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17 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Hell, we've already managed to give her the win for the 12th, 13th, and 14th - and so far, it looks like she might take today too.  We've done our due diligence - now she can compete normally along with the rest of us.


@Scylla Rhiadra - An example of how this wacky stuff works:  You now show as winning the 12th, 13th, 15th, and 16th - but Maddy managed to jump in sometime yesterday and take the 14th away from you.  If we went back and liked a bunch more of your posts from the 14th, you'd then steal the day back from Maddy.

Tis why the folks that try to Win the Day, and think they did so, usually never really know if they kept the win, and thus why it is even more meaningless that we all originally thought.

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16 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I was leading earlier today, but stuff happens. Y’all is popular!

Well, speaking purely of myself . . . nah. Not popular, just a bit noisy.

I'm just a visitor here now, really, and a bit of a novelty. And I have some lovely old friends who have made me feel very welcome.

But this is your forum and your community. And I'd say that what the numbers show, long term, is how integral you are to it. ?

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, speaking purely of myself . . . nah. Not popular, just a bit noisy.

I'm just a visitor here now, really, and a bit of a a novelty. And I have some lovely old friends who have made me feel very welcome.

But this is your forum and your community. And I'd say that what the numbers show, long term, is how integral you are to it. ?

What a beautiful complement! No wonder I like you! *boops*


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On 10/13/2018 at 6:13 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

At some point within the next 24 hours -- or less -- some unknowing but vastly fortunate soul will have the HONOUR (and a small but significant place in history) of awarding me my 200th community reputation point.

Will it be some pathetic n00b, unaware of the momentous events they have precipitated?

Or will it be YOU?

History holds her breath as she awaits the answer!

I read the "some pathetic n00b" and i thought i'm not going to give you any points for that, but i would take all points away for that. :P

I think we older ones here are the pathetic ones, no matter how many posts each has made.

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5 hours ago, Ansiri said:

I read the "some pathetic n00b" and i thought i'm not going to give you any points for that, but i would take all points away for that. :P

I think we older ones here are the pathetic ones, no matter how many posts each has made.

There's something to be said for that!

On my own behalf, I should note that I've been away so long that I actually feel like a pathetic n00b, especially in-world!

(This is me trying to get the best of both worlds: wise and ancient, but also fresh and new! Is it working?)

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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There's something to be said for that!

On my own behalf, I should note that I've been away so long that I actually feel like a pathetic n00b, especially in-world!

(This is me trying to get the best of both worlds: wise and ancient, but also fresh and new! Is it working?)



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8 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There's something to be said for that!

On my own behalf, I should note that I've been away so long that I actually feel like a pathetic n00b, especially in-world!

(This is me trying to get the best of both worlds: wise and ancient, but also fresh and new! Is it working?)

I've been discovering just how much I have forgotten in 4 years. I just know Miro, Robo and the rest of the support team are laughing their butts off every time I ask a question I should know the answer to. It's amazing what you can forget even after repeating it every day 12 - 18 hours a day* for 5 years. :$

*Yes, I know. I was a glutton for punishment. O.oxD

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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1 hour ago, Selene Gregoire said:

I've been discovering just how much I have forgotten in 4 years. I just know Miro, Robo and the rest of the support team are laughing their butts off every time I ask a question I should know the answer to. It's amazing what you can forget even after repeating it every day 12 - 18 hours a day* for 5 years. :$

*Yes, I know. I was a glutton for punishment. O.oxD

Wow, yes. That is gluttony! Or masochism!

I imagine that you have the tech background necessary to get back up to speed pretty quickly. In my case, it's much simpler (and therefore maybe more embarrassing). There's a lot I still don't entirely get about mesh (especially fitted mesh), but really quite shameful are the simple things I should know, like how to order tattoo layers on a system head (which I'm still using).

BTW I'm back on Firestorm, which is much better. And I haven't noticed any performance issues or differences yet, so yay for that!

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Wow, yes. That is gluttony! Or masochism!

I imagine that you have the tech background necessary to get back up to speed pretty quickly. In my case, it's much simpler (and therefore maybe more embarrassing). There's a lot I still don't entirely get about mesh (especially fitted mesh), but really quite shameful are the simple things I should know, like how to order tattoo layers on a system head (which I'm still using).

BTW I'm back on Firestorm, which is much better. And I haven't noticed any performance issues or differences yet, so yay for that!

I do but I'm still not going back to the team. The only thing I'm not familiar with are the mesh bodies and heads. Don't have the money for those yet anyway so I'll cross that bridge when/if I get to it.

FS has improved a lot in the last 4 years. I rarely ever had any issues with it. So far so good this go around. I'm glad it's working out for you. :)

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7 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

The only thing I'm not familiar with are the mesh bodies and heads.

Mesh bodies are probably my biggest learning curve so far -- and that's just from the perspective of a simple "user."

I am terrified of trying to work with a Bento head. (And probably won't. I'm reasonably happy with the improvements I've been able to make to my system face/head. Also, price. YIKES!)

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53 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Mesh bodies are probably my biggest learning curve so far -- and that's just from the perspective of a simple "user."

I am terrified of trying to work with a Bento head. (And probably won't. I'm reasonably happy with the improvements I've been able to make to my system face/head. Also, price. YIKES!)

Everything I learned about mesh bodies and heads, I learned on the forum (and meshbodyaddicts.com). Every problem I had, people answered on here with courtesy and grace (ok, except for some questions on my motives). It’s amazing, without the forum it would have been a struggle.

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   @Scylla Rhiadra, I settled on a mesh body some time back, during that period of time when you were stranded on a desert island, under a rock.

   There are times when I’m wearing enough clothing that it doesn’t really matter, where the quality of a mesh body is superfluous, and I still have some fitted mesh outfits ( for my system avatar body ) in my closet that I still like to wear. 

   As for a mesh head, I’ve not found the process of looking for one terrifying, or daunting, so mush as just..... disappointing. I made my own shape back when I started, adjusting and adapting the body and the face over the years, without a lot of advice or feedback. The process seems to have rendered me with a look that can’t be even loosely approximated by any mesh head I’ve demoed . As such, I’ve stopped looking.

   As with, I’m sure, anyone else here, I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Although, I won’t be shy about staring at you blankly if I don’t have an answer. 

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On 10/22/2018 at 8:18 PM, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

There are times when I’m wearing enough clothing that it doesn’t really matter, where the quality of a mesh body is superfluous, and I still have some fitted mesh outfits ( for my system avatar body ) in my closet that I still like to wear.

Yes. I don't show much virtual flesh (even my bathing suit is a one piece), so mostly, as you say, the quality of the body is sort of irrelevant. But I DO like the fitted mesh I've been able to buy: it fits pretty effortlessly!

On 10/22/2018 at 8:18 PM, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

The process seems to have rendered me with a look that can’t be even loosely approximated by any mesh head I’ve demoed . As such, I’ve stopped looking.

And yes, again. I've spent HOURS adjusting a new skin (and eyebrows, makeup layers, hair, etc.) so that I can retain something of my old "look." I just don't think I'll likely be able to do that with a mesh head, and I don't want to spend L$5000 to try.

On 10/22/2018 at 8:18 PM, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

As with, I’m sure, anyone else here, I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Although, I won’t be shy about staring at you blankly if I don’t have an answer.

Ok, SOOOO . . .

The biggest hassle with mesh bodies is that you have to re-adjust the alpha (and also sometimes the clothing layers) with every change, right? And it really means that I don't like changing in public, because the alpha is inevitably not hiding the bits of me that I'd rather prefer were hidden.

BUT . . . what if I were to save a copy of the body (and hands and feet), as well as the HUD, for EACH outfit? And that unique copy, which would have the alpha and clothing layers set for that particular outfit, would be the one linked to in the "outfit" folder. Wouldn't that work? Because I'd be using a different copy of both HUD and body for each outfit?

I haven't tried this yet: it's waaaaaay easier just asking you. 

What do you think?

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8 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Ok, SOOOO . . .

The biggest hassle with mesh bodies is that you have to re-adjust the alpha (and also sometimes the clothing layers) with every change, right? And it really means that I don't like changing in public, because the alpha is inevitably not hiding the bits of me that I'd rather prefer were hidden.

BUT . . . what if I were to save a copy of the body (and hands and feet), as well as the HUD, for EACH outfit? And that unique copy, which would have the alpha and clothing layers set for that particular outfit, would be the one linked to in the "outfit" folder. Wouldn't that work? Because I'd be using a different copy of both HUD and body for each outfit?

I haven't tried this yet: it's waaaaaay easier just asking you. 

What do you think?

   Actually this is what many people do. You can create as many copies of your body and bits you want with the alpha settings you need for a particular outfit. I also recommend you use the outfits gallery with an uploaded thumbnail of how gorgeous you look. It can make it so easy to organize it all.

   If you are going to be saving all these outfits and have no particular plans to change them, you can skip saving a copy of the HUD(s) unless you feel strongly that you will use them.

   And also, when you simply "Save as.." to create an outfit, many components you are wearing will simply be saved as links, which are like shortcuts and not the actual objects. You can manually create folders and copy the various things you want into it using "paste" and not "paste as link". Of course, if there are any no-copy items you are trying to put there, "paste as link" will be the only option.

Edited by Ivanova Shostakovich
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7 minutes ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

   Actually this is what many people do. You can create as many copies of your body and bits you want with the alpha settings you need for a particular outfit. I also recommend you use the outfits gallery with an uploaded thumbnail of how gorgeous you look. It can make it so easy to organize it all.

   If you are going to be saving all these outfits and have no particular plans to change them, you can skip saving a copy of the HUD(s) unless you feel strongly that you will use them.

   And also, when you simply "Save as.." to create an outfit, many components you are wearing will simply be saved as links, which are like shortcuts and not the actual objects. You can manually create folders and copy the various things you want into it using "paste" and not "paste as link". Of course, if there are any no-copy items you are trying to put there, "paste as link" will be the only option.


That should only take several hours of organizing . . .

It's such hard work to look absolutely fabulous, isn't it?

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13 hours ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

   I love this thread. As long as we're having a conversation with @Scylla Rhiadra, and reacting, we're always on topic.

Awwww! Yeah, but you can have a conversation with me ANYWHERE, Iva!

I do think, though, that I should get some sort of bonus point award for creating the longest and most viewed nonsense and narcissist thread ever!

(And any competition I might have for that award is probably from myself.)

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