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Complaint Department

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I suppose you may be wondering why I chose the entertainment section for this post.  Well I thought it might be fun (entertaining) to see what kind of complaints people have. 

So the line forms to the left, Step up to my window and tell me what is bothering you.

A gracious good evening to you sir, how can I help you?

Yes, I'd like to complain.  I don't like this new forum setup.  I miss seeing the latest forum posts on my dashboard.  I can't tell who is replying to whom.  It's way too hard to find the off topic section.  I don't like the ranking system and I don't understand why we have to have one.

Thank you for sharing sir, I want you to know that I hear your complaint.  I don't really have any power to solve your problems, but I am here to listen. Next!

I'd like to complain about this freebie.  I would like the creator to change a few things.  Why don't they have it in fuchsia? 

Thank you for sharing Madame, I hear your frustration.  At that price, I can't imagine what the creator was thinking. Next!

My mother grounded me for spending to much time inworld.  And she took my laptop away!

I'm so sorry to hear that, I feel your pain.  Next!


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I would like to complain about my Boss in RL. I don't like him at all. He gave me just too many assignments and he makes me the mascot of the department for every high level meetings just because he thinks I'm up for it. Well I don't !!! I don't like meetings. They're just wasting my time. I sit there listening to people who only listens to themselves and I'm wondering if they would like to sing as well since they love listening to their own voice.

High level meetings only exposed me to politics I don't need and forced me to witness the orgy of brown-nosing people from every level. I can't go to sleep during meetings (like you would do during lectures) and I have to be serious when all I feel like doing is ROFLOL for every single stupid questions my boss's Boss has asked. I feel like diving across the table to choke that guy from Statistic Department to death for not being able to shut his stupid Iphone for just an hour. 

Did I mentioned I don't like my boss?

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I am really annoyed that people come into my office and claim they only need 30 seconds of my time, and 30 minutes later they are still there. The only time I can ever get any productive work done is at the end of the day after everyone is gone.

Whew. Felt good to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening, Kattatonia.

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Quinn Morani wrote:

I am really annoyed that people come into my office and claim they only need 30 seconds of my time, and 30 minutes later they are still there. The only time I can ever get any productive work done is at the end of the day after everyone is gone.

Whew. Felt good to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening, Kattatonia.

That's why I'm here. I feel your pain Quinn.  Time suckers are the pits.  Next!


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I should like to complain about the dropping standards of complaining, that's my main complaint.

Years ago, when I worked in a customer services role for a major UK telecoms provider, we received good complaint letters.  Some of them were so good, they were photocopied and pinned on the staff restaurant noticeboard.

Nowadays, people don't take the time to complain in writing, standards have fallen drastically and lazily, customers will now merely ring a call centre and become annoyed at whoever is unfortunate enough to take their call.  Alternatively, web-based complaint/contact forms are filled-in, but these are mere shadows of the excellent complaint letters of the past.

I should very much like if we could start taking the time to write proper complaint letters again because it must be very boring for those who work in customer service roles nowadays.  Even face-to-face, customers can no longer complain creatively and they back down far too quickly.

I have fond memories of a customer becoming so upset, they pulled out an 18th century sword in the reception area of the building I worked in - now that's proper "don't mess with me" complaining.  I also remember, after a long running dispute, a customer finally agreed to call, in person, to pay their bill in cash.  It took over half an hour for several security guards to unload almost £5000 in bags of 1p coins from a van.

Let's remember a time of greater complaint effort and try to raise the standard for all.  In the meantime, I would suggest not taking an 18th century sword to any company's reception area, amusing as the staff may find it for years thereafter.

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My complaint is against the manufacturers of hot drinks vending machines. Whoever decided that a fairly fragile, flimsy plastic cup was the correct vessel for a scalding hot drink, obviously has a fetish for thick gloves of a fire proof nature.

Why does the machine fill the cup right to the top? You cant sip away the excess to make it safe for carrying as its likely to remove lip flesh.


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/me leans forward and beckons to Faithless, "Come closer my dear, Did you know that you could make a good deal of money by pursuing frivolous lawsuits in this regard?  Or at least that is what I've heard anyway. Are there warnings on these coffee machines about the the beverage temperature?"  You may have found yourself a gold mine!



eta to fix weird spell check error

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kattatonia Wickentower wrote:

/me leans forward and beckons to Faithless, "Come closer my dear, Did you know that you could make a good deal of money by pursuing frivolous lawsuits in this regard?  Or at least that is what I've heard anyway. Are there warnings on these coffee machines about the the beverage temperature?"  You may have found yourself a gold mine!


welll it does say *beverages are hot*, it just lacks one word, that would be *scalding* :smileysurprised:

(why when I try to reply to posts does it take me back to the forums lists, then I have to come back and do it again pffft)  (ooo thats another complaint!)



eta to fix weird spell check error


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Dear Miss (apologies for the length of this complaint but I wish to properly convey my frustration),

My complaint is as follows:  Despite diligent research in products and those who provide products, I find myself constantly at the receiving end of "the lemon" of the lot.


I have two company cars -- exact same car, one year apart.  The first, despite the persistent interior odor of food smell as a result of its majority driver (not me), is perfect.  The second, my vehicle, came off the boat (literally) with a broken side mirror (repaired under warranty), and then shortly after warranty expired, proceeded to require the replacement of every internal structure save the engine (so far).  I love my car, but quite frankly, it was constructed with low grade components, and seems drastically different than the first car.

I had a Canon G2 camera.  I loved this camera.  Other than it eventually being "slow" (my friend shot five times the number of shots to my one on a mutual trip to Japan), it took lovely photos.  So I decided that for my next trip to Japan I would buy the latest G series so I wasn't standing and waiting forever while taking photos.  Well, the G9 series has some major faults, which cost me serious money to fix (to the tune of nearly half the value of the camera), which were all fixed and some amazing improvements with the release of the G10, which I cannot justify buying.

I recently bought the The Tudors boxed set, happily watched season 1, and then precisely 35 minutes into episode 1 of season 2, refused to play... due to a HUGE scratch (manufacturing defect) on the disc.  I cannot continue watching this historical drama until the manufacturer finally listens to me and agrees to ship me a replacement.

I have a beautiful solid wood bedroom suite.  I decided to add, due to my insane wardrobe buying habits, another high dresser.  It's a custom stain, so I had to bring in one of the drawers to be matched to the second, additional, new dresser.  They know me.  I have them custom make nearly all my furniture.  They delivered the second dresser which is... shorter, thinner and really other than the basic design, is NOT the same as its twin.  They claim they didn't know I had that style of dresser already and if they'd known, they would have asked me to take measurements as they changed carpenters!!  So now my new clothes are in piles and I await another twin, which will hopefully be identical and not stick out like a black sheep.

I could go on with examples, but I think you see my point.  I care for my things to the point they last nearly forever, but am constantly met with shoddy and inconsistent craftsmanship.  I run my own business and endeavour to give each of my clients 200%.

Why does the Universe hate me?


surrounded by incompetence.

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I would like to complain about complainers.  All they seem to do is complain.  They whine, stomp their feet, write long, rambling emails detailing the nature of their complaint but offer no solutions, and they take up my time reading their complaints.

Please do something about this.

P.S.  Thank you

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Elric Anatine wrote:

Dear Miss (apologies for the length of this complaint but I wish to properly convey my frustration),

My complaint is as follows:  Despite diligent research in products and those who provide products, I find myself constantly at the receiving end of "the lemon" of the lot.


Why does the Universe hate me?


surrounded by incompetence.

Gracious complainer, thank you for taking the time to explain in detail about your complaint.  Recently we've had some complaints about the quality of our complaints and I can assure you that had they all been as verbose as yours, well anyway, that's rather beside the point isn't it?  But it does strike a chord.  All in all your complaint is about quality, or rather, the deterioration of quality even in brands you have been happy with in the past.  I feel your pain sir.  Next!


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Storm Clarence wrote:

I would like to complain about global warming. 

Thank you sir, it's about time someone complained about it.  So what is the problem exactly?  Not warming fast enough or too slow?  Please feel free to elaborate,  I can commiserate with any level of complaint, but of course I prefer to understand just what one is complaining about.  Next!


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Venus Petrov wrote:

I would like to complain about complainers.  All they seem to do is complain.  They whine, stomp their feet, write long, rambling emails detailing the nature of their complaint but offer no solutions, and they take up my time reading their complaints.

Please do something about this.

P.S.  Thank you

My dear complainer, you are most welcome! Alas, I can not do anything about the complainers.  It is not within the scope of my job description. And might I remind you, without these complainers, I would be out of a job?  I can only listen and and sympathize.  I can not fix things.  But I want you to know that I do understand your complaint and I am so sorry that I have no solution for you. Next!


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  • 4 months later...

I Am Unable to download 2nd life today...  

I erased my old verson fully off of my computer

and the new download gives me these messages.


The program can't start because SSLEAY32.dll is missing from your computer.

Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.



Second Life 2.7.4

C:/Program Files



Click Abort to stop the installation,

Retry to try again, or

Ignore to skip this file.


AbortABORT Button Choice          RetryRETRY Button Choice          IgnoreIGNORE Button Choice     


Pushing the Retry Button gives the same choices again Abort / Retry / and Ignor

Pushing the Ignore Button 


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I would like to complain about a couple things.  Keep in mind this is a new account yet I have been in SL for years.

1.  I am new to the forums and it is very hard to navigate and see recent posts on my threads or threads I have posted on.

2.  The new viewer.  I've finally got it set up and running smoothly but I still randomly get kicked off, stuff wont load, and I can't navigate my way around all of the complex new crap they've added (I've used a version from 2009 until now).

3.  Although SL is rather large, there aren't the niches I want.  Sure, if you want to find a club with 100 light pink and melon green kitten avatars, you'll find that.  Or a cookie avatar club.  But if I want to find say.. a club with people my age IN REAL LIFE - good luck!

4.  I'm starting to get a headace (I've been feeling it coming on for a while) so I think I'll save the rest of my complaints for later.  Especially since I've got a date tonight! Thanks for this haha. Peace.

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I'd like to complain about the fact that I don't have a complaint ready to give you, even though this thread is now on it's second page.... because I only just now saw it since it was moved to  the trash bin  general discussion forum.

ps, welcome to LL's circular file oh thread of multiple pages.

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