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SL Police

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Going out and about recently in SL, and I have noticed a group tag of SL Police. I thought that the only people that have power in SL to enforce TOS and CS policy are the Lindens themselves, and land owners as such. Is this a new group of enforcers in SL or just a group for power hungry people to big note themselves to new comers?

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Xena Barzane wrote:

Going out and about recently in SL, and I have noticed a group tag of SL Police. I thought that the only people that have power in SL to enforce TOS and CS policy are the Lindens themselves, and land owners as such. Is this a new group of enforcers in SL or just a group for power hungry people to big note themselves to new comers?


Only Lindens have the power to enforce TOS and Community Guidelines in world. However Land and Parcel Owners have the power to enforce their own rules on their own land .. but no where else.

I have no clue who the "SL Police" might be.

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I can't speak for this new group but some of the acting Officer's I've met in SL were cool people.

I suspect that the level of Quality of the reports from those individuals is very high. They only AR Resident's who are clearly in violation.

I understand that there are many wanna b's Inworld but there is an equal or greater amount interested in pursuing a Resident Police Group with honor.

It's their Second Life right?

I cannot recall a Residents name due to memory and censoring but he's a good guy. Rather smart to, kinda usual for an acting Officer of the Law. Most of the Patrols are around Linden owned Public Gathering Places. Any Reports are based on the TOS or the CS, the Officer doesn't make up the Policy. A new Residents having clothing issues is more likely to get assistance from the Officer before ever getting an AR.

Try visiting a few Public locations, mingle for a bit. New Residents do what Residents do but the real trouble begins when veteran Residents have a gripe. Actions by these individuals offends me the most. They know exactly what they are doing.


For any SL Officer who may read this, your AR's are reviewed and eventually the Team will either appreciate you or they won't. Check your email every now and again.  

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Ian Undercroft wrote:

I do wonder at the mental state of someone who gets a buzz out wandering around SL pretending to be a police officer.


Yeah cos thats way more weird than being a vampire or any other type of roleplayer? lol :D

@OP there have been many self appointed Police Forces come and go in SL, if they help people & don`t get complaints against them I don`t think LL minds too much, but there have been some that get in trouble for trying to portray themselves as somehow being Lindens or appointed by Lindens & making a nuisance of themselves.

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Don't underestimate things like this, Ian. A vast number of people in SL role play what they are not in RL. Being a police officer is not my cup of tea, but I see nothing strange about people playing a police officer. It's just a fantasy like many others. Also, there are several RL police officers in SL.

Some of these groups even have educative purposes. Take the SL Coast Guard group, for instance: while not a police force, their organization is similar. They are a respected and helpful organization in SL, much appreciated by the sailing community and with a stellar reputation. In order to be promoted to higher ranks, their members must take classes. Some of their members are RL coasties and a few even joined the US Coast Guard as auxiliries.

After all, the US Army tries to entice young people into joining the army with video games. :)

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Xena Barzane wrote:

Going out and about recently in SL, and I have noticed a group tag of SL Police. I thought that the only people that have power in SL to enforce TOS and CS policy are the Lindens themselves, and land owners as such. Is this a new group of enforcers in SL or just a group for power hungry people to big note themselves to new comers?

They're not endorsed by Linden Lab, though some will tell you they are. I personally have found them to be a mixed bag, and many often remind me of why I'm glad it's LL, not Residents, who handle Governance. :smileywink:


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This group is not endorsed by Linden Lab and has no power or authority anywhere on the Grid. They are like all the other "police"/vigilante groups in Second Life. Not a one of them is any better than the "griefers" they seek to remove.

If it were possible, I would add each and every member (with very few exceptions) of each and every "police"/vigilante group to my own personal ban list.

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could be...

  1. a role play group (play along if you like otherwise ignore them)
  2. a product update group (should be pretty harmless, ignore them)
  3. an estate security group (listen to them if you are on their estate, otherwise ignore them)
  4. a vigilante group (some offer helpful information, but most aren't much better than griefers, and can ruin your reputation if you let them stick around)

in all cases, if they bother you and won't back off after being asked to,

  1. it's your land, ask them to leave, then eject/ban/AR if they don't comply
  2. if it's not, inform the owner, and AR them (note: banning you is NOT harassment, so don't bother filing an AR for that)
  3. if it's public land, AR them into oblivion
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I'm sure that others have covered this well already but "SL Police" groups are usually griefers in matching jerseys.  They have no "official" powers.  A parcel or sim owner might let them "work" their land, but for the most part you can feel free to ignore them, or report them if they try to tell you that they are SL sanctioned.

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Cabbage Acanthus wrote:

[...] report them if they try to tell you that they are SL sanctioned.

ooo forgot to mention that.... only Lindens can make groups that are supported by LL, and any group that claims otherwise is violating Terms of Service (impersonation/misuse of trademarks)...

there shouldn't actually BE a group by that name, as it violates the Trademark Policy (many groups have been removed because of that).... which means a single AR can remove the entire group....

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As they say, "Goodie-goodies are the thieves of virtue".

If Linden Lab had good sense and insight into what makes a popular product and service (and believe me they don't or we would have already seen it) they would loosen up in this area because 99% of abuse reports are trivial and only create more animosity for everyone until the good ones leave and the bad ones remain, as is the case now and why the community is in shambles. Thus, SL Police only add more fuel to this fire unless of course, they forcus their reporting on copybotters, even though they get away with everything in Second Life and always seem to return without very much trouble.

They brought this all on themselves because of terrible leadership. I'm not advocating no rules, but an intelligent application of these rules, but it's far too late in my opinion so they might as well just do whatever they want as they've always done. Just my two cents.

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The last time there was a group calling it's self the "SL police" or some varient of such (There were actually three or four of these groups at one time), Thier members tended to be worse than the grieferes they claimed to be protecting SL From. It got so bad that many properties and private estates would ban outright anyone wearing a group titles calling themselves any kind of law enforcement, or wearing any markings or trappings distinguishing them as a police officer.

I do not know anyone from this new group, But i CAN say that to me it will not matter. I will not take the chance that they will be anything like the old groups, and i will boot and ban them from any land overwhich i hold control.


The ONLY people who have authority to enforce TOS or community standards in SL are the Lindens.



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