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SL should stop banning people


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The objective of banning is so that the infractions will stop, or that's at least the objective until the a-holes make another account. Hopefully they Ban via IP address.  There are a number of offenses that should result in an immediate ban, such as Fraud actvities, and pedophilia perverts stalking kids.  The best solution for those who don't understand RULES and subsequent consequences for breaking such rules, should find another 3D social envioronment where they can practice their style of nihilistic fun regardless of who gets hurt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im not sure the OP is aware of just what has to happen for a person to get a Perma ban.  You have to truly screw up in big bold capital letters to get a perma ban.

Flagrant disgregard of the TOS? Perma ban.  (Many tend to scoff at this, but this virtual space is not yours, you are allowed to play in LL's sandbox.  There are rules. Can't or Won't play by ther rules?  They will take away your privliage to play in the sandbox. Not reading the TOS does not exempt you from being hit over the head with it, if LL deems it nessescary)

Copy botting?   Ban

Using an illegal copy of a viewer to log in to SL? ummm Ban

Running a sim that caters to Anything that most humans and LL deems as inapropriate. BAM... Perma Ban.. lose it all.. bye

Anything that brings in the FBI? oh ya.. Big BADA BAN! ( and maybe even some jail time, don't talk to the tossed salad man )

How much you spend here is not even a point of concern. Screw up bad enough, you lose.


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  • 2 weeks later...



I remember the massive ban and I am glad you mentioned it, even if this post is old. I was just browsing forums today, as I'm considering returning to SL after a year long break.


At first, I thought it was only Bloodline players getting banned because an SL ex and several friends were caught up in long suspensions, resulting in perma bans for a few. Many had their accounts suspended up to two months before release/perma ban. It was 2010/2011, correct? It wasn't just limited to Woodbury, it was all over.


Copybotting used to result in a perma ban automatically years ago. Alts linked to those accounts were also suspended. Long story I will not get into now, but not regarding me personally.


Anyhoo, reporting/banning is rare these days, it seems. And I do agree to an extent that it should be a very, very serious offense for perma bans. Of course users of SL forget that we own nothing, LL owns it all, which I respect their TOS. Gotta have rules for a reason, right?

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  • 9 months later...
On ‎4‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 2:49 PM, mikka Luik said:


soxley wrote:






Stalkers? Total non-issue; just mute as each alt pops up. Being so emotionally warped you fixate obsessively on someone may be groteque, but it's not a crime.


Is self-policing and self-reliance too much to ask for?


Just on that point - I think you may be a teeny bit out of touch with reality. Putting it mildly.

Thank you, Mikka. You said exactly what I thought when I read that. There are anti stalking laws in RL.

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On ‎4‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 5:39 PM, Amethyst Jetaime said:

Sorry I totally disagree with you.

LL doesn't ban people for minor offenses, it has to  be something very serious or due to continual bad behavior  So what if they lose everything they bought for RL money?  That is part of the punishment.

Despite claims to the contrary, people who get banned know why they were banned and could have behaved in a manner that would not get them banned but chose not to.

As far as the incident six years ago, it isn't haunting anything.  I doubt you could find 12 people in a crowd of avatars that even remember it.  It certainly doesn't haunt me.

Exactly, Amythest. I had completely forgotten that incident. No haunting here, either.

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1 hour ago, chaotikcrow said:

My friend got banned today and she did nothing wrong, she spend so much money and 5 years of her lifetime, they don't give a damn. She's very upset now and still in shock that it happened, I even created a post to get some help and a admin named Tommy Liden locked it said that I can't help my friend for their "privacy" rules or something. Then how the hell she can get help if they banned her account!? She can't even post here and something tells me that they will ignore her completely. I won't leave it like nothing happened, she worked so hard and I will do anything to make people aware that Second Life is a horrible place to go. I can't believe it, no warning or a sign, just all gone in a simple click and we have no rights or a way to defend ourselves, bunch of cold heartless people, who would do such a thing!

Your friend should check her email. She will likely find some information there.

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4 minutes ago, Marianne McCann said:

Your friend should check her email. She will likely find some information there.

Right.  Because even if the friend COULD post in the forums, there's no help for her here.  She's got to deal directly with LL.  And they're not going to talk to 'her friend' at all.  

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