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Women degrading advertising in search

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That the vulgarity and disturbing violence of BDSM known as a sect in SL and other virtual worlds spread into real life and popular culture in 50 Shades of Gray doesn't exonerate it or justify it. It's wrong and sets back 50 years of feminism and women's rights.

The idea that people who condemn this very, very archaic and old-fashioned medieval behavior of BDMS from the darkest ages of humanity are "old-fashioned" themselves is for the birds. Of course it's not "old fashioned" to complain about oppression of women. 

That women "choose" this is in question, given the enormous number of people harmed by these relationships and cases in real life of torture and criminality. It doesn't fly. 

You've got an agenda to exonerate and justify something you personally like. We are more than entitled as a society to raise serious questions about your claims, starting with the claim that people choose this "lifestyle" from a place of free choice and not sad dysfunction and trauma.

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The self-righteous prig is definitely not the OP, but Freya with her agenda here to shove BDSM on everybody as some "normalcy" when it is not. It is a violent sect and should indeed be condemned morally in fact in the name of modern liberal democratic life and women's rights.

That these natural senses of revulsion that most people have are converted into stodgy conservativism by people practicing a medieval culture is of course one of the hypocrisies of Second Life.

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Just like the OP, you are either making it up or you are grossly over-exagerating things.I open search, with adult checked, quite often and I've never seen depictions child pornography there. If you see some, certainly report it, but I don't believe it's there. As for BDSM, live with it. It's a fact of SL life and is encompassed by the rules we all live by. You were keen to point out in the 'orb' thread that we must all accept the rules, so I suggest you do it as well. Report anything that is against the rules and live with anything that isn't.

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Prokofy Neva wrote:

The self-righteous prig is definitely not the OP, but Freya with her agenda here to shove BDSM on everybody as some "normalcy" when it is not.
It is a violent sect and should indeed be condemned morally in fact in the name of modern liberal democratic life and women's rights.

That these natural senses of revulsion
that most people have
are converted into stodgy conservativism by people practicing a medieval culture is of course one of the hypocrisies of Second Life.

I'm not into BDSM because it simply doesn't appeal to me, but I challenge your statement to the extent that I do not believe you, and I do believe you are making it up. I've seen you do that in the past and get embarrassingly shown up because of it. The fact that something doesn't appeal to you, a woman, doesn't mean that it doesn't appeal to other women. I know for an absolute fact that the fantasy of being 'taken by force' (raped) is in some women. I'm talking about RL, not SL. Your imagination may reject that, but your imaginations are merely imaginations.

Produce evidence to support the word 'most', or it's just more of your imagination.


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It's earlier than you THINK. Just caws a few intelectual giants built the modern age, our technological world, it's very very wrong to think that man (as a mass) EVER lurked outside Plato's proverbial cave to sniff a rose or two. The Middle Ages are as "modern' as it gets in the souls of many hehehehehe

Why not crack a whip! Make a welt!

Jumpy don't do that tho caws he only celebrates women and beatuy!

Square biness!

(Hi, Prok! If you are speaking to me this day, week, month or year). Could you please remove my name from your dusty mal-fic list. Im too close to Alexa who not so verly long ago reneged when I won her at aution at the Mad Pea Celebrity Auction [YES PHIIL CELEBRITY AUCTION]  


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Jumpman Lane wrote:!

(Hi, Prok! If you are speaking to me this day, week, month or year). Could you please remove my name from your dusty mal-fic list. Im too close to Alexa who not so verly long ago reneged when I won her at aution at the Mad Pea Celebrity Auction [YES PHIIL CELEBRITY AUCTION]  


Who is Alexa?

You won her at a celebrity auction? So Alexa is/was a celebrity? That doesn't say anything for you, does it? lol

It also doesn't say anything for Alexa, who I've never heard of so she isn't 'famous' in SL. And it doesn't say anything for the auction, except that someone, somewhere, at some time, got some people who are well-known to them together for an auction.

Keep trying, Jumpman. You haven't persuaded anyone who has posted yet :D

It's a pity that you've decided to revert to your chilish way of writing. Up to now, your posts were easy to read. Perhaps that's the reason - you don't want us to understand you because your arguments are so weak LOL.

Incidentally, to the best of my knowledge, Prok's imaginary FIC list is/was a short list of those who LL favoured with things like advanced information, and pricing. YOU would never be in such a list for the simple reason that you have no need of such things. I can only guess why Prok came up with such a silly idea, but I'm inclined to think that it was because she thought some users were getting advantages that she wasn't. A sour grapes thing. It's true, of course, that some users do get pricing advantages, but none that other users can't get. I.e. quantity discounts on sims. Some people have put that down to favouritism, but it's just normal business practise that can be had by any user if they have the money to buy enough sims.

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Alexa is a Linden lmao.

You need to get OUT MORE for real Phil.

As for why Prok decided to add me to her FIC List you'd have to ask Prok. (who incidentally was a lil meanie who wrote mean lil things about me hehehe).

I have had a few Linden pals who tho pesky were nice and helped me out of a jam or 2.

I broke out my break dancin moves back in the day when I used to party with Zara on Fridays :P


You should lurk other places than THESE forums you are so not in the know. It's laughable.


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Jumpman Lane wrote:

Alexa is a Linden lmao.

You need to get OUT MORE for real Phil.

There are, and have been, so many Lindens that the single name 'Alexa' doesn't impart anything. It's not surprising that she reneged on it, is it
And, of course, SHE was the celebrity - not you.

As for why Prok decided to add me to her FIC List you'd have to ask Prok. (who incidentally was a lil meanie who wrote mean lil things about me hehehe).

You said in another post that you are not in her FIC list, and that you're in a another one, which sounded like a negative one. You're in my negative list too, but even
 doesn't make you famous in SL. Keep trying

I have had a few Linden pals who tho pesky were nice and helped me out of a jam or 2.

I think that many of we old hands here have had the odd Linden or two who have become somewhat friendly. I certainly have, and I gained advantages from it too. But it didn't make me famous in SL.

I broke out my break dancin moves back in the day when I used to party with Zara on Fridays

Oh well done! You danced with someone, who I assume was a Linden or you wouldn't mention it. THAT makes you famous in SL LMAO!

You should lurk other places than THESE forums you are so not in the know. It's laughable.

I don't need to lurk in other small circles. Being known in them doesn't make anyone famous in SL


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Talkin to you is like talkin to a lil kid.

Prok most certainly knew whom I meant by "Alexa" lmao

You'll have to ask Prok any whys, or what mal-fic means or doesn't mean, and how it all fits together. (Ask the Prokstar why my name appeared so close to Alexa's hehehe)

I kissed caLLie cLine once when I was dancing with HER!

I live my  SL as if every second I'm playing to a gallery of KINGS!

That's the difference between me any you and why I've gained more noteriety than you THROUGHOUT Second Life.

Snarky contrarian comments in the SL forums only get you so far :P

You frame that autographed pic I sent you yet? I bet you have hehehe

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Tried to pick a post to reply to but there's not a whole lot of useful content being written in any one message and unfortunately I am particularly stretched for time today so can't HTML.

Not surprised by your opinion but I feel like this is more of the same and I've already replied pretty roundly to these complaints. Most of your language is the same silly judging and hyperbole used by the OP, especially but not limited to...

Prokofy Neva wrote:

shove BDSM on everybody

I wish I could take credit for that but nope. Didn't do that. The residents of Second Life are the ones who chose the specific sets of flavours of content that comes under the Adult banner. They're free to do this, all I've been doing in this thread is pointing out why removing this freedom isn't useful or very likely to occur.

As an aside, interesting parallel between this quote and those folks that claim things are being repeatedly "shoved down" someone's "throat". I find those people funny, but universally wrong. Freedom to associate, display advertising and discuss topics of interest is not "shoving", you don't have a right to only see things that you personally like and approve of, etc.

Prokofy Neva wrote:

liberal democratic
life and women's

Bolded are words you appear to be mis-using in this context. I and others have pointed out repeatedly that many women run the social clubs/businesses the OP was complaining about and that many others enjoy these themes. I don't know that liberalism is on the side of those who seek to reduce personal freedom, or that the democratic process is likely to show your 'moral condemnation' to have a majority in Second Life (not that it matters, isn't a democracy).

Consider myself liberal and feminist, previously discussed. Either one of us is lying or this issue has more nuance than your posts suggest.

Prokofy Neva wrote:

That these natural senses of revulsion that most people have are converted into stodgy conservativism by people practicing a medieval culture is of course one of the hypocrisies of Second Life.

Cute, but again, no. Medieval culture was way more into despotic control, corruption and mindless moral fanaticism than it was consent and sexual liberty. Stodgy and conservative always been stodgy and conservative, sorry!

Prokofy Neva wrote:

That women "choose" this is in question, given the enormous number of people harmed by these relationships and cases in real life of torture and criminality. It doesn't fly. 

"Enormous" is clearly hyperbolic, neither torture nor criminality comes under BDSM as I've understood and practised it for a decade or so, so I reckon this is junk too. I feel like there's probably a good question worth discussing under this mess somewhere, but with all this distortion I doubt it's going to be productive here right now. My experience and personal history heavily suggests people choose to participate in BDSM freely, I have no reason to take this particular claim of yours seriously given the language it's couched in.

I was clear before that I was mostly posting to this thread for entertainment value and making jokes at the expense of fuddy-duddy's. Would prefer you see this reply as addressing your points with the politeness deserved and also acknowledging that our opinions will continue to differ and that's okay because nothing will change. I've no interest in converting anyone, especially Carlotta or yourself. You're welcome to your opinions, I'mma keep on using Search to find good times.

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I've removed my orginal reply because I realised that it sidetracked this thread. I've left the ETA part though.



We've sidetracked this thread, so, from now on, let's keep this discussion in the 'famous' thread. I donl;t know how we managed to sidetrack it.

I've had a look and it was your 'celebrity' comment in post #105. I wrongly responded to it as though it was the 'famous' thread. My fault. Let's keep this over there please.

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There is a total misconception about living out sexual fantasies in a consensual and safe (i do not always call things being done in SL sane) online enviroment like Second Life and the View of Feminists that sex is rape per se. The true opression of women is not done by couples engaging in roleplay or any other play but by the ones who tell women how they have to act, what they may do and what not. So pick first best your own nose if you want to regulate their life to your liking. They come in here to fullfil their fantasy, thats all. There are also no victims in SL as no one can be forced here to act agains his will (as long TOS isn't ignored).


I do not like some of the cheaply done grafic advertisements also. It's just to much and not erotic at all. I am not seeing such anymore that often and i frequent sex clubs a lot.

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I came here to prod Prok and poke Phil but like I've ALWAYS (when serious) said "Prok's right!"

Wierdies engaging in fantasies is not always innocuous. See, we live in our heads and much of man's life is making thought REAL- concretizing ideas. Whether art or industry, man thinks then does.

It is a dangerous thing for a man to spend day after day desensitizing himself to life's taboos.  It is pernicious indeed, to flame illicit passions,  to heighten his regard for the forbidden.

It all reminds me of a certain sex bed maker who blithely bandied his SL proclivities TO THE WORLD, thinking it all rainbows and lollipops...til the cops came.



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Forget my URL request. I found it. She called the police because she thought he was in real trouble in RL, and not for the reasons that you implied. She didn't call the police ON him. She called them FOR him.

It was interesting to note someone's question:- "who is jumpman?" ;)

I also read the first bit of your "pissing on .... grave part 2" which reminded me what a truly nasty piece of work you are. I know that, for you, that's high praise indeed, but I don't mind.

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Jumpman Lane wrote:

i link u two

since u asked

you seriously never read that

I'd already read the first but not the second. The first included that questiom, "who is jumpman?" :D

The second includes this:-

Jumpman has been desperately trying to keep the spotlight on himself and the traffic and the follows ever since he tackled Stroker viciously once again and set everyone up to worry about his possible suicide attempt -- which he gloated about.

I suppose that your current presence in the forum is yet another "desperate attempt" which will, a always, end in failure :D

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