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The VaNiTy ThReAd

Wilhiam Hydraconis

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

This is kind of for Val or anyone else with a sim..

i found the coolest thing..i was wanting to do a series of images from the suckerpunch movie..

for those that don't know what that is ..here ya go hehehe


Aaanyways...i was thinking of building a bunch of sets  and tearing them down as i do each set of picks ..but then realized..that's starting to cost tons of money and take tons of time..

then i found this..the tiny little green dot in the red circle is where i am standing..and below the big globe is my sim lol
nexus globe.png


it's a 512 globe which sits 256m outside of each side of my sim..i can keep it a full sphere or make it a half sphere and drop it down to the water lever and use my sim for the landscaping for all kinds of wild worlds...

here are a few of test shots i was taking for my suckerpunch series which for now i am calling it CekaPunch lol..just seeing if i could get the poses right for the shots..

i thought since you all love to take pics and love all kinds of atmospheres for them..that those of you with sims may like something like this..there are so many themes that you can do just about anything if you can find the images for the globes..

anyways..my series will look much better quality than these when i am finished..but i figured maybe it will show some of the depth you can get even with my crappy computer..

mine is called the neXXus v 3.1 512 size..they have them that will cover 6 sims at one time..i bet that would look wild lol

they also have smaller ones in all kinds of sizes..the next one down from mine fits inside a sim..

i thought since i knew Val had a sim that she may want to demo one of these..i know she loves pictures of her sim..and she could do any neat sky..and also they make for neat sim surrounds as well..

kk here are the pics now that my rambling has stopped lol

as i said..don't judge this quality of them.these are just test shots and not the final studio settings or buildings or quality..i hope to make them breath taking..because i really love the feel that suckerpunch gives me when i see it..

kk now done gabbing lol


oh this first one was just showing one of the other scenes..they have tons and tons of them..














I love all these pics Ceka :)  I am going to have to check this globe out.

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Kelli May wrote:

Nice work... I made a couple of Sucker Punch inspired outfits up from mixing and matching costumes. Nothing direct from the films, but the same feel. I even bought a katana to match (even though it was stuffed with combat scripting, I really just got it for the beautiful shape). I probably posted a couple here... I'll have to look them out and see how they compare.

oh, and just one more thing... if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.


begin your journey.it will set you free *winks*

i love hunting for things in Sl and putting things together..the really great thing about SL is that we can just about do it all one way or another..there are so many chanles to look through when we get inspired..=)

right now i can't wait to get more time to work on this..the clock just ticks to fast when we get in that zone i think hehehehe

i would really love to see your pics and outfit you came up with..i bet they look really good =)

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valerie Inshan wrote:


Ohmy, my sim looks so quiet and boring compared to yours! :smileyvery-happy:

Your pics are amazing, stunning, beautiful, creative..... lol, I lack vocabulary here!  Awesome job!!!

wow thank you Val =)

these responses make me want to get busy on it..let alone the theme of it all..i am a fangirl of that movie hehehe =)

also when i saw this globe..you actually came to mind right away..because you are always taking such good pictures in your sim..

i said to myself..have to tell Val about this thing..you should really look at their themes and demo or go to their place where they have demos..they have this one of pandora that is spinning around..

plus you can get things to make it rain or snow or whatever..and the land impact is like nothing..

i set mine to phantom.no lag generated from it at all..i'm only on a homestead myself right now..you get a lot of bang for the buck with it..

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UncommonTruth wrote:

Wow Ceka! I can't wait to see your finished photos. The first one here is my favorite. I love that pose, and her expression.


Emmett, I agree with Randall that the second picture is my favorite of the two :matte-motes-smile:

Thank you Uncommon..also i have to say ..your pics always look amazing..with your avatar i could think of tons of themes for her..she just has this look that would make any theme go well..

plus you have an eye for taking pictures as well..they always look great =)

on mine..i had to mix a few expressions together to get something that didn't stretch the face all goofy..plus i use this thing called anypose that lets you adjust  to...well any pose lol

you can move all the joints plus fix the eyes to anywhere and do some hand gestures also..

i can't wait to really get going on this for real..silly old work keeps getting in mah way though lol hehehe

plant shutdown is coming soon though ..so i'm gonna eat up the clock then for sure hehehe

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Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

Ceka - I really like this last series of 4 pics.  Incredibly dramatic - smoke, fire, explosions, lightning and that leap off the building....  The pose is perfect!!!   You get a gold star for provoking an emotional response while enjoying your pics.


Now I want to see this movie

Thank you..that feels good  to hear. =)

i really wish i could have uploaded all of them..but that would have eaten up too much page lol

but these are just the test  runs..i want to get more detailed in each scene and get the right buildings and  do it right..

i was just gonna stop at the running part..but decided as i was making the post that it needed a little bit more..so i took a few more shots and had her just leaping out into the air..

i'm glad you felt them like i did..they kind of gave me a rush when i put them together..

when i get my other computer ..i want to get back into doing some good quality machinima..now that really gives me a rush hehehe..

and yes you have to see that movie..it's really good =)




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emmettcullen93 wrote:

Raven1 Short wrote:

emmettcullen93 wrote:

Raven1 Short wrote:

emmettcullen93 wrote:

Randall Ahren wrote:

Raven1 Short wrote:

I say innocent because I'm not going share my funiture activities in public.

 It's not like I'm asking for photos. You used to be so playful and mischievous. I think the pressure of being part of a couplet must be wearing on you. I hope you have a decent alt, because I think you're going to need it to let off a little steam. :smileywink:

i agree

What are you agreeing with?

that you should relax a bit



Get to know me more before  you say that puppy


*stands back with hands in the air*

I promise not to kill you....well I do have that Uzi.

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Domitan Redenblack wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

This is kind of for Val or anyone else with a sim..

i found the coolest thing..i was wanting to do a series of images from the suckerpunch movie..

for those that don't know what that is ..here ya go hehehe


Wow nice pics!


As for the movie... hehehhhehehe: Perfect makeup and hair at all times! Girls are amazing!



thank you =)


as for the movie.. really only when they were in the dream world was it like that..when they were awake or out of the zone..it wasn't so perfect..hehehe

there is like 3 phazes to it..rl zone then this middle zonethat was just off of rl a bit and then the dream zone..

i have to watch it again to really get a better grasp of it..actually thats just an excuse for me to watch it again..lol

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Saraya Starr wrote:

I love all these pics Ceka
  I am going to have to check this globe out.

Thank you =)

that globe is so cool..it makes the sim seem really really huge..

i put it to half sphere and set it on the water and it made an amazing sim surround as well..

but the full sphere really makes things so neat..especially if you are inside a building and looking at the windows or on a balcony or something..

some of the scenes just made me pause and look around  for a good bit heheh..

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I agree with having to watch it again. At first it seemed like just a realy cool music video for some awesome music. But.. it sucked me in. The story was there, just so twisted and yeah, dreamlike, that it's easier I think to follow the emotion of it than any actual story. Also, thank you :matte-motes-smitten: I'm having fun taking pictures here, and learning some of the editing software.



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Okay!!!  Checked out Ambrosia today.  Fun music (variety depended on the dj - techno to old school rap)  This guys profile caught my eye (let's call him 'Bob').    Bob's profile said he was a minister in real life and his picks supported that.  Either way - I had fun with it and a great chat with him until I took control of the dance menu.  Lol - I was feeling a bit mischievous today - poor Bob.

Awwwww...  See?  There are plenty of nice guys in SL:


The dancing and chatting was great until this dance came up.  He was a good sport about it though.  I am not going to hell after all...  And he sent a friend request, so no harm done.


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A mininster? Well he most likely prefers it missionary style. Is his jacket mesh? I like it. I'm so vain now, I don't even notice the women anymore. :matte-motes-big-grin:

Today I'm 800 days old. Went to the Rez Club last night for a pre-celebration with an old friend. You've seen her before, but she always has a different look. I hope this photo will satisfy Wiki's request for something with less clothing. I'm wearing a fishnet shirt. I forgot to wear my matching leather pants though. My bad.

This dance is called Dontcha.

rez club.png

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I saw some other great pics go by in the feeds.  Beautiful location, Kylan (I usually forget and call you Uncommon).  I would have commented there, but I am taking a feed break.  With all the superhero shirts you should be on the lookout for a sidekick.  Do you have a slogan yet?  Faster than a particle poofer, more powerful than last years computer, able to leap newly rezzed prims in a single bound....

@Randall - 800 days?  Wow - I would commence with some old jokes but your av only 3 months older than mine.  Congrats!  I am sure that will satisfy Wiki and yes, I think the leather pants would have looked nice with the shirt.  What kind of music is played at the Rez Club?

@ Jesica - Lovely tropical location and it looks like you have already been swimming.

@Nimue - The truant officer is having you tracked.  Definitely a candidate for the Bad Girl thread...

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I like that look. Really sexy. With an outfit like that I usually cam to make sure you haven't forgotten your underwear. However, I can see the straps from your thong extending back over your hips, so no need to cam. Looks like a nice saloon. Where is it located?

@Cinammon, I'm not sure how to describe the music. My friend liked it and she's a music expert. I would call it modern alternative music. I didn't recognize any of the songs. It's not quite trance, but it's not traditional rock music either.

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Randall Ahren wrote:

A mininster? Well he most likely prefers it missionary style. Is his jacket mesh? I like it. I'm so vain now, I don't even notice the women anymore. :matte-motes-big-grin:

Today I'm 800 days old. Went to the Rez Club last night for a pre-celebration with an old friend. You've seen her before, but she always has a different look. I hope this photo will satisfy Wiki's request for something with less clothing. I'm wearing a fishnet shirt. I forgot to wear my matching leather pants though. My bad.

This dance is called Dontcha.

rez club.png

Mmm, yes, that definitely calls for leather ;) 

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