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How do you politely tell someone they are boring you? lol

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How do you politely tell someone they are boring you? lol Serious question. I am a blunt person and trying to work this out without exactly being mean even though I should be given what I been threw with this person. I was asked to come back and play SL and basically the person who asked me back decided not to play anymore. That's fine and all, but really we don't play anything else together really. We tried and it didn't really work out for me. It just wasn't a fun experiance. So I am sitting with her on skype and I am expected to lead the conversatiion. She hardly says anything unless I ask direct questions. Yet if a friend calls male or female she's quick to hop on the phone and it's a gab feast from then on out, but when it goes back to talking to me I feel like I am pulling teeth. So I am left sitting there bored out of my mind. I have in the best way I know possible tried to relate the differance on how she is and even sugested contributing to the conversation would not hurt any. If I try to discuss anything serious or that I feel important to me it doesnt go well and yet I am expected to listen to all her bs though and be all understanding like. I even flat out asked why do you insist on having me on skype if your hardly talk? That conversation really went no where at all. So I am now trying to work out a nice way of saying hey I don't mind talking on skype spending time with ya and all, but if something don't give don't expect me to sit here bored out of my mind all day with your behind listening to you holding actual real conversations with everyone, but me. lol I mean it's funny, but it's not because I am already thinking of ways or reasons to not like be around at all. lmao So all that being said anyone have any sugestions by chance?

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Velk Kerang wrote: [...] because I am already thinking of ways or reasons to not like be around at all. lmao So all that being said anyone have any sugestions by chance?

Yes: do indeed not be around at all. You've already tried fixing the problem from your end, it didn't work, so...

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Oh this one is easy! You say this:-


"Hey, since we not chatting much at the moment, I'm just going to whack off to some porn. I could be a whle but I'll leave the Mic open..."


Take as long as you need and make whatever noises are appropriate. Do report back how this goes.

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Velk Kerang wrote:

How do you politely tell someone they are boring you? lol Serious question.
I am a blunt person
and trying to work this out without exactly being mean even though I should be given what I been threw with this person. I was asked to come back and play SL and ...<snips alot of stuff >...

So all that being said anyone have any sugestions by chance?

If you are blunt, why weren't you blunt in your OP?  It sounds like you are the background noise to the rest of her life. Try telling her that.  Or, just stop Skyping. She sounds like she's got plenty of other calls going on.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Kless wrote:

I feel that way about this entire forum.

I usually just remove myself from the equation entirely and do something more useful with my time.

So, you returned here to do something useless with your time, like tell us we're boring?

Hit a nerve, Madelaine?

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Velk Kerang wrote:

How do you politely tell someone they are boring you? lol Serious question.
I am a blunt person
and trying to work this out without exactly being mean even though I should be given what I been threw with this person. I was asked to come back and play SL and ...<snips alot of stuff >...

So all that being said anyone have any sugestions by chance?

If you are blunt, why weren't you blunt in your OP?  It sounds like you are the background noise to the rest of her life. Try telling her that.  Or, just stop Skyping. She sounds like she's got plenty of other calls going on.

I was pretty straight forward in my OP. I have been trying to taper it and use alittle more tact given I tend to say what I think alot. I don't got a problem with being blunt, but it's doing it in a tactful way as to not come across rude or hurful to someone. Trust me anyone who knows me will tell you when I've had enough tact goes out the window. lol The reason for this post was to find a more tactful sugestion rather then me just flat out going on full on blast. I have done that before being honest. I flat out said look call me when your done with your phone calls and everyone. Don't call me and have me listening to all that BS cause there is no need for it. That basically started a fight. I am trying to be nice dang it. lol ATM I am reading and taking in what everyone has to say about thier thoughts on it. To be honest I am pretty much agreeing with everything I have read so far.

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Velk Kerang wrote:

How do you politely tell someone they are boring you? lol Serious question. I am a blunt person and trying to work this out without exactly being mean even though I should be given what I been threw with this person. I was asked to come back and play SL and basically the person who asked me back decided not to play anymore. That's fine and all, but really we don't play anything else together really. We tried and it didn't really work out for me. It just wasn't a fun experiance. So I am sitting with her on skype and I am expected to lead the conversatiion. She hardly says anything unless I ask direct questions. Yet if a friend calls male or female she's quick to hop on the phone and it's a gab feast from then on out, but when it goes back to talking to me I feel like I am pulling teeth. So I am left sitting there bored out of my mind. I have in the best way I know possible tried to relate the differance on how she is and even sugested contributing to the conversation would not hurt any. If I try to discuss anything serious or that I feel important to me it doesnt go well and yet I am expected to listen to all her bs though and be all understanding like. I even flat out asked why do you insist on having me on skype if your hardly talk? That conversation really went no where at all. So I am now trying to work out a nice way of saying hey I don't mind talking on skype spending time with ya and all, but if something don't give don't expect me to sit here bored out of my mind all day with your behind listening to you holding actual real conversations with everyone, but me. lol I mean it's funny, but it's not because I am already thinking of ways or reasons to not like be around at all. lmao So all that being said anyone have any sugestions by chance?

I've sometimes wondered about skype. I mean, it adds extra problems to having a conversation. If you were just talking on the phone and your friend was boring you, then you could do what my friend did to me one time, and fill in the boringness that isn't filled with your own voice and go fill the kettle. Trouble is, your friend might not be deaf, even if they are very very boring.

But now I'm being boring, so will just say, often the best form of action is inaction. Get yerself a cardboard cut out to place in front of the camera if you're on skype, and b4gger off and do something less boring instead.

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Oh I am not on cam on skype. It's just a voice call. Actaully I have started this thing where I will start playing one of my games while she does whatever, but then she gets pissy when I am like huh? You talking to me? lol Or the newest thing I have done is hop on teamspeak and start talking to friends and she comes back like who you tallking to? I am like well it wasn't you. lol :)

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Velk Kerang wrote:

Oh I am not on cam on skype. It's just a voice call. Actaully I have started this thing where I will start playing one of my games while she does whatever, but then she gets pissy when I am like huh? You talking to me? lol Or the newest thing I have done is hop on teamspeak and start talking to friends and she comes back like who you tallking to? I am like well it wasn't you. lol

Well she should certainly be taking the hint by now.

If you want to keep her as a friend, maybe you should find a way of limiting the time on any call that you have going on solely with her. Or try harder to find some common ground (strike that last suggestion - I did that myself and found myself in a deeper more bored hole of boringness)

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Kless wrote:

I feel that way about this entire forum.

I usually just remove myself from the equation entirely and do something more useful with my time.

So, you returned here to do something useless with your time, like tell us we're boring?

Isn't that what we are all doing here? *titters* (that word which will undoubtedly be moderated is t1tters, by the way)!

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A question, Velk. You keep saying that you’re usually blunt, but don’t want to be so with her (for whatever reasons, best left unmentioned I think). Just out of curiosity now... if you did want to be blunt with her, what exactly would you say and/or do?

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Velk Kerang wrote:

Oh I am not on cam on skype. It's just a voice call. Actaully I have started this thing where I will start playing one of my games while she does whatever, but then she gets pissy when I am like huh? You talking to me? lol Or the newest thing I have done is hop on teamspeak and start talking to friends and she comes back like who you tallking to? I am like well it wasn't you. lol

You're already employing sarcasm and that's not working, So you're not wanting to be polite, you're wanting to be effective. She's probably not going to become less boring to you. Just tell her the truth and move on.

It's not her responsibility not to bore you. The decision to avoid boredom or embrace it is yours alone.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Kless wrote:

I feel that way about this entire forum.

I usually just remove myself from the equation entirely and do something more useful with my time.

So, you returned here to do something useless with your time, like tell us we're boring?

Isn't that what we are all doing here? *titters* (that word which will undoubtedly be moderated is t1tters, by the way)!

I don't think so. I routinely do things other people think are useless. That in itself is sometimes sufficient utility for me.

To come to place to say that I have no interest in it is the sort of logical inconsistency that interests me. I'm not immune to such errors, but I do try to avoid them.


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Sorry, what was the question?





Oh right, delete that skype account and your current avs and get a (new) life.

Because life is too short to waste it on people that are either not really interested in you or that you don't want positively to annoy.

(Guess why ***I*** use the forums!)

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I'll use this as an example to the OP.  I could reply with the first snarky response that came to mind and proceed to go around in circles, accomplishing nothing and going nowhere... or I could nod my head politely, excuse myself and go on to better uses of my time.

See how easy that is?

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.....and there is no kind and polite way to tell other people, that they bore you.

Either you have to find an excuse everytime you talk to her: "Ohh, my dog just puked, I have to go now"...or "I think I see some fire in my kitchen, bye bye for now!" or something like that, or you can stop calling her, because you have been "busy", and stop answering all her calls everytime. It is not very polite either, I know, but as said: there is no good way to tell other people, that you don't want their company anymore.


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Maybe she's just not into you anymore and her lack of conversation with you, while she chats merrily away with others is a hint.

If you are the one who calls her, I'd just not call her anymore.  If she calls, I wouldn't be so quick to answer and when you do, if there are long silences, I'm make a polite excuse and hang up.

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Muletta wrote:

.....and there is no kind and polite way to tell other people, that they bore you.

You could always tell her that you had to go do something more interesting, like watch paint dry, or grass grow, or Jim Carrey try to break the world record for gurning.

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control your participation in the conversation by avoiding your desire/want/need to fill the void

them: hi
you: hi
them: [silence]
you: [start/keep doing other stuff]
them: u still there?
you: yes
them: what u doing?
you: bf3
them: whats that?
you: a game
them: wargame?
you: yes
them: [silence]
you: [keep playing the game]
them: [takes another call]
you: [keep playing the game]
them: [much later] u still there?
you: yes
them: u still playing that game?
you: nah
them: [silence]
you: [keep playing this other game]
them: man! u boring
you: [silence]
them: u still there?
you: yes

basically whats happening is you is now controlling the conversation, not them

at some point them is going to stop calling you

just have to decide who is them and who is you

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