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Go Team USA!

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So are we (England), Darren, and it always comes crashing down :(

However, I haven't yet seen any team that played all that well (I didn't see the Holland game), so all is not lost. Not yet, anyway lol. Brazil weren't very inspiring and, from what I heard, neither were Argentina. Italy wasn't when they beat us, and neither were Uruguay. Spain were poor too. Still, there's time for a few of the expected teams to start playing well.

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Darren Scorpio wrote:

Weeeeeee! Team USA plays today! *runs around excitedly* Hopefully they have a better result than our England brothers.


ok...wait..I know this...

It's basketball, right? No no wait...Yankees...baseball. No no.....football, right?? When did they start playing in Brazil??


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I'm certainly not a hater and normally support my country's teams, but considering that our population exceeds 300 million and Ghana's is about 25 million, you would have to count Ghana as the underdog here. I will exercise the American tradition of rooting for the underdog.

Of course, the point could be made that the USA team is the underdog given that Ghana has played them four times and won all four. Nevertheless I can't bring myself to root against Ghana here.


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I'm certainly not a hater and normally support my country's teams, but considering that our population exceeds 300 million and Ghana's is about 25 million, you would have to count Ghana as the underdog here. I will exercise the American tradition of rooting for the underdog.

Of course, the point could be made that the USA team is the underdog given that Ghana has played them four times and won all four. Nevertheless I can't bring myself to root against Ghana here.

I'm rooting for Netherland's   They play again on Wed.    : )



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Pamela Galli wrote:

Unfortunately, almost everything that article says is true. Cheating is part of the game, and there's so much money in the game that winning by cheating is accepted - unless, of course, you're on the side that lost because the other side cheated. Then it's an absolute abomination in the game and should be stamped out.

Thankfully, cheating doesn't affect the results all that much, but it does occasionally. However, the example of Brazil winning through cheating is by no means cut and dried. The writer's opinion is that Brazil won the game because of the penalty that was won by cheating. That's not really true. Yes, Brazil scored the the goal from the penalty spot, and the penalty was given because Fred was deemed to have been fouled in the penalty area, but he *was* fouled in the penalty area. Maybe not to the extent that it caused him to hit the deck the way he did, but he was certainly fouled, and that's a penalty. The defender knew better than to get physical in the penalty area, because fouls there are penalties, and penalties usually result in goals.

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Darren Scorpio wrote:

It was a horrible game to watch! I don't think I've ever cussed so much in the span of 90 minutes
But at least they pulled it off! 

A lot of games are horrible to watch, but it's the result that matters, and the U.S. got the result. It's very nice to watch some very nice football being played, but, for the fan, it's all about his/her team getting the result. No fan is joyful at his/her team playing beautiful football while losing the game.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

A lot of games are horrible to watch, but it's the result that matters, and the U.S. got the result. It's very nice to watch some very nice football being played, but, for the fan, it's all about his/her team getting the result. No fan is joyful at his/her team playing beautiful football while losing the game.

 And that's typically the problem. For me (forgive me those who enjoy the game) I think it's like watching paint dry. We did watch most of the first half of the US/Gyana game (after the US scored, of course, missed that part) and I was pretty bored. I'd much rather sit and watch a baseball game than sit and watch a soccer game.

Although, this all may stem from my days at summer camp when we played soccer and I continually got kicked in the shins. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

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LOL - kicked in the shins :D

I agree that, unless you are supporting a team, especially with your emotions, football isn't exactly a rivetting game to watch. Sometimes you get a beautiful piece of skill but it only ever lasts for a few seconds at most.

Having said that, no game or sport is beautiful to watch unless you're supporting someone or a team. There is never anything beautiful to watch in baseball or american football, but, if you're wanting one side to win, then it can be absorbing or rivetting.

Sport is about winning, and that's what makes it good to watch - if your team or person is playing, of course. For me, football is the #1 sport but I don't watch it just for the sake of watching the game being played. Like all sports, if I don't have a side to support, it's mostly quite dull.

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Tex Monday wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

A lot of games are horrible to watch, but it's the result that matters, and the U.S. got the result. It's very nice to watch some very nice football being played, but, for the fan, it's all about his/her team getting the result. No fan is joyful at his/her team playing beautiful football while losing the game.

 And that's typically the problem. For me (forgive me those who enjoy the game) I think it's like watching paint dry. We did watch most of the first half of the US/Gyana game (after the US scored, of course, missed that part) and I was pretty bored. I'd much rather sit and watch a baseball game than sit and watch a soccer game.

Although, this all may stem from my days at summer camp when we played soccer and I continually got kicked in the shins. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

The problem with soccer is the field is too large.  If they shrank the field the action would get a lot hotter.

If you want to watch a fast action paced version of Soccer switch to Hockey.

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Tex Monday wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

A lot of games are horrible to watch, but it's the result that matters, and the U.S. got the result. It's very nice to watch some very nice football being played, but, for the fan, it's all about his/her team getting the result. No fan is joyful at his/her team playing beautiful football while losing the game.

 And that's typically the problem. 
For me (forgive me those who enjoy the game) I think it's like watching paint dry
. We did watch most of the first half of the US/Gyana game (after the US scored, of course, missed that part) and I was pretty bored. I'd much rather sit and watch a baseball game than sit and watch a soccer game.

Although, this all may stem from my days at summer camp when we played soccer and I continually got kicked in the shins. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

Have you ever tried watching cricket? :) A Test Match game (matches played between countries) lasts for 5 days. - that's just one game. And there's never anything that can be considered beautiful to watch. BUT they can be extremely absorbing. It all depends on on whether or not you want one tea, to win.

As I said in my previous post, sport is all about winning. It is never about aesthetics or beauty or anything along those lines. So football is every bit as good or bad to watch as any other game or sport. However, it is the best loved sport in the world.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

The problem with soccer is the field is too large.  If they shrank the field the action would get a lot hotter.

If you want to watch a fast action paced version of Soccer switch to Hockey.

 I've never been a big fan of hockey, probably for the same reason as soccer (oh, my poor shins....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:) The only good part about hockey was the fights..and the refs have even limited that. The old joke used to be "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out"

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Have you ever tried watching cricket?
A Test Match game (matches played between countries) lasts for 5 days. - that's just one game. And there's never anything that can be considered beautiful to watch. BUT they can be extremely absorbing. It all depends on on whether or not you want one tea, to win.

As I said in my previous post, sport is all about winning. It is never about aesthetics or beauty or anything along those lines. So football is every bit as good or bad to watch as any other game or sport. However, it is the best loved sport in the world.

there is a small group that play Cricket in a park near my house. I've never understood the game so I've never really stayed long enough to watch it. I do find it fascinating how the bowler (is that the right name for the guy who throws the ball?) takes that running start and gets it right where it's supposed to be...usually, that is. Asside from that, I haven't a clue how to play.

Yes, it is the best loved sport in the world..and that's wonderful. I think in the states, given the choice, people might watch one of the four major sports (US football, baseball, basketball or hockey) over soccer. It just never seemed to take off here,

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Phil Deakins wrote:

sport is all about winning. It is never about aesthetics or beauty or anything along those lines.

Granted, any sport I play is never about aesthetics or beauty, but neither is it about winning. It's always been, and forever will be about...

...hitting things.

My ex-husband expressed scorn for my suggestion that golf would be more interesting if it had both an offense and a defense. I thought my demonstration of it (by hitting him with a golf ball) was brilliant. Yet I was forced to satisfy myself by knocking leaves out of trees, giving myself extra points for doing so on a ricochet.

The zenith (or nadir, depending on your point of view) of my short lived golf career came when I killed a frog who had the misfortune to be sunning himself on a rock at the edge of the pond that was (according to my ex) not even close to being between me and the hole.

Although I'm no fan of firearms, I would be attracted to any sport involving the use of telescopic range finding sights and trajectory computers.

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