one the make it ...So the deliever box will never see my name or what i buy :( 

Its look like some have placed some in front of the sales sign and u pay that guy and rest is for the real owner :(


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1800 L¤ is not a lot , for me...but in that case i think of other there maybe have "worked" days weeks even months inworld .... then 1800 is a lot ... and if that person get it from lets say 10 20 peson... then we talk about some serious ...

and who like to be cheat in that way ?? i don't... and this is a warning to other newbies  too.... and for me its very very hard not to write there names


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2 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Er...because when I plugged the OP's post into DeepL Translator, it said it was Dutch.  Stupid autotranslate!

it made me smile :)  and a lot better than taking a pill ;)

(and the translation itself isn't that bad a all, a bit classy use of words, but quite decent)

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2 hours ago, Ethan Paslong said:

yes its possible... but kinda wondering a bit why you translate it to dutch while the OP writes Danish   :)

Yes, it is in danish but made with google translate. At Least it look that way, so i don't think MrSoerenKlupko is danish. If he is i apologize.
Cindys quote is in english, that made me wonder why i saw it in danish, But if ohter people see it in danish it is not me gone nuts. :D

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Just now, Bent Luik said:

Cindys quote is in english

The OP was in English to me when I first replied this morning and I didn't use anything to translate it, it just was.  I got confused when others who came along later started replying in different languages ?

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9 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

The OP was in English to me when I first replied this morning and I didn't use anything to translate it, it just was.  I got confused when others who came along later started replying in different languages ?

The op in danish (kind of) and your quote in english confused me. But that is nothing new, I am confused  moste of the time. O.o

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14 minutes ago, Bent Luik said:

The op in danish (kind of) and your quote in english confused me. But that is nothing new, I am confused  moste of the time. O.o

Now I am even more confused as its not in english anymore but my quote shows at some point it was (at least to me).   I'm blonde though so I just blame that 

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I read it in Danish first, because that's the way it was relayed to me in e-mail. I'm reasonably fluent in Swedish, which is reasonably close to Danish but not close enough that I can reply without a translator. I only saw the English after I logged in and saw Cindy's post.  By that time, I had mine translated, so I posted in both languages just to be sure one of them would be intelligible.  Google Translate is a wonderful invention.  However, it is only as reliable as the original text.  I make a dozen typos per line -- as people have probably noticed.  If I am responding to someone who made an equal number of typos in her own language, our conversation can degenerate into total chaos instantly.  That did not happen here, mercifully.

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32 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Now I am even more confused as its not in english anymore but my quote shows at some point it was (at least to me).   I'm blonde though so I just blame that 

Were you using a browser that auto-translates or did you tell it to translate?  My Chrome popped up a box right away asking it if I wanted it to translate.

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Just now, LittleMe Jewell said:

Were you using a browser that auto-translates or did you tell it to translate?  My Chrome popped up a box right away asking it if I wanted it to translate.

I use chrome and occasionally it has asked if I want to translate something on the forums but not this time.  Usually if it asks I am not confident enough to answer someone and cross fingers that someone else comes along shortly after.   It's a mystery to me but at least the OP has had some good advice from others

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On 10/17/2018 at 12:34 PM, MrSoerenKlupko said:

Jeg går tilbage til skiltet for at se, hvem sælger og finde ud af, at skiltet har en anden ejer end den burde være, og redelivery-tegnet har den oprigtige ejer. Så jeg vil aldrig kunne få det redelievred ...

Det skal du ikke utelukke. Hvis det er en CasperVend redelivery-terminal, vil den virke for alle kjøp som er gjort gjennom CasperVend-systemet uansett hvem som eier terminalen og hvem du kjøpte fra. Hvis det er HippoVend, det andre store vendor-systemet, er det nok ikke så mye håp. Det systemet ble nedlagt for et år siden, men det er mange selgere som ikke har fått kvittet seg med det enda.

Uansett, det første du bør gjøre, er å kontakte selgeren slik du gjorde. Husk at mange selgere har SL som hobby og kan være her hele tiden, så det kan ta mer enn tre dager før du hører noe. Men hvis det går en uke eller mer, er det nok på tide å kotnakte LL, ja.


On 10/17/2018 at 8:41 PM, Bent Luik said:

Yes, it is in danish but made with google translate. At Least it look that way, so i don't think MrSoerenKlupko is danish.

Why on earth would anybody want to pretend to be Danish???

And how on earth could Google Translate confuse Dutch with Danish? I mean, Danish may be weird but it's still perfectly understandable. Dutch is just gebrochen Deutsch.

Edited by ChinRey
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12 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

Sorry, I just couldn't resist it. ;)

It is the other way round of course. One of my Dutch friends told me and he should know.

it hurts a bit to say it... but it's even in our national anthem "we'r from german blood" .....grr..  :) ( our royal family is from german origin (Dillenburg) and also our kings father, grandfather and great grandfather were)

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