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On 14/07/2018 at 2:00 PM, Syo Emerald said:

Its been ages since I noticed anyone playing the games. I used the garlic necklace years ago and never recieved a bite request ever again. Everyone who feels bothered, should do the same.

That works if you are playing Bloodlines however Angels & Demons then garlic necklace is null and void plus ya can be bitten with no permission to boot and a few clubs are anti Angels & Demons as result; always ask club owner or managers if you see any on duty if they allow any RP as some clubs are RP neutral.

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On 5/7/2018 at 17:39, AmandaKeen said:

Algún tipo de lugar o dispositivo en el mundo para unir a las personas socialmente donde realmente hablan e interactúan. Muchas veces, la escena del club en Sl consiste en personas que esperan a que alguien más inicie el contacto. Si pudieras descifrar el código de "rompehielos" y lograr que las personas (especialmente los nuevos residentes) socialicen fuera de "hey, ¿haces el sexxorz?" sería una contribución social legítima a SL.


buenas noches miras tengo una duda no se si me puedes orientar, como puedo colocar dos avatar que den información en un recorrido de un almacén 

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On 2018. 07. 04. at 6:41 AM, ValeniaGoblintree said:

Do you feel like there is something missing from your SL experience? I need a project, Something to fill my time here with. 

I have a lot of ideas of my own but I want to know what others wish to find. I can do anything from creating and Roleplay experience to a store that sells a particular type of item. 

Clubs in SL seem to take up most of the entertainment here and I don't really want to do that. 

Just looking for suggestions. :) 


more active communities to join


I cant stand clubs and places where 90 percent of people are essentially parking and nobody talks with each other, it feels so empty

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7 hours ago, DarkRavenWolfie said:

more active communities to join

I've always felt that Second Life needed to work on its social tools to help make that happen. Whenever anyone brings that up, people think they mean "copy facebook", which is what LL tried way back when "social profiles" were first introduced, but to succeed the tools have to be tailored to SL, what SL users do, what activities they partake in.

  • "Events" listings are always spammed to the point of uselessness. Maybe events on the same land could be grouped together as a single listing? Then again, there are some people who spam the board and split their land into multiple parcels seemingly just to spam more event notifications. Something needs to be done to make this feature useful.
  • Similarly, search is handicapped by the fact that so many groups, events and locations try to cram every popular keyword they can into their descriptions. LL could expand on Interest Tags and let people use 3 or (at most) 5 tags for their groups and land, or even marketplace items. This would force people to be specific about what they're listing, which in turn would make it so much easier to find stuff. By all means, keep the regular Search options we currently have, but adding an Interest Tag filtered option could be a big help.
  • With Interest Tags expanded to groups, events, locations and marketplace listings, LL could bring back the "Recommendations" tab and have it actually be useful. Using it to give you a list of strangers who happen to share one of your interest tags was not really a good use of the feature.
  • Groups should have more community tools. Directly link groups with multiple locations (for social purposes, not land management purposes). People could have event calendars that shows them events associated with the groups they're a part of. Groups could maybe have a public shout board similar to the profile feed. Regarding events, there could be automatic notifications when events are happening soon, or just starting. 
  • We need landmarks that can be updated. I've been working with clubs and RP sims for years, without fail every time they move to a new location they lose most of their community and it takes a long time to build it back up. People don't pay attention to their group notices. When they use their outdated landmark to go somewhere and it's not there, a lot of people just assume it's gone.
  • When LL first introduced web profiles there was a tab that would let you see all of the feed comments made at the location you were currently in. Essentially giving every location in SL its own shout wall. That was GREAT! It disappeared like a month after it was added.

 All these things would help foster more active communities.

Another thing that would help would be making it easy for people who own mainland to relocate. Right now it's a huge pain to relocate if you own mainland.  You need to sell the land you currently have (or abandon it if you're willing and able to take the hit) While that's going on, or afterwards, you need to find your new location (or hope the location you'd picked out before you sold your old location is still available, which it probably isn't because selling your old land can take weeks or even months). And then you have to figure out how to move your existing build to it's new location. Making relocating an easy, relatively painless process would make it easier for mainland communities to form, because many people would naturally want to move near friends or other like-minded people.

 There's details to figure out on how it would work, but I don't think there's anything insurmountable (although it may only work with abandoned land). 


 Another thing LL needs to tackle to help make communities more active is how badly unoptimized avatars are. Who wants to hang out in a crowded venue where their computer is so overwhelmed SL is practically a slideshow? It's so bad most of SL believes you just can't have a crowd of people without their computer gasping and wheezing, but that's not true.  It's not uncommon for a single avatar to be trying to use 300-500MB of VRAM, and loaded up so thick with triangles that they look solid in wireframe. This is why when you go to a sim with a lot of people, even if all of them have low complexity (because complexity doesn't accurately take either of these into account) your computer begins to chug. You better believe a technical issue like this hinders activity.

 Give the community better tools, make it easier for communities to come together on the grid, and stamp out the worst technical problem preventing people from gathering in large groups, and I'm certain you'll start see more active communities in SL. (Doing all that will also make SL more enticing to new users, and having more people in SL will definitely help, too!)

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On 7/29/2018 at 5:47 PM, Penny Patton said:


 Another thing LL needs to tackle to help make communities more active is how badly unoptimized avatars are. Who wants to hang out in a crowded venue where their computer is so overwhelmed SL is practically a slideshow? It's so bad most of SL believes you just can't have a crowd of people without their computer gasping and wheezing, but that's not true. 

You should all become semi transparent rotating spheres. My render weight is about 450

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2 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

A higher framerate will not have any impact on people standing about in silence and assuming all the action is in IM.

No, but a laggy crowd of avatars can be enough to drive active people away to try and find a less laggy, probably emptier place just because their computer can't handle the crowd of 500MB high-poly AFK or presumably in IM avatars.

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That has never been my experience, events are routinely rammed full with bordering regions equally full. Popular hangouts stay popular and packed (with one notable one making visitors get 2 hours passes or they get ejected).

People clumping together is human nature, not a side effect of their personal computers performance .. although it may be given as an excuse to not go to a location as a polite way of declining an invitation.

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There is a world of difference between a sales event where new and sometimes exclusive items are being released so people pack in to get their hands on them, and a social hangout. That really should go without saying.

 As for social hangouts, YMMV of course, but look at the bigger picture. People log in to SL, see how laggy it runs, and it runs extremely poorly, are you honestly saying this does not push people away from SL? Are you really saying that out of all of the literally hundreds of thousands of people who have tried SL and decided they hated it, often citing how poorly it runs as one of if not THE reason they gave up on SL, that performance not actually a factor?

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The need to spend real money, lack of organised activities, perception that most of SL appears abandoned and confusion about at the crowds of people in social places probably have more to do with it. We all log in every day, year after year and forgive the platforms technical problems.

In 12 years here .. SL has never performed acceptably or even comparably to other real time content such as games, for anyone. 

Poor performance is an easier white lie than "I didn't want to spend anything".

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On 7/3/2018 at 11:41 PM, ValeniaGoblintree said:

Do you feel like there is something missing from your SL experience? I need a project, Something to fill my time here with.

@ValeniaGoblintree I was just reminded of this in another thread.

Stardew Valley is a popular video game based on farming, building and a bit of faction grinding and even some cave (dungeon?) exploring.  I know there are farming sim systems in SL but I don't know if any have incorporated other gaming elements found in video games outside of SL.

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