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jujmental wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

jujmental wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote: It sometimes becomes like a domino effect when he keeps on and on and on, and simply doesn't stop, and especially when his few friends join in.

May I interject with a question? How many of what you might claim to be
friends interceded publicly on your behalf in a recent debate that you had with Pie Serendipity regarding your fabricated memories of an event in the history of Pep Daniels? I understand you had no support for your position whatsoever, and that it has been criticised as being without merit, and possibly justifies classification as a vexatious argument, which is prima facie evidence of harassment.

The Judge

You may ask the question. None of those I think of as friends posted anything in support of my point

Does this not rather dilute you position. In fact, does it not render your situation ridiculously untenable, since you are arguing that limited public support was offered to your antagonist, whereas you could offer none at all yourself.

I will not comment on invisible expressions of support, as you have not admitted the possibility that your antagonist might have had extensive support which was not mobilised into the public domain, thus rendering you even more risible.

The Judge

I'm not asking you to comment on private support. I'm not asking you anything at all.

Nothing is diluted. I have my genuine sources and they will remain private. I'm not trying to prove anything. You did that yourself when you showed everyone who was interested by linking to the old thread.

On the charge of scoring own goals: GUILTY

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Phil Deakins wrote:


It was not his little barbs.

It was what he did to someone you called a friend.

She is gone now, so it is not like it can ever happen again

That was Rhonda stating why she reacted as she did. The "he" is you.

On the charge of "he" being "you" you are found GUILTY of unprovable harassment

Obiter Dicta: In addition, you are in danger of having these ungrounded allegations reported to the Moderators

There is nothing in the words you have quoted, from an even more unreliably self-serving witness who is supposedly reporting her impressions of yet another person, to create a causal link between anything that "he" might have did (my emphasis; it was apparently not something he said, which gives the lie to your interpretation) and the disappearance of whoever the anonymous third - or is it fourth - party was. Who knows, the disappearance might have been linked to the discovery of her polyamorous fantasy unfaithfulness by her third real life husband, or a change of real life employment and location, or a general disaffection with SL and a desire to relocate her online business to another virtual world.

The Judge


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Phil Deakins wrote:

 I have my genuine sources and they will remain private. I'm not trying to prove anything.

On the charge of the only thing you are proving is that you have no proof to support a continuing malevolent fabrication of charges: GUILTY

Obiter Dicta: You continue to humiliate yourself with your secrecy. Added to your overt failing memory your personal credibility is completely destroyed, and your vexatious actions are merely strengthening the position of your nemesis.

The Judge

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It is human nature and you are right, it's not most people's nature. I recall the whole issue from the old forum (my original av is from 2008) and it was something I have never seen on any forum I have participated on. See, it doesn't surprise me how someone just wrote it off and wanted to say the past is the past when things are still happeneing, not as drastic, but the intent is still there from the posts. I say that because I see so much negativity and people talking out of both sides of their mouths on this forum that as long as it didn't happen to them they don't care. Of course my posts are usually jumped on for said flaming, but it's not my intent, just because i have a strong opinion and wont back down to someone. Text doesn't show the way some posts are meant so..

Sure, it's wrong when someone gets driven off the forums because of how people act, that was my point in a my posts in a few other threads. People feel they can't stand up for what they believe without getting jumped on and many of those people are not able to look past the snark and continue with their thread. Unfortunately this person has more friends on this forum that play along. If someone is hurt by another poster they should report it. The forum population doesn't have to put up with it, too many do though. No one should be reduced to tears because of this or any forum. Every person's tolerance is at a different level but I would hope that the people that are affected so adversely by someone who is not significant in their life would find it inside themselves to ignore that person and continue posting, stand up for how you feel and if need be then yes, RIC the person.


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Malanya wrote:

It is human nature and you are right, it's not most people's nature. I recall the whole issue from the old forum (my original av is from 2008) and it was something I have never seen on any forum I have participated on. See, it doesn't surprise me how someone just wrote it off and wanted to say the past is the past when things are still happeneing, not as drastic, but the intent is still there from the posts. I say that because I see so much negativity and people talking out of both sides of their mouths on this forum that as long as it didn't happen to them they don't care. Of course my posts are usually jumped on for said flaming, but it's not my intent, just because i have a strong opinion and wont back down to someone. Text doesn't show the way some posts are meant so..

Sure, it's wrong when someone gets driven off the forums because of how people act, that was my point in a my posts in a few other threads. People feel they can't stand up for what they believe without getting jumped on and many of those people are not able to look past the snark and continue with their thread. Unfortunately this person has more friends on this forum that play along. If someone is hurt by another poster they should report it. The forum population doesn't have to put up with it, too many do though. No one should be reduced to tears because of this or any forum. Every person's tolerance is at a different level but I would hope that the people that are affected so adversely by someone who is not significant in their life would find it inside themselves to ignore that person and continue posting, stand up for how you feel and if need be then yes, RIC the person.


I have it on good authority that Billy Bob Thornton is now a member of this forum, so please could everybody avoid posting images of Chippendale chairs, as he is notoriously afraid of antique furniture. In fact, please do not even mention the similarly-named troupe of male burlesque entertainers in case, by accidentally mishearing, he is driven to tears.

The Judge

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I do believe we're on the same page, Malanya.

We forum users don't have to put up with it. If we use the RIC link as we could, instead of just ignoring it each time, it would probably stop, and the people who do it would have to simply post normally. That's what I've been suggesting we do.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

We aren't in kindergarten




playing to be a judge without even doing it well..

while it would be prob funny at first,
this kind of joke become soon so kiddish that its boring and no more fun..



The "Judge" is but another outstanding meme by the master of memes.  To say the performance and the artist did not surpass expectations is to have total lack of appreciation and/or understanding of theatre; or any of the performing arts for that matter. 

Nothing is quite what it seems in this boldly, enigmatic drama by this Playwright, in which both the situation and the narrative method are reminiscent of the great works of the British Playwright: Pep Daniels.

It is sad that you become so bored so quickly, perhaps it is your comprehension, or lack thereof, that has made you yawn.   I can read in Hippies' OP your 'everyday' posts over the past couple of years that one word memes: peace, HUGS, GoodMorning, etc., are more to your liking.  Or understanding.

PS I whacked the remainder of your response for comprehension related issues.  I did not understand what you wrote.



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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

We aren't in kindergarten



Ah Storm ... from my point of view the forum is often a kindergarten and this thread in particular...

see... we even have a poor baby playing to be a judge without even doing it well....

while it would be prob funny at first, this kind of joke become soon so kiddish that its boring and no more fun.

So really, im afraid your sentence is wrong.. Not that i wouldnt like you are right, but definitely, as soon as some ppl here want to have a serious discussion in peace, we see some ppl with a big urge of laughing and playing kid games coming here and then disturb the discussion. 

You know ? like when adults have to discuss smth important and then you see a bunch of babies just hijacking the adults at every seconds.... i bet, this is why parents dont bring their kids with them at their rl work eh ?

So, i prob differ a bit with Phil opinion about trolls... its not they are really hurting ... (can a kid really hurt ?) but they are boring, disturbing and often a pain.... As far as i know.. there are often threads for fun and humor... why so coming into serious threads and just disturb ? oh yes, i know, thats more fun.... indeed.. but then dont complain when serious adults says "hush" to the kids... that's fair enough.

however... while i also can enjoy humor (often), i usually dont enjoy the fun when its at the expenses of ppl pointing their weaknessess... come on, we all have some weaknesses, some things that can hurt us more than the usual, even if we are not usually oversensitve... playing with this is just pointless and mean. The one who is in position to mock sm1 today can be the one who will be mocked tomorrow.. Dont forget this.... Treat others as you want to be treaten. I think its a base for being part of a community.. otherwise we can also go live as ermit in the mounts.

Are you trolling with this piece of text that has some of the oddest, non-excisting words, abbreviatons and strange sentences in it?

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Ohhnoes wrote:

Are you trolling with this piece of text that has some of the oddest, non-
and strange sentences in it?

You mean like the ones I highlighted in red?

Indeed Phil, my apologies for the typo's. I am, however,  glad you have been able to remember some spelling and you even remembered how to highlight in red, considering the poor condition of your memory that is really amazing.

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Storm Clarence wrote:


The "Judge" is but another outstanding meme by the master of memes.  To say the performance and the artist did not surpass expectations is to have total lack of appreciation and/or understanding of theatre; or any of the performing arts for that matter. 

Nothing is quite what it seems in this boldly, enigmatic drama by this Playwright, in which both the situation and the narrative method are reminiscent of the great works of the British Playwright: Pep Daniels.



I have to admit that really is funny. You should give up googling for one-liners and think about writing your own stuff :smileylol:

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:


The "Judge" is but another outstanding meme by the master of memes.  To say the performance and the artist did not surpass expectations is to have total lack of appreciation and/or understanding of theatre; or any of the performing arts for that matter. 

Nothing is quite what it seems in this boldly, enigmatic drama by this Playwright, in which both the situation and the narrative method are reminiscent of the great works of the British Playwright: Pep Daniels.



I have to admit that really is funny. You should give up googling for one-liners and think about writing your own stuff :smileylol:

Hi Dillon :)

I use DuckDuckGo. Not Google. 


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You see, Storm.. i was trying to discuss you adult vs adult..

but well... all you have to offer is : judgements while you don't know me in real and have no idea my apreciation or understanding of theater or arts, attacking me personnaly on my relations with my friends (Hippie for instance), displaying you notice my comments on his posts ( i never thought that was so important for someone i dont know notice them, but well, you can read my posts and comments carefully if you want, no pb) and to finish, as usual, you attack my english language. But as i said already some monthes ago, im not native english speaker and i really, but really don't care if you like or not my english. its the only one i have, you may dislike it, i dont give a f**.

so since i notice again, that its not possible to have a talk with you without having to front this attacks and judgements im done with you. Have fun reading my comments in the feed. Bye. 

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

You see, Storm.. i was trying to discuss you adult vs adult..

but well... all you have to offer is : judgements while you don't know me in real and have no idea my apreciation or understanding of theater or arts, attacking me personnaly on my relations with my friends (Hippie for instance), displaying you notice my comments on his posts ( i never thought that was so important for someone i dont know notice them, but well, you can read my posts and comments carefully if you want, no pb) and to finish, as usual, you attack my english language. But as i said already some monthes ago, im not native english speaker and i really, but really don't care if you like or not my english. its the only one i have, you may dislike it, i dont give a f**.

so since i notice again, that its not possible to have a talk with you without having to front this attacks and judgements im done with you. Have fun reading my comments in the feed. Bye. 



PS I think.


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Ohhnoes wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Ohhnoes wrote:

Are you trolling with this piece of text that has some of the oddest, non-
and strange sentences in it?

You mean like the ones I highlighted in red?

Indeed Phil, my apologies for the typo's. I am, however,  glad you have been able to remember some spelling and you even remembered how to highlight in red, considering the poor condition of your memory that is really amazing.

There is nothing wrong with my memory. You seem to have forgotten that :D

Btw, I can understand the second spelling error being a typo but the 'c' must have been intentionally put into the first error ;)

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Ohhnoes wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

We aren't in kindergarten



Ah Storm ... from my point of view the forum is often a kindergarten and this thread in particular...

see... we even have a poor baby playing to be a judge without even doing it well....

while it would be prob funny at first, this kind of joke become soon so kiddish that its boring and no more fun.

So really, im afraid your sentence is wrong.. Not that i wouldnt like you are right, but definitely, as soon as some ppl here want to have a serious discussion in peace, we see some ppl with a big urge of laughing and playing kid games coming here and then disturb the discussion. 

You know ? like when adults have to discuss smth important and then you see a bunch of babies just hijacking the adults at every seconds.... i bet, this is why parents dont bring their kids with them at their rl work eh ?

So, i prob differ a bit with Phil opinion about trolls... its not they are really hurting ... (can a kid really hurt ?) but they are boring, disturbing and often a pain.... As far as i know.. there are often threads for fun and humor... why so coming into serious threads and just disturb ? oh yes, i know, thats more fun.... indeed.. but then dont complain when serious adults says "hush" to the kids... that's fair enough.

however... while i also can enjoy humor (often), i usually dont enjoy the fun when its at the expenses of ppl pointing their weaknessess... come on, we all have some weaknesses, some things that can hurt us more than the usual, even if we are not usually oversensitve... playing with this is just pointless and mean. The one who is in position to mock sm1 today can be the one who will be mocked tomorrow.. Dont forget this.... Treat others as you want to be treaten. I think its a base for being part of a community.. otherwise we can also go live as ermit in the mounts.

Are you trolling with this piece of text that has some of the oddest, non-excisting words, abbreviatons and strange sentences in it?

yes Ohhnoes... this is not for kids, i admit... if you dont have anything more intersting than playing with my level of english language, then i feel for you... that's sad... some other persons i know and whose english is their native language, weirdly, understood pretty well my post... go figure

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