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Viewer-Managed Marketplace Inworld Feedback Session


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I Would like as soon as possible the confirmation that the AUTOMATED MIGRATION will be smooth and without any EXTRA efforts from our side. If the AUTOMATED migration is really totally a 100% conversion and an automatic without any effort i agree to this project at 2000%. Thanks you per advance.


I would like to add something VERY important:


-> Inworld Meetings with Lindens, and inworld communication with them in past (before 2011... i was using to talk to the main LL managers inworld, was mentionning mostly problems (of trust and safety mainly) ) showed long ago that things CAN change and fast.


This actual meeting could be A start for bringing back this communication between Linden and the USERS.

This is ESSENTIAL, cause too many topics been IGNORED by LL (sorry to tell that, but its the sad truth and my intentions are only to make second life better AND to bring back those who left (companies, official politics, orgs, investors, very known artists, and of course TONS of users .., there are still a lot of people in SL thats a fact , but ofc less that the good old era where SL was dominating the Net, simple as that).


Linden LAb now must face the past 5 years changes and also the Will of the Users.

SO Many 'explosive' topics could bring back as meeting topics between LL and users, and for sure (iam talking to LL marketing team here...) this would be GREAT to have big discutions on them.

Few exemples:

- The bringing Back of the Welcome Sims: essential cause ALL the non-english-talkers mostly left SL (lot of asian inworld communities left for exemple: coreans, japanese..). Welcoming the New Users is essential, AND doing it throught country (language) themed lands as before is something ESSENTIAL: People that dont know english will find a home and you will gain new users.

- JIRAs been ignored so much. Best exemple been the one concerning display names/ lastnames. A solution ALWAYS been to do an HYBRID system: possibility for users to create an account WIthout lastname (resident per default) AND possibility to chose a lastname (for the fun reason, for 'family one's' , etc... Linden should considerate the fact that bringing an hybrid system displayName/ LASTNAMES/NO LASTNAME, with new lastnames possibility will be a news that will make EVERYONE very excited. Keep in mind that the main problem of the 1000% display names system been the "Charmap" impossible to find who is who in giant friend lists of hundreds people that changing names each 15 days.. - I can continue the list, my number of Clever topics of discution is VERY long. If only i would be sure about beeing read... :(

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_Personally_ I think the informaton on this topic is quite confusing, Magic Boxes were supposed to have been done away with at the time of direct delivery, and now your saying that direct delivery will be done away with for this new market system?

Let me explain my problem with this whole idea.

People (who shall remain nameless) still are following the older methods/codes/whatever to this day about how the marketplace operates, creating -yet another fork- is a bad idea because people still believe that the old systems are still in place. Worse yet, some people believe the very technicalities that were Associated with the old ways are still current (which they are not) IF you decide to change the market just one more time, I would advise making it beyond perfect, so you never need to update it again.


Otherwise feel free to deal with misinformation at your leisure (or detriment) in any way you see fit; after all LL it's YOUR product.

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sweetlips Ruby wrote:

Ok just to make sure I understand correctly...this is irrelevant to those that are using Firestorm viewer right? Those on Firestorm continue to use the Merchant Outbox tool?

this will affect everybody who sells on the Marketplace, no matter what viewer they use. firestorm will be adding this system too.

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ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

this will affect everybody who sells on the Marketplace...

 Not really.

For most merchants the only real difference will be the name of the window we drag our MP inventories into. This is an improvement for those who sell limited quantity no-copy items on MP or for other reasons have to update the contents of their listings frequently. For the vast majority of MP merchants it has no significance whatsoever (except that our already overfilled inventories will grow even bigger of course). The two huge time drains are still the clumsy listing information form and (if you do a lot of listings) the three-or-more-click not-exactly-"snap"-shot function.

Still, it is an improvement for some merchants, so why not? I just hope LL keeps the old system as an alternative. I'd much rather get my MP listing content out of my inventory and box up my backup copies. It makes updating a bit harder but it's worth it for the reduction of inventory clutter.

That's the feature itself, the process on the other hand, that is great news for everybody in SL. LL is actively trying to work with their customers to improve their services, that's a huge improvement!

Edit: Just had a closer look at the FAQ and it seems everybody will be forced over on the new system. If this is just an isolated project (and not the start of a major and much needed MP overhaul), it's a minor nuisance for the average MP merchant - no advantage to it but not enough of a disadvantage to make much of a fuzz about it.

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I would love to attend the inworld Feedback session, unfortunately due to the timezones, I am snoring at that time. But I would like to give some feedback....

So I think the VMM is a good thing and hope it works well.

Only thing I would like to see added to the MP in general, is being able to update our Inworld SLURL from the  'edit store information' page rather than having to update every single listing on the MP.  As we know that some stores move sims often for whatever reason it may be, so having to go through ever single listing we have on the MP and update the SLURL to our new one is time consuming.....  I would like to be able to update the  "Link to Inworld Store" on our edit store information page and for it to then automatically update every single listing that we have a direct link to our inworld SLURL.

That would be a real time saver!

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So why is this in the middle of the work day for those of us in the western hemisphere? I understand there are people from all over the globe so this should be held twice so everyone gets a chance to be heard. Once again we have LL saying they want to hear what we say yet they exclude about half of us. Oh wait isn't LL in San Francisco? So this is a good time for THEM. Do not want to disturb their weekends or anything.

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Greetings everyone. I think the reason we are not all leaping into motion is there are several factors here that are unclear in the wording and presentation. 1. There is a meeting today on a sim, but they should have lead with the meeting is Friday being held at whatever time and the url link hyper links to get us there. Secondly, many of us that have been here the entire 11 years have a long memory and often our past experiences block our future choices before they are realized.  Finally, the wording makes it sound as though this is mainly effecting the Second life Viewer not the Firestorm Viewer and we already know the Firestorm viewer for most of us designers and builders is an overall better project. So are we needed to just come and state that, or are they thinking of taking this beta idea which 88 percent of the time, every time the Lindens have had a beta idea of their own it has not been anything we merchants have asked for wanted or desired. So I hope I find out the time and the location and  that I am able to make the meeting without crashing. I think for future meetings it would be best to also do a simultaneous Live feed, of streaming because truly we all know that there are more than 100 persons that want to know the direction Second Life is going in and Linden Labs in the future. A sim can only hold 100 of us, so already to me it says they do not truly want all of us to participate in this process. Better thinking requires a wider scope of presentation to include as many as possible at the ground level to understand and dialogue together.People truly appreciate when we are being thought of as intelligent, thought provoked human beings. Just some food for thought.

Everyone have a blessd and amazing day.

Charltina Christensen

P.S. If  anyone can post a url hyperlink of where the meeting shall be exactly thanks.

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Avatar inventory does not grow with this.


The meeting location is already provided as a hyperlink in the original post.


This meeting will be nothing but noise because for the most part, evidence in this thread is that most people haven't read any of the existing information about it let alone tried it!


C'mon people, at least bother to read the wiki and FAQ before asking questions to which the answers are already well documented.

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Holger Gilruth wrote:

and you really believe Lindenlab will count what we say?

This is a american company. Smile, agree and then do what ever they want.

Wasted time to think about it

They allready destroyed inworld sales with buying this marketplace and now comes the rest.

But destroying inworld sales won't be very popcorn worthy when they split the marketplace between 3 different marketplaces and virtual worlds, a niche that will consist of 3 worlds with the same userbase. SL1, SL2 and High Fidelity. All vested in and owned by LL. Then you'll have to list in 3 worlds to make the same amount you're making now.

I've invested in pocorn and porta-potties for that day. Going to be rich, I tell you.



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If you are going to be updating the MP, please fix the seach so we can filter OUT words, I'd really like to be able to search without having to look at a few hundred DEMO items before getting to things I can actually buy.  A simple - before the word to be search for would work, same as Google does it like 'dress red -DEMO'  or 'dress red -mesh'

I'm knew to selling on mp, only have maybe 30 items so far so don't know enough about the VMM to comment, I use firestorm and it's not on it yet.




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I was quite surprised actually and pleasantly so.  The meeting was clear, got across the points and achieved the objective.  Also, apologies to Brooke from me for mentioning a couple of things that weren't VMM related but the opportunities are so rare.  However, I still stand by two points:-


  • Get rid of that stupid, pathetic, ineffective word filter, it just wastes our time and is trivial to circumvent anyway, thus about as useful as a chocolate teapot.  Or publish the flipping list and be clear about the words not to use.  You agreed that your mistakes with it waste your time too. (I appreciate it's not a VMM thing but seriously...)
  • The value of quality engagement from LL staff can be good, I hope (Brooke and other LL staff) that you felt the time was constructive and would hope that your feelings from it could encourage you to do more.  I suggested at the end that you should spend more time here too, you reach a wider audience and when that relationship is nurtured, we don't always bite (too hard).
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I was happy to hear customer self redelivery of copy items come up again. This is the only time that we get to be heard. LL must take into account what so many of us want and not just push these ideas onto a list where it will never be actioned.

If they only knew how often I get a notecard and have to log in just to read a redelivery request, and the fact that the customer has to wait for it. How much easier and more effective it would be if they had the permissions to do it themselves with copy items.

...oh well, we take what we get, what else can we do, nothing.

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since the announcment was only on forums again.... THEY SHOULD REQUIRE ALL DEMOS BE MARKED DEMO  AND AHVE A DEMO FILTER and make it abanable offence. too many people    have trash items and demos cloging up  search results nad land lords psoting their bs lands which they shouldnt be anyways police it

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It is already a requirement that a demo be linked to a full item.  The problem is that the DEMO is shown as an item in its own right.

A better query would remove demos from search results completely because there doesn't need to be a filter or better boolean search options to -demo etc.

Just don't return any item in search where the demo flag is set. 

Blisteringly simple.  There's so much low hanging fruit that everyone is asking for but never receives attention it's unreal.

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purchased item, history search would be nice. 

to go back to something i bought 4 months ago even, is a nitemare. how its not already in place is beyond me.

there is literally no way to find something but to go thru page after page after page, and how many items are on one page again? remind me? ..ten?.. exactly , i'm way past 400 pages..and counting. 

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