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Destiny Delacroix

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Everything posted by Destiny Delacroix

  1. I use my own real height. When I first started. everyone was 7 to 8 feet tall tottering around on size zero feet which to me looked comically bizarre, so about day 3 I went to 5' 3" making me 5'8" in pumps never looked back. 10 years later. I see builders finally build things to Human standard heights. My main example is surfboards (I love surfing in SL). You have long boards and short boards. oversized AVI's look rather silly on a longboard, and on a short board they may as well toss a toothpick in the surf and have at it.
  2. Im not sure the OP is aware of just what has to happen for a person to get a Perma ban. You have to truly screw up in big bold capital letters to get a perma ban. Flagrant disgregard of the TOS? Perma ban. (Many tend to scoff at this, but this virtual space is not yours, you are allowed to play in LL's sandbox. There are rules. Can't or Won't play by ther rules? They will take away your privliage to play in the sandbox. Not reading the TOS does not exempt you from being hit over the head with it, if LL deems it nessescary) Copy botting? Ban Using an illegal copy of a viewer to log in to SL? ummm Ban Running a sim that caters to Anything that most humans and LL deems as inapropriate. BAM... Perma Ban.. lose it all.. bye Anything that brings in the FBI? oh ya.. Big BADA BAN! ( and maybe even some jail time, don't talk to the tossed salad man ) How much you spend here is not even a point of concern. Screw up bad enough, you lose.
  3. Smiles.. yep I know about this also/ The Huddles is a Heads Up Device or HUD.. like an AO or a Dance hud. The difference is that Huddles (with some effort ) is capable of replacing all Huds.. so you can have a single device and functions as your AO, dance hud, Landmark tracker, Item rezzer and a number of other things. Mine had over 230 dance animations. 50 plus stand animations alone and a vast assortment of other animations. It also held a variety of building tools I use when I build and Landscape. I even had several cars and motorcycles in it so I could rez them at the touch of a button. Soo yea.. I am a tad upset at its possible loss. And it is more than... "A bit of inventory loss."
  4. Thanks Charlotte. THIS is new information I have not tried. I'll give this a try.
  5. " Really? 5 years and you'd give it up for a bit of inventory loss? " First...the term Game is easier to type angry than Virtual Reality Simulator. And when you lose 5 years of time and effort in ANY endeavor, perhaps you'll feel a 'bit' different and offer some other kind of advice rather than the flippant empty headed response you posted here. Perhaps you are unaware of the versatility of the huddles animator deluxe If you take the time and learn to use one.. you need no other hud... ever. I took the time to learn. As for steps I can take, you offered Nothing at all that I do not already know. Let me impart some Advice to you PeterCanessa Oh. Do something other than advising if this is the best you are capable of. Ansariel Hiller - Your suggestion is worthwhile but I've know about the 'wear from ground' issue for many years. I appreciate your trying to help.
  6. Missing My huddles... 5 years of Animations and items are gone!! I have cleared both inventory and texture cache I have relogged from phoenix to V2 and back again. I have checked lost and found. it has not returned. I am not ready to contiue this game having lost over 300 k worth of items and animations. What are my options..
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