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Linden Labs and PayPal

Saphera Jansma

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I am so frustrated with Linden Labs Billing "Support"! They are NOT supporting anyone! They can't even come up with a unified answer to a single question..... I initiated a cash out of 80 USD on the 20th into my paypal.....now i know it says up to 5 business days but we all know that once its started PayPal is pretty well instant. so I waited a few days... then called and I got told it WILL take the entire 5 days to be put in my paypal, and that it would be here on thursday..... well we all know that this thursday was Thanksgiving... and a holiday so nope no paypal transferes from LL were done on that day.... totally understandable its a holiday. Called again on wend before thanksgiving and was told not to worry it would be there on friday the 28th as that is 5th business day...... Guess what... its the 28th still no money... so i call again and I get told oh well it wont be until AFTER the 5th business day so its really not going to be there until Monday the 1st, so angry I hang up and call back because i want to speak to a supervisor at this point ( I'm told they don't exist btw by the LL billing support) so I say again i was told my money will be here today she tells me " well the day isnt over you need to wait till the end of the day if its not there then call us on monday we will put in a ticket" ARE YOU KIDDING ME LINDEN LABS?!!!!! First of all your customer service is crap, been in the business for 15 yrs myself and wow do you suck, second of all PAYPAL IS INSTANT!!! YOU ARE HOLDING MY MONEY FOR NO REASON! is there anything that can be done about this?!!!!!!!!

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Saphera Jansma wrote:

I am so frustrated with Linden Labs Billing "Support"! They are NOT supporting anyone! They can't even come up with a unified answer to a single question..... I initiated a cash out of 80 USD on the 20th into my paypal.....now i know it says up to 5 business days but we all know that once its started PayPal is pretty well instant. so I waited a few days... then called and I got told it WILL take the entire 5 days to be put in my paypal, and that it would be here on thursday..... well we all know that this thursday was Thanksgiving... and a holiday so nope no paypal transferes from LL were done on that day.... totally understandable its a holiday. Called again on wend before thanksgiving and was told not to worry it would be there on friday the 28th as that is 5th business day...... Guess what... its the 28th still no money... so i call again and I get told oh well it wont be until AFTER the 5th business day so its really not going to be there until Monday the 1st, so angry I hang up and call back because i want to speak to a supervisor at this point ( I'm told they don't exist btw by the LL billing support) so I say again i was told my money will be here today she tells me " well the day isnt over you need to wait till the end of the day if its not there then call us on monday we will put in a ticket" ARE YOU KIDDING ME LINDEN LABS?!!!!! First of all your customer service is crap, been in the business for 15 yrs myself and wow do you suck, second of all PAYPAL IS INSTANT!!! YOU ARE HOLDING MY MONEY FOR NO REASON!
is there anything that can be done about this?!!!!!!!!

Yes it is

Take a pill and calm down

And then ...

Never do the hooker again into SL..

Just go in the street of a "real" life.

It hearts more , but you get your money in front...

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For what it's worth, I think LL seem to activate the PayPal transfers towards the end of the business day in San Francisco, so Friday 28th  still has some hours to run as far as they're concerned.

In general, though, I don't think there is anything to be done.    Cash outs take as long as they take.   In my experience (cashing out regularly every week or so for several years) LL normally manage to complete the transaction in five full business days and, when they don't, yelling at them does no good whatsoever.    I've just had to learn to arrange my finances in such a way that I don't depend on transfers from LL arriving on a particular day.

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The 5 business day time-frame is fixed - its part of the deal between paypal and LL. Paypal gets to float your money for 5 days, and in return you pay a flat $1 fee per cashout.

In my experience it takes 5 full business days. I cash out Monday evening local time, which is Sunday night PST, and receive in paypal on the following weekend. Now that you've reminded me of Thanksgiving, I expect it will be a day late.

So, there's nothing you can do about it, and getting angry at support people isn't going to help. Spare a thought for those of us outside the US who have to keep track of american holidays and timezones.

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LL uses an actual person to process the transactions, it helps prevent fraud, this was a real issue when the bitcoiners started to come here and exchange HEAVY amounts on the exchange.  IRS got involved, some rules and things changed.   now LL has to follow a certain set of prodcedures, they will not go around them because you want to yell at them.  this protects them and you and then paypal offers LL a flat fee for us and our transactions. 


But you'll call me the bad guy, I see it now

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Saphera Jansma wrote:

I keep calling them I will not let this slide nor will I sit by and wait, I have been waiting and I will not do it
i have things that need to be done today with that money

Just be patient and recognise the silver lining in this cloud. You've now learned by experience that, if you need to be suire of having your money by a particular date, do the process far enough in advance that you will have it. It sounds like this is the first time you've cashed out and it's given you a very worthwhile lesson for the future. It doesn't help on this occasion but it will in the future.

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Proces credit (money withdrawal)


Requested Day 5 Business Days Later
Monday Following Monday
Tuesday Following Tuesday
Wednesday Following Wednesday
Thursday Following Thursday
Friday Following Friday
Saturday Following Monday (8 calendar days later)
Sunday Following Monday (7 calendar days later)

Business holidays in the US will extend the 5 business day window by 1 day.

Further down on that page:

How long does it take to process credits?

For processing a credit to a Paypal account, requests generally take up to 5 business days (Monday-Friday, not including U.S. holidays) to be completed.

We always strive for quick turnaround; however, holidays and the volume of transactions may affect processing times.


So, it's generally five business days, but it's not guaranteed that it will always be five business days.

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Saphera Jansma wrote:

 is there anything that can be done about this?!!!!!!!!

Yes. The very first thing you need to do, is calm down, sit back, and breathe for a moment. The next thing I would do, is be grateful sl allows you to cash out at all, and be grateful it's not likely going to take 15+ business days to do so. Many experience that, and it's not fun.

As someone who has HAD to rely on sl income to pay rl bills. That is to say, using sl income to keep the lights on, roof over our heads, food in our bellies, I can understand the need to have the money when expected. I can also understand that, without experience, one might not know what to expect. However, a quick search of the forums, would have likely answered your questions, and perhaps even calmed you down just a tad. I understand the urgency, believe me, I do. But, the fact that you believe paypal is always instant, tells me you don't actually know enough about the process to be flipping out in this way. Paypal is not always instant, by the way. A lot depends on where the income is coming from,. and the process(es) it needs to go through. Also, that is not actually your money, not until it makes it to your paypal account anyway. Before that, it's merely your game tokens, and it's worth it's weight in, well, crap. It's not actually worth anything until. or unless, it gets turned intl rl money. Up to that point, it's not money. I only say this, because it may offer some perspective as to why more people don't freak out. Not to belittle you, in the least.

The process takes longer than you might anticipate at times. High volume cash outs can likely have an effect. Holidays, of course, have an effect. And the 5 business day rule, is not a hard and fast rule, merely a general idea. It can, and often does, take longer than 5 business days. Getting angry at the customer service reps, who, in all honestly, can do very little for you at this point, won't make your argument any stronger, nor will it get your money faster. Having worked customer service for many years, this is a practice CS agents see quite often, and it never improves the situation. They are merely there to do the job they ar ehired to do, as bes that they can. Sometimes they can be helpful, and sometimes the amount of help they can offer will never meet your expectations. That is neither their, nor your, fault. In fact, it's not even always the company's fault, either, to be honest. In this case, there is a process you need to wait for, and this is not a case when "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" so to speak. Sure it can't hurt to scream, yell, demand a manage or superviser, from your point of view, but it certainly won't help your case. That is akin to someone doing the same in rl, and CS agents, don't like it, neither do the companies that hire them. There are times, it can actually hurt whatever case it is you believe you have for being butthurt. Might want to keep in mind those folks are as human as you are, and, at some point, will be unable to help you any further. Don't knock their job, unless you're willing to sit there and do it yourself-which isn't likely. They can only do what they are told to do, and can possibly do. Once the cash out process is in place, barring something gone seriously wrong-or perhaps the "tax form" requirements, they can neither help, nor stop, the process. Just be patient. They're not witholding your money, and neither is LL, it's merely a process. It's certainly not an uncommon process, either.

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I feel for you, as I'm kind of in the same situation. Tomorrow, I will actually be waiting for 4 payouts, as I'll intiate another tonight. LL actually creates more work for themselves by not holding to their 3 day said policy. Because I know it takes forever, I cashout way more often. Why not? It only costs an extra dollar or so, and it ensures that I always have a payment coming. Before, when Xstreet existed, I never cashouted this much. I only cashed out when I needed it. Now, if I have any significant amount, I just cashout again, and again, and again. Like I said, they are making more work for themselves. 3 days is fine, but hold to that, because 5 business days is actually 7 days, and if you throw in a holiday, and people that don't give a crap, and now we are going on 10 days, which reaches into the ridiculous field, if you even get it then. I remember hearing a Linden say that most of the office had the whole week off, or something like that. So, they all left, and nobody gave a crap about the people that actually pay them. Let's hope they aren't soooo backed up now that we don't see the money tomorrow.


Personally, I think it is ridiculous. I run a company, and I'm the only employee, and there is no such thing as business days. Every day is a business day. How a company can do all their business on the net, and then make excuses because of what day it is, is completely and totally ridiculous. No, I don't expect the place to be fully staffed, but I do expect them to be able to move money around. They can curtainly accept money. The fact that we never get the money in 3 days should tell everyone how important it is to LL. This is also why I've only released a half dozen new products this year for SL. Why make stuff for SL, which is still massively buggy, and have to deal with LL's arbitrary BS, when I can sell on my own website, and get the money right away. With a credit card, I have to wait 3 days, but it's always 3 days, and never 5 days. Like I said before, 3 days is fine, if it's 3 days, not 5, 7, 10, or more.

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Ordinary wrote:

I am still waiting for my payouts  it has been saying in progress since nov.20th and still nothing. Is this happening with alot of other people at all?

Have you tried talking to billing, or opening a ticket to inquire about it? Have you checked your email, in case they need tax information from you?(this is, lately, the biggest culprit for slow payments)

Sometimes your location can make a difference in how long it takes as well. I will assume you are waiting for a paypal payment and not a bank wire transfer-as those often take longer.

Your first step should be to either call billing support, or create a ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/


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Thanks for the help i don't really do this process credit thing alot of times and when i did the longest wait would be 7 days to go into paypal. so i assume when it still says in progress it will eventually go through or it would say denied by now correct?  or maybe they just forgot about me? lol

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Ordinary wrote:

Thanks for the help i don't really do this process credit thing alot of times and when i did the longest wait would be 7 days to go into paypal. so i assume when it still says in progress it will eventually go through or it would say denied by now correct?  or maybe they just forgot about me? lol

If it's not your first time cashing out, it is likely that perhaps it is a tax info issue(you can search the forums regarding that, if you really want to read up on it, or read here.. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Required_Tax_Documentation_FAQ   but know that the amounts listed don't seem to be a hard and fast rule, necessarily, which you can see by reading the various threads on the forum, there are quite a few) A ticket submitted is more likely to give you a better answer than anyone here. I can only say that folks with serious delays, that I've run into and read about, are more often than not, lacking the proper tax info. Not every case, but, a lot of them. Either way, it's worth looking into with a ticket or a chat with billing.

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I wondered about it being a tax issue, too.   If it is, you should have received an email from LL soon after you made the request, asking you to complete some online forms for LL.   It should also appear as an outstanding help ticket (LL open it for you).

If that is the problem, it's not a big deal to fix.   When LL asked me for my tax details, we had it fixed by the next business day.


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As far as I remember, when they wanted me to confirm my details for tax reporting, it went something like this (I'm in the UK, so 8 hours ahead of San Francisco):

Cashed out on Monday, my time.   

Tuesday morning, my time, I found an email from LL, sent about 1630 Monday their time (so 0030 Tuesday for me).

I completed the online forms and replied immediately (so something like 0400 in San Francisco) with copies of my ID and proof of address, and some time Tuesday evening my time (early afternoon there) I had another email saying that everything was OK and they were processing the credit again.   

So if they are content with your papers and the forms, you should hear very soon.

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