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Maitreya vs Belleza body

Audrey Obelyn

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1 minute ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Somebody please help me pressure them to add more of their skins to the omega list too... :P

I slammed myself up against a brick wall 3 or 4 years ago trying to get them to support Omega... now I guess enough other customers yelled at them as well, so they support it for bodies pretty fully, but only one skin in only one tone so far for heads...

(for about 2 years they had their own mesh head so they ONLY supported that, but it seems to have been pushed aside now, they largely support Catwa, and I think Letuka... and now they're just starting to give in on Omega).

Angel Rock is the best African skin tone maker.



The skin fair this year had at least 4 to 8 African skins that were being sold ONLY for Catwa or Letuka... and exactly 1 for Omega, which I bought...

Saniyah Cocoa.


If the skin fair is still on... the person who was asking was asking for Catwa right? Go there, and you should find plenty of choices. I think most were fair exclusive, and listed at lower prices...


That’s me and my alt who was asking, thanks!

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4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

That’s me and my alt who was asking, thanks!

Here's one of the skin fair ones, I just realized I made several of my screenshots in 'pg', so I also edited my previous post to add in an actual screenshot.

No Omega anymore?

I was so upset when this one didn't have Omega... but for you one of these skin-fair skins might be perfect. The rest at the fair ranged in tone between these two screenshots.


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32 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:


Why bring racism up at all? I'm sure you realize the moment you mention that word it will trigger a lot of people and then you complain about your point not being seen or responded to? Oh boy, I wonder why!


ETA: Syo and another poster might have turned the topic negative but you certainly blew that out of the water.

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5 minutes ago, Syn Anatine said:

Why bring racism up at all? I'm sure you realize the moment you mention that word it will trigger a lot of people and then you complain about your point not being seen or responded to? Oh boy, I wonder why!

I doesn't trigger people it doesn't apply to. I've lived in mixed communities my whole life - and that's an observation almost any person in such a community, across all the race lines, will make. Nobody gets triggered for whom it doesn't apply.

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16 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

I doesn't trigger people it doesn't apply to. I've lived in mixed communities my whole life - and that's an observation almost any person in such a community, across all the race lines, will make. Nobody gets triggered for whom it doesn't apply.

Can you please stop talking like you know my culture? And implying I myself am a racist just because the word triggered me enough to point out your bias?

And it does trigger people without them being racists, especially a lot of germans get triggered, need I explain why? And no, it's not because a lot of germans are racists!


ETA: I am done with this, my intention was to explain to you that Syo was not being racist. I did that, I will end this here because you can't seem to be reasoanble in your stuck point of view on the matter.

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2 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Try Angel Rock. They make skins for African tones, and they have shapes you can start with, they make specific shapes for a few Catwa heads, and maybe Letuka also. I personally am partial to Mayreal Janet for a mesh head, and Angel Rock now has one Omega head applier that can be used with it.


YES! Angel Rock (I said Tuty's before) - but I was thinking Angel Rock. If I remember Tuty's also makes some good African skins, but it's Angel Rock who does the heads I was seeing before. I'm just a little paler to be the target customer of those, so I apologize for misremembering. :)

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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:


@janetosilio, see Alyona’s comment above. Heads not made specific for African looks will end up with Caucasian noses. Heads designed for an African look will often have a flattened, broad nose. I respectfully decline to provide pictures of the looks I prefer (partly because this is someone else’s thread).

That's not true, but suit yourself.

Here's a look I did with a Genesis Lab head and a Remy and Rowe skin:

So it is doable with any head people do it all the time. It really does depend on what look you're going for? Maybe start a new thread?

Sometimes arty.jpg

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1 hour ago, janetosilio said:

That's not true, but suit yourself.

Here's a look I did with a Genesis Lab head and a Remy and Rowe skin:

So it is doable with any head people do it all the time. It really does depend on what look you're going for? Maybe start a new thread?

Sometimes arty.jpg

My point was - MOST of the avatars I saw - I did not like the nose shape on, even with nice skins, as much as most of the specialized African mesh heads.

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Personally I'm not a fan of the nose in that avatar in the screenshots just above. It does look caucasian.

That said... for an African American - a very large percentage of them have caucasian DNA though the Y-Chromosome paternal line as a result of historic rape

So African Americans can end up with features that are not as common in Africa (where genetic diversity is also broad enough to give amazing variety).

To me, the only thing African about that images face if the skin tone. Though you WILL find people with a look like that.


Personally not a fan of the shape of those SKING (it looks SKING) bodies at the hips, but that's unrelated.

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The image looks to be Grace Jones inspired. Grace also has a pinched in nose - but there are subtle differences in the nostrils and the 'bulb' of the nose.



Though here is her Wikipedia entry, taken when she was 66 years old, where her nose seems closer to that in the avatar above:


So... With Africa having more genetic diversity in the average town of 1000 people than the entire rest of the planet combined... you can get a lot of different looks. Just because the avatar above doesn't "Feel" African to me, does NOT invalidate it.


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On 3/23/2018 at 4:07 PM, Rhonda Huntress said:

I think Love is looking for something that looks like ...


Broad, flat and cute.

Well, this thread has turned into a debate about looks. So my one and only contribution will be this: this picture is beautiful and accurate. because according the the science I've read, seen and even studied over the years there is a reason why dark skin is dark (has to do with heat and moisture evaporation) and that the major majority (obviously not all) people with dark skin will usually have a flat, wide nose for the same reasons: the flat to prevent as much sun onto it as possible and the wide to allow larger nostrals in order to breathe the hot, arid air.

I paraphrase.

I presume many will reply to plonk me.

I say: go ahead, research it.

Now - with the "Caucasian" look: absolutely "genetic diversity" A.K.A. "MIXED".

Now with ALL of this nonsense about whether a particular creator's head is capable or not, Why does it even matter? This isn;t about being "right" or "winning". Most of these looks, nay - practically all are beautiful in their own right. The first and foremost rule is: do what YOU like, screw the rest of the universe. Hahahaha

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6 hours ago, janetosilio said:

Yeah, I'm going to leave this alone. Your nose doesn't make you any blacker....nor does you skin tone.

Love, go for what you like. I was simply asking you what you had in mind to help you out. Good luck to you.

Thanks! What I ended up with wasn’t quite as extreme as Rhonda’s example but I like it, and that’s the point!

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18 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

Well, this thread has turned into a debate about looks.

Yeah I am not going there.

All I wanted to do with the Grace Jones pictures is provide what I thought might be an inspiration for the avatar above her. One which actually challenges my 'gut' about features - Grace's nose is atypical. She's Jamaican so like an African American there's a good chance she has European ancestry. The typical African American is actually 24% or so European, almost exclusively through the Y-Chromosome line (it is almost solely a product of the rape of black women in the South. This is in fact my own ancestry. Until basically 'within our lifetimes' cases that ran counter to that were rare enough to be newsworthy). Jamaicans I don't know, but they were enslaved by the same Colonizer, so it's likely similar - I do know that AFTER slavery Jamaica has had voluntary / free mixing more commonly and from an earlier point in time.

But Grace Jone's ancestry is a mystery to me. Her father was a cruel pastor - which is about all I know of her bio.

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I didn't pickup any form of racism in the watermelon comment. I assumed she meant overtly large breasts.

Some people make an avatar that is well proportioned, while others choose to do something less lifelike, more extreme or even something in between. While we can choose to like or dislike one form over another, we should be celebrating the diversity we now have across the grid. With the advent of mesh bodies and rigged clothing, we can now make the shape we want and wear the clothing we want without compromise.

We should also celebrate the fact that we can have debates like this because we have choices.

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3 hours ago, Chase01 said:

You know as in African American, non Caucasian.

African - because not all people of African ancestry are Americans. Quite a few live in Africa, curiously enough.

A decent portion of my 'social circle' lives in Ethiopia, England, and Nigeria. None of which are 'African American'.


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18 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

African - because not all people of African ancestry are Americans. Quite a few live in Africa, curiously enough.

Yes, I am quite aware of that.

18 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

A decent portion of my 'social circle' lives in Ethiopia, England, and Nigeria.


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On 3/17/2018 at 10:19 PM, janetosilio said:

I’m more partial to Belleza, to be honest. I have all three: Maitreya, Slink and Belleza. I’ve worn them all for an extended time, starting with Maitreya. 

In my opinion Maitreya looks nice in a certain range. Once you pass a certain point it doesn’t look right. There’s some shoulder issues too. It has bento hands though. It just...it’s meh to me. It’s generic...in my opinion. The best thing about it is, it’s a complete body. Hands, feet, you get the whole thing.

Slink Hourglass is also nice. It does curvy better than Maitreya does as the name implies. My issue with Hourglass are the feet. You have to take your feet off if you’re wearing heels, you have to take your feet off if you’re wearing flats. It’s annoying and I know you can save a flat footed outfit and a high heeled outfit. It’s just more convenient to click the button on the hud.

Belleza has been like....where have you been all my life and how did I miss you? It responds well to the shape sliders. You can be curvy, you can be slim. Aesthetically, it always looks great. It’s just really well done. I use Belleza Isis and I love it. The only flaw I see is bento hands don’t come with it. That’s the only real issue. You can wear Slink or Vista bento hands with it.

It really does depend on what you like and you’ll find fans of all three.

This is the very reason why I've been thinking about getting a Belleza body. That is once I make a full return to SL. I've been on a very long hiatus. Sent you a msg too!

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