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If LL was to reintroduce surnames . . .

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. . . what would you suggest.

In the past they have had tranches named after South African Test Cricketers, French Rugby Players, German Performance Artistes and American Serial Killers.

OK, I might have made some of those up.

I am conscious of this since I live in a place where the roads in the grid squares are named in a consistent fashion; for example, one grid has road names which are fonts (eg Garamond Crescent), another dead rock stars (I am close to Hendrix Avenue) and another English castles (Windsor Road).

What would you suggest?

If it was me I would start with fish, like Flounder, Shark and Coelacanth.

How about you?

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

I think they should start with sexually transmitted diseases, like Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.


Aren't those the names of King Lear's daughters in Shakespeare's play?

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NatalyaCrump wrote:

Real words that have been bastardised/bastardized such as Dreary to Dreery, Droop to Droup,
to ... whupps!

Interesting you should say that. There was a giant of a man who played for the Scottish international rugby team whose surname was Biggar, and he had a younger brother who also played, who was a little Biggar.

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Tick would be my vote. As in 'annoying parasite with no known redeeming wossnames'. TelegraphReader would have a certain nostalgic thingy too. And 'TediousRepetitiveDrivelAboutESL' would be oh so fabbylicious. That would get lots I think.

Although WeAreWannabeClique is trademarked - well is now

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ZoeTick wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

I think they should start with sexually transmitted diseases, like Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.


Aren't those the names of King Lear's daughters in Shakespeare's play?

Ok, this is seriously funny. :-D


Marry, here's grace and a codpiece; that's a wise man and a fool.

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Aislin Ceawlin wrote:

How about gross things human bodies produce, such as; ToeJam, Smegma, BellyButtonLint, EarWax? 

ToeJam? Seriously? That's a new one to me, and one I've certainly never suffered from. Perhaps because I go barefoot whenever possible. ToeSlug, on the other hand, I've suffered from a number of times; due to going barefoot outside at night. "Pop! goes the slug."

Bellybuttonfluff is a mainstay of my wilderness survival kit. Save it up for a couple of days and you have enough tinder to light a fire. All you need in addition is to create some friction by rubbing two boy scouts together (alhtough you might get more friction these days by rubbing two forumites together.)

And now, back to your regular, scheduled programming...




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sirhc DeSantis wrote:

Tick would be my vote.

Excellent idea!

I would create alts called Fantas and Sarcas.

In fact, it would open up a myriad of opportunities.

You could create one yourself called Pathe.

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And to pre-empt your reply:

A knave; a rascal; an eater of broken meats; a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a lily-livered, action-taking knave, a whoreson, glass-gazing, super-serviceable finical rogue; one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd, in way of good service, and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pandar, and the son and heir of a mongrel **bleep**: one whom I will beat into clamorous whining, if thou deniest the least syllable of thy addition.

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I would love to see a set in honour of Terry Pratchett.








Eternally Surprised.





And just all of them. The list never ends.


Wasn't Cake already one, years ago, or am I misremembering Soup?

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Tiffy Vella wrote:


This one already was a thing. :) Many surnames came from sources of inspiration, I'd be fairly shocked if Pratchett's work didn't sit on at least one shelf in the Lab.

You're right that Soup exists, but Cake does not. (feel free to poke those URIs and do more testing, it's a useful site!)


On a separate note, I recently got a laugh out of the current secondlife.com front page image - the Lab's taking some good pics, and even showing off work from selected (I assume FIC :D) creators.

Specifically, I love that all the credited creators have surnames - perhaps because seeing that the user NoobBucket2011x010 was responsible for smart meshwear isn't very relatable to newcomers?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, when i signed up i wanted a surname, so i simply put "AbbyFraser" and set my display name to "Abby Fraser" inworld.

But it still sounds silly when i read "AbbyFraser Resident".

I was actually suggesting to LL in the JIRA, to bring back a Last Name option, where people could make up their own last names. I even provided a (self made) Example picture, what the signup screen could be like.

You can see my suggestion here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-5728?

However, all they did was saying "Thank you for your suggestion" and then they closed it.

But i would really love to get surnames back. And i'd rather make up my own surname than having to pick from a list of (sometimes ugly) names.



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