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More than one alpha?


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Is there any way I can wear more than one alpha layer? There are several items that require alpha layers, mesh body parts such as feet, for example. And virtually all types of footwear require alpha layers to look right. I'm tired of having to choose between clothing items that require an alpha layer, and a decent pair of shoes or boots that also require an alpha layer. I am currently using the standard SL veiwer, does any other viewer allow you to have more than one alpha layer?

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And don't forget how useful it is for makeup. Add hairbase, lipstick, eye makeup, beauty mole... so many options. Up to 5 layers. I have to admit that I sometimes use every 5. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

 And the attachment points too. Want several rings on the same hand? Just add and edit the rings in place. Mesh eyelashes and hair ribbon that both attach to nose? Just add and forget all the hassle you had before when you had to look for an empty attachment spot.

One of the few things LL did well IMHO.

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i need more than 5 tattoo layers. Like about 10 (:

i wear 4 constant: hair, freckles, lippy and dehancer. I only got 1 layer left for other makeups like eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, rouge and other kinds. nvm normal tattoos, moko and body art

i like tho that i can apply layers to my base skin myself. For me it was the best invention ever tattoo layers. Way better than the old way where the creator had to make heaps of subjective calls to paint all on the skin. Most of the calls they did make were pretty good. but I like to make my own. And if was possible then I would like lots more please. Like 10 please LL. At least (:


also is some mesh creatives give you their alphas as mod textures. bc can then combine them with others in the Edit tool to make a whole one new alpha for myself as a whole outfit. Mix n match from more than one clothes designer 

Is so good when the creative designers do this


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Also if a certain combination doesn't appear correctly, simply try a different order of adding them until you get one that works.

Further, I have some items the alpha just doesn't cover or covers too much when mix matched with other items, I will fine a similar item and try that alpha to see if I get a better result.  

*I so need to learn how to make or modify an alpha, haven't a clue.   The post above said something about combining the alpha textures to make one larger alpha, would love to learn how to make that.

I saw somewhere a package of alphas for all parts of body so for example you have a shirt that has sleeves above elbow but for some reason need an alpha that goes just below, they had variations. of same alpha .. But can't find such a package to purchase

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irihapeti wrote:

i need more than 5 tattoo layers. Like about 10 (:

I personally don't think we need more tattoo layers. What we need I think is an all new 'makeup' layer which is just for applying a texture to the face, with the option to add up to five of those of course.

Tattoo layers are designed for covering the whole body, regardless of whether you use them to just add a pimple on your nose, so something designed for adding textures exclusively to the face would be useful I think and would free up some of those tattoo layers for other things. And we already have plenty enough upper body and lower body layer options I feel.

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wesleytron wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

i need more than 5 tattoo layers. Like about 10 (:

I personally don't think we need more tattoo layers.
What we need I think is an all new 'makeup' layer which is just for applying a texture to the face, with the option to add up to five of those of course.

Tattoo layers are designed for covering the whole body, regardless of whether you use them to just add a pimple on your nose, so something designed for adding textures exclusively to the face would be useful I think and would free up some of those tattoo layers for other things. And we already have plenty enough upper body and lower body layer options I feel.


I have this friend,and she say's.

There must be no less than 7 new makup layers..:matte-motes-nerdy:



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she is onto it (:

i love people who are bold enough to do what works for them and have no shame about doing it (:


so yeah! moar !!!

like go thru it before even get to makeup itself

button nose
blush (not makeup blush, just natural skin tone blush)

thats 5 already then


6 more for 11. and sometimes want to wear two eyeshadows and even two lippys sometimes from dif makeup artists

face/head art/tats so +heaps

like i seen people with 2 hairbase. like they have a tat on their skull (hair base) and then another actual hair base over the top for their mohawk


so I change what I want. I want 14 now. like how wesley said. 14 just for my head (:


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Sometimes less is more,but this is not one of those times..

More is always better when it comes to things you can do with you avatar in SL for changing and adjustments and stuff..


i remember when we could only have prim tattoo's on our face,unless they were part of the skin..

the slash under my left eye in my avatar picture..Prim tattoo!!


now i made my own tattoo for it and don't have to worry about it coming off with my hair..


oh hey has anyone ever linked a house to their hair before and walked off with the house in a linkset to their head?

Just curious..:smileyembarrassed:


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walterwhiteSr wrote:


*I so need to learn how to make or modify an alpha, haven't a clue.   

Here is what you need to do:

Download paint.net (free) from http://www.getpaint.net/ and install it.

Download a set of (free) clothing templates from http://amblabs.ath.cx/,

First, make yourself a tattoo layer with the head, upper, and lower templates.  This is a tremendous help for seeing where on your body, and in relation to your clothing, the points on the template are.

Using another copy of the texture, erase the part that needs to be transparent.

Upload, either to the beta grid or using Firestorm temporary upload, the texture you just made.

Create an alpha layer and put the texture into it.

Put on the tattoo layer you created, the garment you are trying to make the alpha mask for, and the alpha layer you just made.

Note what is wrong, and fix it, by modifying your texture with paint.net.  You can erase more if you need to.  If you need to make an area that is transparent opaque again, just paint over it; the color doesn't matter.  All that matters is transparency versus opacity.  Reupload, try on, repeat till it's either satisfactory or the best you can do.  Then pay L$10 for a real upload on the real grid.

Hope this helps.

I have found that I can make alpha masks that work better for me than the ones that come with some, even high-quality, clothing.  At first, it may seem hard, but it will rapidly become easy.


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