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Post pictures of your Homes and Gardens


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Hi guys first time land owner here and i would love to see some pictures of your homes and gardens.... to get some ideas. I've just started renting a small corner block with beach access and pretty gardens and waterfalls and i have no idea what to do with the land so any input would be great. 

I'd love to see what you have done with your land? or if you know of any great blogs to check out as well.


Thanks disk :)


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if you have a small splot, look how the sim is ... flat sims and sudden a raising waterall rock is a bit odd... and will eat prims fast...

of course what you like is leading.

Go look around at content creators sims, they often have show models how you can combine and use their things.

For example Skye studio's by Alex Bader works very inspiring.. all he makes is put in his example sims..

but there are many more

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Thanks alwin great advice and i have noticed alot of the prims have already been taken up. I've messaged the landowner already regarding this and how i can return certain things i don't want or need. I love the waterfalls but having 6 of them is a bit much.

Im only looking at getting mesh because i heard that saves space and i can also link objects together from the one owner? i need to do a bit more reading regarding this.

I will check out skye studios :) Thanks

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My home is just a flat platform in the sky, but here's my garden:

That's the main island, anyway.

I buy a lot of landscaping items from Skye (which Alwin mentioned) and probably more from Botanical (on the Straylight region). The Skye items tend to work best with other Skye items, by the way. Neither of them do a lot with mesh flowers but I've found several sellers who do. Feel free to IM me if you'd like landmarks to stores. Do go to the in-world stores -- you can't tell if landscaping items are any good via the Marketplace.

Have fun!

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I've been homeless since the closing of my favorite sim, Forgotten City. I now camp (and try to steal the locomotive) at The Far Away...

The Far Away was designed by AM Radio and is currently hosted by Ziki Questi. I doubt it'll give you any ideas for landscaping beachfront property, but this is exactly the kind of landscaping I have done in the past, and would do again. Years ago, I had a 256 x 256 meter platform in the sky that was nothing but wheat, and it was three prims, one for the platform, one for the sculptie I designed to carry the wheat field texture and one for the sky.

In RL, I don't have enough land to dedicate to a large field, so I just borrow fields from the surrounding neighborhood...

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The 'canned' island I bought, and Porco Rosso-style seaplane.

Higher on the same parcel I have some flying islands. I did more of the build work on these. Recently I reduced to two islands to save prims, but the look is about the same. The whole lot (plus a build platform) fits on a <1500 sq.m. parcel.

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During my early days in SL, I was a nomad. The first place I camped was a large field of dandelions at the water's edge. Every few minutes, a lone dandelion seed would pop out of the field and float away. I wondered where it would go. When I was young, I'd wonder the same about anything that floated over or on Lake Michigan. Where would it go? Maybe Michigan, a strange place where (according to my Father) people eat popcorn with forks. I was then, as now, enchanted by the possibilities.

Intervening years found me living with friends who let me squat on a tiny corner of their sim in exchange for help with their builds. I made a lighthouse with a dandelion dance floor that, every few minutes, poofed a seed into the wind. I shared a hidden tropical island with a partner for a couple years, where I discovered the beauty of the SL wind (which has since been broken by LL). My friend Dee captured a few minutes of that beauty before it vanished...

That's a single particle emitter, and the complex changes in morphology of the cloud are entirely due to the changes in wind vectors across a sim. These days, although the wind still changes direction and speed, it's the same everywhere on a sim. The beauty is gone.

Now I'm back at The Far Away. Back to being a nomad. I sleep inside the locomotive's boiler, and Parhelion Palou has graciously offered to fire it up with a load of coal. He's probably not the only one itching to set me ablaze. The Far Away is the closest thing to paradise I've got in SL, and I think I'll stay here, throwing dandelion seeds into the air.

Thank you for the offer, steph. I'm happy where I rarely am.



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Alwin Alcott wrote:

if you have a small splot, look how the sim is ... flat sims and sudden a raising waterall rock is a bit odd... and will eat prims fast...


In nature there are flats at the bottom of waterfalls so I dont know why you think its 'odd' 

but then it is personal choice (as you also implied)  and who cares about the laws of physics in SL!

Yeah, my prims are always in the balance. When I want something that takes more I have to juggle and take away something else. It works to contain me though  :)

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I've been homeless since the closing of my favorite sim, Forgotten City. I now camp (and try to steal the locomotive) at The Far Away...

The Far Away was designed by AM Radio and is currently hosted by Ziki Questi. I doubt it'll give you any ideas for landscaping beachfront property, but this is exactly the kind of landscaping I have done in the past, and would do again. Years ago, I had a 256 x 256 meter platform in the sky that was nothing but wheat, and it was three prims, one for the platform, one for the sculptie I designed to carry the wheat field texture and one for the sky.

In RL, I don't have enough land to dedicate to a large field, so I just borrow fields from the surrounding neighborhood...

WHAT are those birds Maddy? They bloody huge.

I get the need for space. Even in sl I dont like small closed in spaces. In my rl I have undeveloped land with a shed and not much more. I enjoy the out doors, so a place to sleep and take shelter is enough. 

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CheriColette wrote:

Parhelion Palou wrote:

My home is just a flat platform in the sky, but here's my garden:


Wonderful....I like all your pathways and great use of space.

Is your house there among the trees, Parthelion?

Thanks! That picture was from around 4 months ago - at that time there was a lighthouse, boathouse with living space, a really small cottage, a cabin, and a hobbit house. There are tunnels with some rooms under the cliffs too. I don't use anything at ground level as home so people can wander around without bothering me. My home location is set to a high platform, but I do have a TARDIS that acts as a home if I want to somewhere to sit.

I used a slightly old picture because I wiped about half of the region last week so I can do something different. The cliffs and everything under them remain because it took so much work to build them.

Here's the TARDIS lower floor. All I've added is the two chairs & a small table between them.


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Some great homes here!

Here's my little corner of mainland. I tend to go in for the modest, understated look as you can see.

The property is in a state of flux a little at the moment as I gradually learn to make my own mesh and convert it all. So far I've saved 250 LI and improved it at the same time. I would absolutely love to have a full sim to play with for landscaping, but I can barely afford what I have (and since it's nearly payment time for my four premium accounts that chip in for the land allowance, it might not be there much longer!)

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CheriColette wrote:

WHAT are those birds Maddy? They bloody huge.

They're geese. And they're not only huge, they've got attitude. One of them was standing in the middle of my side of the road a few years ago. I slowed down, figuring she'd eventually get the hint and waddle off to the shoulder. Nope. She held her ground. I stopped crawling forward the moment her head vanished below the hood, and I waited. And waited. And then came the banging as she tried to peck the license plate off my car.

The geese used to migrate south in winter. Now they're a permanent part of the landscape, as are the marauding gangs of wild turkeys that tear up my gardens, and the coyotes that try to eat them all. I rarely heard coyotes when I was little. Now packs of them yip and howl outside my house every evening. While my neighbors complain that the world is going to the dogs, their pet dogs are going to the coyotes. I warned 'em, but they didn't listen, and their li'l darlings paid the price for their ignorance.

Meanwhile, if I'm out in the yard at night, I carry a walking stick.

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