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Viewer 2 F up

Dentior Faith

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OKAY! it's about enough now, every time i log into sl it taked about 31 relogs before i can actually play, my textues dont load, my voice server is down, i cant move, every person is eitehr grey or a cload and it never resolves itself so matter what i do, help me?...

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That happened to me the fist times. I'm not sure, if there is a certain fix, but what I did was lower graphics to the minimun, dissable everything, including voice, music, video, whatever could be a problem.
After I finally logged and see things ok, then started to activate things back, Now I even can have graphics at ultra without problems. But I confess I use phoenix more offen :smileytongue: and I just use the viewer 2 for testing certain issues purposes, like trying to see if something will behave or look the same with other viewers, or for instance if I built something and forgot to change the textures to definitive ones (phoenix allows temporary textures uploads for free).

Another issue that might cause you troubles is the sim you log at, some places are laggier and tend to delay too much, having an empty cache also makes the start harder.

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Dentior Faith wrote:

OKAY! it's about enough now, every time i log into sl it taked about 31 relogs before i can actually play, my textues dont load, my voice server is down, i cant move, every person is either grey or a cload and it never resolves itself so matter what i do, help me?...


Are you sure that a firewall//anti-vrus isn't blocking elements of it?

Also make sure that your network bandwidth in Preferences reflects your connection speed and that you clear your cache outside Second Life as described here.

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Turn off http textures in the Advanced menu. I'm pretty sure that is going to help with the texture rezzing issue.

Also, for the voice server and movement issues, run the test at http://www.pingtest.net/ to make sure your internet connection is up to the task of running SL. Run it a few times to be sure. You need a pretty good result from this test for SL to operate OK. Then check your bandwidth setting like Hitomi mentioned above. If it is to high, you will have issues.

- Luc -

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Why? Why do people use this viewer? I really don't get it. Download Phoenix or Imprudence, say goodbye to all your problems. It's that easy.

Because some people prefer it. I'm at a loss as to why it makes a difference what viewer a person uses. To each their own right? :smileyhappy:


I have no problems whatsoever using viewer 2. It's a dream.


Viewer 2.JPG


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You might be having a problem with the cache.  There is a weird cache interplay between viewers.  Try cleaning the cache of any other viewers you may have, and then restart viewer 2.  Just open the older viewer(s), clear the cache in the preferences, shut down the viewer, restart it and shut it down.  Then try logging in with viewer 2.

I had this problem when viewer 2 came out.  It was something weird between Emerald, Cool Viewer/Rainbow, Kirstenlee's and maybe even the official one and viewer 2.  Had to clean them all before I could log in.

Right now, I'm using the Dolphin Viewer for viewer 2 and I'm adapting.


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"Why? Why do people use this viewer? I really don't get it. Download Phoenix or Imprudence, say goodbye to all your problems. It's that easy. ...."

Yes that's my thought too .. I know for a fact I just couldn't make any money in SL using this viewer and since it's designed to be as antisocial as posible and make comunication as awkward as posible WHY .. WHY ??? . It's like living in a bag isolated from everyone and everthing around you ..I fealt like I'd gone blind and deaf ..AAAAH

 It's unbelievable that anyone can actually still be using it..  If there was only viewer 2 I'd leave, simple as that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Here are the problems I see with Viewer 2. texture loading is slower then in any of the 1.23 viewers, the on screen controls either disappear as soon as you click on anything else or take up too much screenspace for what they do. Nothing is easy to get to, or its in your way. And now the latest version doesn't want to run on 64bit win 7. The only reason I keep it around is either as a backup viewer shold there be an issue with Pheonix or for a couple of features that will ONLY run by design with viewer 2, like voice morphing.

What I don't really understand is if SO many people have an issue with viewer 2 you can't tell me its THAT hard to make the interface look and act like a 1.23 viewer but still run all the new stuff Linden Labs feels it needs there to run the sims smoothly.

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Akira Udimo wrote:

Here are the problems I see with Viewer 2. texture loading is slower then in any of the 1.23 viewers, the on screen controls either disappear as soon as you click on anything else or take up too much screenspace for what they do. Nothing is easy to get to, or its in your way. And now the latest version doesn't want to run on 64bit win 7. The only reason I keep it around is either as a backup viewer shold there be an issue with Pheonix or for a couple of features that will ONLY run by design with viewer 2, like voice morphing.

What I don't really understand is if SO many people have an issue with viewer 2 you can't tell me its THAT hard to make the interface look and act like a 1.23 viewer but still run all the new stuff Linden Labs feels it needs there to run the sims smoothly.


See that's what I don't understand. What happened here? For me it's not just SL's official v2 viewer, it's every viewer based on v2 code. Slow, logouts, forever texture loading, gray avie, constant rebaking and blurred face, etc.

Every viewer I have based on earlier code works like a charm, with alpha layers and tattoo layers, on maximum settings. What is it about multiple clothing and tattoo layers that makes the viewer completely unusable? When I looked at the notes of the guy who does Cool VL viewer, he impllies that multiple clothing layers require so much mass rewriting that he probably won't be implementing it even though he implemented multiple attachment points and his viewer runs like a dream.

What is wrong with the v2 codebase and platform?!

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Love viewer 2.  4 year old computer with no bells or whistles.  V2 is such a cleaner interface and so easy to build with when everything else is kept tidily out of the way.  First release was a shock and a bit of a pain but the fixes LL implemented in the next couple of weeks sorted out all the biggies.

I never crash, menus make more sense, almost all the screen is world-view instead of clutter, keyboard-shortcuts are smooth. Some are capable of adapting, some aren't.  What amazes me is that those that can't change are still so vocal about clunky old V1.

Lol - there's probably one thing everyone can agree on though: M was an absolute disaster for SL and, probably LL.  That's what you get when you hire management-consultants instead of a managers.  (R hasn't made any big impact changes yet like spending all the money on a new viewer or sacking a third of the employees but the 'atmosphere' seems better to me - a bit of direction coming back)

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Love viewer 2.  4 year old computer with no bells or whistles.  V2 is such a cleaner interface and so easy to build with when everything else is kept tidily out of the way.  First release was a shock and a bit of a pain but the fixes LL implemented in the next couple of weeks sorted out all the biggies.

I never crash, menus make more sense, almost all the screen is world-view instead of clutter, keyboard-shortcuts are smooth. Some are capable of adapting, some aren't.  What amazes me is that those that can't change are still so vocal about clunky old V1.

Lol - there's probably one thing everyone can agree on though: M was an absolute disaster for SL and, probably LL.  That's what you get when you hire management-consultants instead of a managers.  (R hasn't made any big impact changes yet like spending all the money on a new viewer or sacking a third of the employees but the 'atmosphere' seems better to me - a bit of direction coming back)


Oh don't get me wrong. I like the v2 additions. They allow me to do things with my avie that I always wanted to but couldn't because of the one item per body part limitations. I find tattoo layered makeup/eyelash combos to look so much better and more natural than prim eyelashes. I hated having to decide between wearing tattoos and wearing some clothing that didn't come in a particular layer choice. The advent of hairbase tattoos makes hairlines look so much more real. My avie has blossomed with these changes into what I always knew she was suppoed to be, although I was very happy with what she has always been as well.

But the amount of trouble with texture loading that has accompanied those additions is just ridiculous. That I can wait over 30 minutes in some sims for all textures and my avie to load, on a connection with the speed of mine, and still have my avie textures reloading and re-baking the second I twitch is ridiculous. As I've said elsewhere, I thought it was packet loss causing this but where is that packet loss when minutes later I'm flying along in Ascent, Cool VL, or Singularity with textures loading so fast that they should have exclamation points and tp attempts successful 100% of the time?

Doesn't matter which v2 viewer it is. Kirstens actually works better than the others while being purposely the most intricate and resource hungry. Firestorm is the mixed bag in the middle - better than official SL, but not really eliminating any of its bad behaviors. And official SL viewer is simply atrocious. "Oh darn" message guaranteed within the first two or three tp attempts, textrues that never finish loading and horrible frame rate. And my machine is neither slow nor outdated.

I have no problems with the interfaces. Avie editing can be annoying at times, but not a big deal. I haven't been given a reason to hate web profiles yet. If I could actually do anything in SL with v2 viewers besides stand there gray and get kicked out, I'd love the upgrade.  :smileysad:

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you say cleaner, I say obfuscated.... oversized menus, yet they pretend to build for a 1024*768 interface? completely ignore that great gaping hole of empty space at the top, and istead push things like even the minimized land info into the screen, and bury functions in non obvious menus 2 to 3 levels down in tiny hard to read font menus....

yes, the old style look more like a modern pilots cockpit with dials and buttons everywhere... I get that intimidates some... but it meant features were at your finger tips. about land? on click, on a large target... now 3 on a tiny top menu, or 2-5 on small targets  in varying screen spaces from the side panel with at least one huge floater or panel in between. inspect?  3 clicks on a large single zone target, now 3-5 on tiny ones in vastly different screen areas;

only in the last revision or two has the ability for things to stay where you put them been introduced (which unfortunately doesn't play nice with phoenix, but that might be phoenix devs bad call in using the user_settings.xml in the user directory, unless v2 just adopted that file, in which case it's LL that blew it), madeningly incosistent log file names... and I won't even go into the reliance on horribly unsecured media functions in the UI, or the uber dark UI that blocks out the world =(

don't get me wrong... some of the new features are awesome... (even if several were taken from various TPV's)... next/prev link for builders, inventory links, alpha/tatto masks, system notices that don't force you to click them to get them out of the, love 'em. new introduced bugs like breaking --login and --noprobe parameters, focused contrls popping under previous floaters, and bad cursor offsets in edit fields, hate hate hate

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Okay I am not at all sure what has happened, but last night I downloaded the latest official client, 2.6.2 or 2.6.3 or whatever, and my issues (except for the eternal cloud deal) went away. I ran on Ultra with everything pretty much enabled, and I think a 128 draw distance or so though it might have been higher, and I had no tp issues, environment textures came down quickly and I was able to pretty much move as fluidly as I used to in 1.x clients.

I was even dancing at one electronica club that's on the featured locations tab and with probably 15-20 avies there including myself, everything was smooth. I visited several other sims looking at land where I could sail and live in my new skybox, and all tps went through perfectly.

I finally got around to creating a default outfit that includes everything I usually wear, so that I can change to the SL ruth outfit via the character test to rez quickly and then change to one of my own outfits just as quickly. Yessssss!

Now let's see if it stays this way! :womanvery-happy:

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