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WOW! I just got ripped a new one by LL

Steph Catseye

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There is nothing on the Live Chat page below "Live Chat."

In the 2nd browser tried, it does have "offline now" below that. It is possible that will work on Monday. 

It still doesn't help me for this weekend. :smileyindifferent:

And in both browsers, the same error with the drop down menu not working once it tells me to properly choose something there. (When I already had.) So that makes me skeptical about the Live Chat working on the second browser either.

It has been like this a while. I just assumed it was fixed a long time ago.

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Steph Catseye wrote:

I thought live Chat Support will straighten it out... they aren't online at this time!

So i called billing support, 5 times to wait in line, when it was my turn it said CALL COMPLETED and hung up!

Eventually i got a Supporter, let's call him Mr Douchebag since he didn't wanted to tell me his name!


Maybe you should just put in a ticket now then contact live chat on Monday? They don't do weekends.

You're not going to get anywhere with billing - it's not their department.

I doubt the CEO or Torley do notecard support...

Jira's a good idea too.


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This is a perfect example of how poor and inconsistent customer services is currently.  I sincerely hope Rodvik is looking in. I have seen his name logged in from time to time.  A JIRA definitely needs to be submitted, if the system is defaulting to a max amount of 99,999. Heck, you would think LL would be bending over backwards to give the high rollers some decent support; here was me thinking it was only the pleb level that were treated so badly.

And I don't usually give into Linden Bashing either; I've been lucky, on the whole, but still, I see the inconsistencies and unfairness happening to other people.

I hope you have a happy outcome, Steph.


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@ Zanara


thank you for the reality check! There is no solution before Monday, you are completely right and i should put my mind at ease after submitting this issue to Jira!


If anyone cares... and please don't turn it in a pro/con Viewer discussion! This happenend with following viewer (Second Life 2.6.2 (225998) Apr  7 2011 21:55:52 (Second Life Release)


Funny side note... it is rumored that one of those top classified advertisers is LL operated to drive the prices up, if that would ever turn out to be true it would proof that they don't even use their own viewer! (Nerd Humor)

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If you're in the US, you can file against them in small claims with no lawyer.

If they are as responsive to that as they are to other things, they won't even show up or send anyone, and the case will almost inevitably go in your favor, and very quickly.

If they neither pay nor show up to explain why, they will become subject to arrest for that.

I took my last US employer to small claims court for a comparable amount with no lawyer. It took the system over a year to get him to pay up, but he finally paid up. Your favorable outcome will likely only be a lot quicker.

Judges are mostly not totally stupid.

When you're wrong you're wrong and there's just no way around it. 

And, if the situation is as described, they are wrong.

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Try filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau at www.bbb.org .   That's what I did when they suspended my account without notice.  It still took 5 weeks to get resolved, but Linden Labs is an accredited BBB business with an A+ rating with only 107 complaints.  (I'm not sure where they get this number because it is the same number as it was in February and surely there's been more complaints since then.)

The way it works is you file a complaint.  The BBB notifies Linden Labs of the complain and they have so many days to respond.  If they don't respond, then it gets closed as "unresolved".  Currently, most of their complaints have been 'resolved' to the satisfaction of the consumers.

Good luck!



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Josh and Doctor

thanx for the advice!

I still believe it will all be straightend out by monday! In the end of the day this is quite a massive payment which went wrong on their end and it should be easy to reproduce! Like I said before, i can't think of any other solution but a refund! There is just no room for arguments! I can see how this bug slips their attention, when they tested a classified ad they probably put in 50L$!

I sure will report here how it was "resloved"

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You invest HOW much per month to show on top of search?!

Well, it looks like there's a cap on it now.

Unless you have a contract with Linden Labs over an agreed monthly infusion, I don't see where you have any leg to stand on, virtually or otherwise. 

You choose to use a social site for business. It isn't a business site people are using for social gatherings.

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Holocluck Henly wrote:

You invest HOW much per month to show on top of search?!

Well, it looks like there's a cap on it now.

Unless you have a contract with Linden Labs over an agreed monthly infusion, I don't see where you have any leg to stand on, virtually or otherwise. 

You choose to use a social site for business. It isn't a business site people are using for social gatherings.

Even a slight understanding of the facts before you write would help you not to make such nonsense posts.

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Holocluck Henly wrote:

You invest HOW much per month to show on top of search?!

Well, it looks like there's a cap on it now.

Unless you have a contract with Linden Labs over an agreed monthly infusion, I don't see where you have any leg to stand on, virtually or otherwise. 

You choose to use a social site for business. It isn't a business site people are using for social gatherings.


Sorry, i am not following you at all!

1) there is no cap it's a bug

2) you don't need a contract with LL, resident levels are the only thing that restrict your monthly selling & buying limits, classified ads or any other form of advertising is unrestricted!

3) i don't infuse money, it is money I had in world already

4) SL is not a Social site. FULL STOP! Second Life is a real life simulation and is what one wants it to be! If it is a facebook extension for you it is a business for me! Since my first avatar in 2004 people trying to categorize Second Life, ask 10 people and you get 8 categories!

Even if SL was for scoial gatherings, each single avatar needs, hair, clothes, shapes, shoes, skins etc...

probably a good idea to offer such items for money, isn't it?

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New Rule for me!:smileysad:

-Do not ever use the classifieds as a major marketing tool for a big promotion-

Was kind of already a rule, but this thread kinda puts a stamp on it.:smileytongue:

Actually, I'm amazed that i still spend real money on it, considering all it's recently changes and problems.:smileymad:

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I was refunded today in full!

I never had doubts because in those things they have always been fair!

So far i can report that the Linden that contacted me wasn't able to reproduce it!

Please don't talk about an intentional cap since it is utter nonsense, as long u got the funds you can spend them on whatever you want! My Resident Level would allow much higher payments or withdrawals, having said that their is no inworld spending limit! It was a bug, but there is no obvious pattern yet what has caused it!

I will see next friday when I try again :-)



I catched a supporter on the phone who was tired, this guy sheds a bad light on the LL Support, but in the end of the day, someone who cared more took the wheel in the hand and refunded me on a Sunday which i thought wouldn't be possible!

All's good!

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I'm very pleased you got a positive end result from this. I notice that Charlene Linden has marked the issue as resolved on the JIRA. You will, of course, be able to test this next time you place a classified, but this is very good to hear.  I do hope it will result in some further training for the Support staff too.

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How... is that acceptable behaviour from the person you spoke to?


I will never enter in large amounts to SL. Never. It's not worth the risk of being stolen from then treated like a complete retard.


I just can't even. No words. I'm glad you got it sorted out, which is what should have happened regardless, but that doesn't change that level of customer service. I just can't imagine how things like that are even acceptable, but maybe it's me. Maybe I just have a very high standard of customer service, which is to resolve ALL issues even at the expense of yourself. Period. If the customer has a problem, you should always resolve it and ensure the customer is happy. You don't say "ITS YOUR FAULT, BYE."

I had to contact customer service for a RL item I purchased and someone wrote back to me an email in COMIC SANS with third grade spelling and I nearly hit the ceiling. Mostly from laughing so hard.

*Edited by moderator for vulgarity*

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