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There is always something new to learn...,

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There is always something new to learn...,

My Unmoderated Items

Case in point for me.

I was responding to an SL Answers OPs question today and my reply kept on disappearing a few seconds after I hit the Post button. In the past I have Created a Support Case and/or JIRA ticket sharing the information to the best of my ability usually including the text that I posted in response to the question.

So today I tried posting the same reply and I saw something new! An Waiting for Approval message where the See your Post message link usually is.

Taking the link I ended up here where the post was in all its glory with no comment on what I typed that automatically qualified it to be grabbed from the thread and placed into the Sargasso Sea of Unmoderated Posts.

Link follows:


Apparently our Forum  Accounts each have a "Special" place for questionable content that some automated system decides upon.

Here I found several posts that went missing months ago. What is frustrating is that no one at LL [Live Chat or JIRA] could tell me to look here. I only found it because I actually looked and saw that the Waiting for Approval message rather than my norm to move on to another question.

Looking at the posts marooned here I found a few where I quoted copyrighted material without permission and today's post, which I had no idea why it qualified for this Review Later treatment.

After a few cosmetic changes it still wouldn't post until I removed my restatement of the OPs Thread title.

Who knew?

Capture-My Unmoderated Items - My Rejected Items.PNG

Now I want to ask; "Whose job was it to tell me about this post review area of the forums?" I've never known about it until today. Did I miss some guideline text somewhere talking about this?




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Nice work.  You do of course realize this will tempt all of us to write posts that include questionable material, just so we can have the pleasure of seeing same lost in that 'sargasso sea'. It's almost a challenge. My archive of posts waiting to be moderated was barren (sob) but I'm sure with a bit of creative writing I could get something in there. :-)


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This may be where all those missing answers have gone. We had a discussion about this some time ago and a JIRA was filed. Linden Lab does not understand how the Lithium forums work. I suspect they were set up by Lithium and then handed over to LL, or that the LL staffer who configured the system has since left the building (hopefully taking her beer keg with). This new behavior you've spotted may be the result of someone clicking a button somewhere in a Lithium control panel, or forwarding the JIRA notes to someone at Lithium.

And how apropo that the example deep-sixed post you've found answers its own question!

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

WOW.  What a discovery.  I've got two posts (one I remember wondering what happened to it) in "rejected."

There is absolutely nothing untoward in the rejected posts.


Hmm, how'd you get there, Perrie? I don't see anything like what KM showed/described.

The truly Innocent get this displayed when they enter the Prison of Twisted Words:

Capture-My Unmoderated Items - My Items Awaiting Approval.PNG

All Aspostates should perform a proper login to the Forums and then follow this link to see their Heavenly Scorecard:


Then select the "Rejected" tab....


I fear that Maddy will be seeing this when she enters......



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Pamela Galli wrote:

Slightly OT, but speaking of mysterious forum nooks and crannies, check out the English forum. Yup, English. 

Here is the Link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English/bd-p/English_KB

Where has this Forum Room been hiding????


Given the random nature of the posts in this Forum Room it seems that this may be a Staging Area for posts. What is scary is that there are lost posts all the way from 2011 in here.



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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Slightly OT, but speaking of mysterious forum nooks and crannies, check out the English forum. Yup, English. 

Here is the Link:

Where has this Forum Room been hiding????


Given the random nature of the posts in this Forum Room it seems that this may be a Staging Area for posts. What is scary is that there are lost posts all the way from 2011 in here.




It appears it is in some sort of Knowledge Base nexus. You can give Kudos to the posts.

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I found 5 Rejected Posts waiting for me, but oddly they were all from the same day: May 31, 2014. I deleted one and it seemed as though it dumped me into the thread originally intended for that post, but at the OP and with no idea how my action may have mangled or modified the thread.

Hmmmm ... things that make you go ... 

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I discovered the reason my original post to the thread [final post link offered below:] failed.


I had copied the OPs Question Subject and used as part one of a 2 part statement of my answer. Reviewing my original post in a backup notepad document I maintain for my long forum posts, I saw that there was an unusual [zero place holder] unicode character embedded in the question.

That caused the immediate rejection of my post.

As I recall, I believe this may be one of the methods that is used to reject out of hand [porno-graphy, pro-stitution, calling girls, gambling, vid-eo streaming, phone-sex] SPAM from the forums.

I can rest easy tonight knowing a typo did this.

Notice the punctuation required to post this ending thought tonight. Yes, it ended up in the Rejected Queue on my 1st try. The spammer bots have no interest in editing their rejected posts thank goodness.  


Now if someone could explain to me why any mention of Dr. W+h+o causes a Invalid Content Pink Storm I could fall to sleep happy.!

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Hmm , my rejected posts are empty.  I'll have to try harder.

Maybe the English Forum will be joining the international forum and will be for Brits.  Linden Logic in action :smileyvery-happy:

I wonder what's up with posts from 2014 being mixed in with the current ones and way out of date order. 

I think that someone has been handing out happy pills in the forum office.  /me raises an eyebrow at Llazarus

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:


Now if someone could explain to me why any mention of Dr. W+h+o causes a Invalid Content Pink Storm I could fall to sleep happy.!

That's easy. There is no such person. His name is "The Doctor".

Oh, and your query should have been posted in Answers. How else can I get the kudos I deserve?

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While I ordinarily do not like to link to wiki I think that this page offers an adequate introductory synopsis of the topic of Defamation. A review of the sources for the article seems to be sufficient for their reliability and validity for the most part. And I offer this up for those prone to hyper-emotional rants of overt, misplaced dysfunctional sympathy.

NB As in all matters legal, it is always best to seek the the advice of legal counsel in RL and not rely on internet pseudo-jurists.



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