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Sunna Gears

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Everything posted by Sunna Gears

  1. Relevance is basically the same as 'best selling'. If you sell an item some days in a row it will apprear high on relevance and best selling, after that it drops back to the bottom of the pile (if it's a new product). New listings will not get any boost in relevance (as it's the same as best selling - 3 days). Also listing enhancements will not boost relevance at all, a freebie has just as a high chance of appearing on the top pages as your listing with payed ernhancements. What I am trying to say is that the algorithms on the MP are a joke and never worked fair. The fact that freebies are counted as sold items in the search pages and pop up at 'best selling' is a good hint.
  2. Nude pictures are not alowed on profiles and same for links that refers to explicit content. As this was not the case here there is not much you can do about it. The victim can contact the creator of the mesh body/skin and ask for a new copy after explaining the situation. Live and learn, don't click on links in profiles unless you are sure it's trustworthy.
  3. I have no idea what it costs for the lindens to keep water regions running, I do have a hunch that the new land around it will be sold quickly as there are much more 'water fans' then that there is land available at the linden waters. There is indeed a lot of free mainland and thats because of good reasons. Most of the mainland is a big ugly mess of prims where I personally would not buy/rent even if it was the last land available in SL. Those parcels/regions will never be fully sold. All the waterfront regions however are mostly owned by people that respect the coastal theme and buid something nice on their land. So many places I see at the waterfront where I would love to live next to! I will have a look at the private regions, but nothing beats the linden waters where I can sail for almost an hour without having to go back and forth the same water regions.
  4. Why are the land prices at the Linden waters so insane expensive? It's simply impossible to buy a simple parcel without paying 100k or 200k (if not more)! Retorical question of course, because it's because of that there is only a limited amount of waterfront regions in SL that are connected to the Linden waters. So That made me think of why Lindenlab does not create a a whole new see area with more land around it? Second life should be about "your world, your imagination", but those prices and the limited amound of land (and sea/Linden waters) makes that sort of impossible. I love sailing in SL and love to own a nice waterfront parcel that is connected to for example the Blake Sea, but thats just impossible because it costs hundreds of dollars just to buy like a 4096 parcel. Dear Lindenlab, add much much more water regions and new land around it for sailors like me to buy!
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