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Opinion on a possible griefing instance

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A friend of mine got hit by something I would classify as being griefing and told her what happened was not her fault, it was the falt of the person who commited the act. Where as a friend of the person who commited the act says it was her fault, pretty much for being an idiot and falling for the trap. 

Now.. What happened. 

Person A has a link in their profile which would normally be harmless. This link sets your avatar to one of the SL default avatar shapes. 

Person B has a mesh Avatar with a second copy of said mesh Avatar overlaying the first allowing them to have a tech style, full body tatoo of kinds. Before clicking link, it was brilliant, perfect and wonderful. It looked great.

After being provoked to click the link, unknowing that this would happen (it was supposed to be a link to a "RL nude of the user") this messes up the avatar, even after unpacking the mesh avatar and starting fresh with defaults and editing up to the final avatar, she is suffering alpha clipping. No matter what debugging, testing, relogging, rebaking or rebuilding the av, the alpha clipping remains. 

An "innocent prank" resulting in an unusable avatar. 

So. Would you guys thing this deamed reporting to LL as griefing? It is the first thing I would do in the instance if it happened to me (Though I wouldnt have, knowing in advance what was supposed to happen) 

 Basically I want/hoping for public opinion to back me up. 




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She can AR, but LL will do nothing.  They'll view it as a resident to resident dispute and they don't get involved in that. It really isn't even a dispute, just a practical joke that you friend through their own actions of  clicking a link ]on a purely voluntary basis.  This is not griefing.  It was foolishness on the part of your friend to click a link without any real knowledge of where it would take her. 

As far as the supposed harm done to her avatar, I don't believe that changing into another avatar did anything to cause it.  Your friend is doing something wrong in putting it back on and adjusting it.  I suggest that she read the instructions again carefully and follow them step by step.  If she still have a problem she should contact the creator or their support person or group for assistance.

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Obviously I don't know, but it sounds to me as if your friend has fallen victim to an old practical joke, which as been discussed in this forum a couple of times.   See Turned into a Black Rabbit and, the previous year, What is this silly bit about being transformed into a rabbit?

Normally, it simply puts you into a rabbit avatar, and that's it -- you can revert to your normal appearance very easily.   I am sure whoever sent the link to your friend had no idea at all that it would damage her avatar in any way.    Normally it doesn't.

It's up to your friend what she does, of course.   Personally, I wouldn't bother, since I doubt LL will be particularly concerned about what certainly sounds like an innocent prank gone wrong.   But it's not my avatar that got broken, of course, so that's easy for me to say.

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It's a prank, not griefing, unless your friend can prove that it was done with the malicious intent of destroying her avi, which I will bet you she can't. 

Frankly, Amethyst is 100% correct: There is no reason this should have damaged your friend's avatar in a permanent way. All it does is remove attachments and replace with something already in your friend's inventory, so once she put everything back on and removed the default stuff, her avi should have returned to normal. I honestly do not think it's possible for this prank to cause permanent damage, so I think it's something else, be it user error, SL funkiness, etc. (I could be wrong. If I am wrong, I hope someone will correct me.)

Has your friend triple checked that she's not wearing something she shouldn't be? She might want to head to an adult region and strip naked. Replace ONLY those parts that are necessary for an avatar - skin, hairbase, eyes, shape - and take EVERYTHING ELSE OFF. Then check the "worn" folder to make sure she's only wearing those four pieces. 

I wouldn't say this is your friend's fault. I personally think it's rather mean-spirited to put something like that in your profile, trying to trick people, but it happens all the time and it's not against the rules.. Your friend made the choice to click the link. Next time, she won't. I'm sorry that she has to deal with this, though. Very sorry. 


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falney Finney wrote:


So. Would you guys thing this deamed reporting to LL as griefing? It is the first thing I would do in the instance if it happened to me (Though I wouldnt have, knowing in advance what was supposed to happen) 

I would definitely seek legal council first.  Probably one of the "Have you had an accident" types.  It's worth remembering that these days, there's no need to take care or be accountable for one's own actions but rather if it's not explicitly laid out, someone else must be to blame and if you can't find someone, then there's someone out there that can *try*.

LL are probably due for a law suit against them for the stress caused by allowing this on the platform and not including warnings in any of the TOS or Community Standards documents about stress that may be suffered.  Yes, go for that one too.

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I hate to admit this, but I actually fell for the same gag. It wasn't a link to a nude pic, though. Don't remember exactly what it was. In my defense, I had just worked 2-15 hour midnight shifts back to back, and was pretty tired, and not really thinking.  That being said, it was completely MY OWN FAULT!  I know way better than to click on unknown links, and had I actually READ the link (rather than the title leading to the link) I would have seen exactly what it was! When it happened, there was a moment of "Huh? WTF?" THEN I could only laugh at myself and the silly rabbit (Trix are for everyone!). I IM'd the guy (who I didn't know at the time, I'd been profile perving) and told on myself, we both had a good laugh, he apologized because he had forgotten he still had that in his profile, and we are still good friends today! :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: The most important point is that I recognize that it was entirely my fault.

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Nude pictures are not alowed on profiles and same for links that refers to explicit content.  As this was not the case here there is not much you can do about it. The victim can contact the creator of the mesh body/skin and ask for a new copy after explaining the situation. Live and learn, don't click on links in profiles unless you are sure it's trustworthy.

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