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Vice ww2 Aircrafts need to be more realistic in my opinion

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hey all 

I kinda discovered today that  all vice aircraft  we have for sale in the marketplace arent historically accurate  There armaments are too Low and light for the Lmgs / hmgs /cmgs there main machine guns

back in the ww2 era all aircraft in ww2  had more then just two Lmgs/hmgs/cmgs

Because  if i read On quote "Illustrated Transport Encycolpedia"

                                                    "Fighter Aircraft of world wars 1 & 2"

                                                        By Francis Crosby

And wikipedia


Here is  The following aircraft most used in vice ww2 rp are as follows all need more armaments and more hp


:-Hawker Hurricane (some varients some models) should have Eight Machine guns with 334 rounds (8Vice LMG)

:-Spitfire (some varients) Guns: 2 x 20mm Hispano Mk II cannon, 4 x .303 in Browning machine guns. = 6 guns (2x Cmg in nose + 4x vice LMG in wings)

:-Hawker Tempest Mk V 

4 × 20 mm (.79 in) mK2 Hispano cannons, 200 rpg = 4 guns mounted in wings (4X VICE CMG)

:- Bristol Beaufighter

4x Browning Machine Guns outer left Wing (4X vice LMG)

2x .303  machine guns outer right wing (X2 vice LMG)

1x manually operated Vickers (X1 vice LMG)

In total 7 guns



:- Bf109 (and some varients)

2 2× 13 mm (.51 in) synchronized Mg131 Machine guns with 300 rounds per gun (2X VICE LMG)

1 × 20 mm Mg151 Cannons as Motorkanone with 200 rpg. G-6/U4 variant: (1x VICE CMG)

1 × 30 mm (1.18 in) Mk108 cannons as Motorkanone with 65 rpG  (1X VICE CMG)

2 × 20 mm MG 151/20 underwing cannon pods with 135 rpg (optional kit—Rustsatz VI) (2x vice lmg)

6 guns in total

:-FW190 (some Varients)

Guns: (all synchronized to fire through propeller arc 

2 × 13 mm (.51 in) MG131 Machine guns with 475 rpg (2X LMG)

2 × 20 mm MG151 cannons with 250 rpg in the wing root (2X CMG) 4 guns

:-Do 17 (Dornier 17)

6x mg15 ( 6x vice Lmg) In varied frontal areas


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That's some very brainy work there. I like numbers, but I'm afraid history blows my mind (They're planes, right? :P).

All content in SL is built by the users, so you would have to talk to whomever sells the product you're talking about in order to find out why they were built like that, and if there's any intention to change the design. Many products on the SL Marketplace were created by users no longer active in Second Life, so getting a response to this concern may prove difficult.

Note that naming specific users or Second Life businesses by name is not encouraged in the SL Forums.

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i wont announce anyones names  creators or any manufacturers or any real names of any company


Note:-  there are plenty Vice ww2 aircraft on the market i am just disclosing some real life  Statistics  of what vice  Vehicle Infantry and Combat Entertainment (combat system)  could do to make it more realistic as vice is big in sl and fun

and make the finest reinactment of battle of britan with all the realistic specs etc

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Kuregi Mistwood wrote:

I am just explaining  how to make them more realistic

Realism is a vague target in Second Life. Many do not create here with realism in mind, whereas others are incapable of using the tools provided to create realistic designs.

Your observations will be lost on anyone except the creator, but it's not too uncommon to see vehicles simplified in SL. Many vehicles were/are limited to using no more than 36 linked primitives, meaning some detail had to be sacrificed in order for it to function as a physical vehicle.

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I understand your appreciation for accuracy in historical reproductions, but SL is the wild and wooly home of people with delightfully varied tastes. While you can hope for increased realism and may find people of like mind, remember that you'll still have to contend with folks like me...

Flying Cougar.jpg

I may be light in armament, but I'm agile!


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Kuregi Mistwood wrote:

... Vehicle Infantry and Combat Entertainment (combat system)...

Thanks for that.

I would think that the biggest problem with realism was speed, escpecially for aircraft.  WW2 machines were doing about 400mph (640kph), weren't they?  That would mean they'd cross 41 (256m) sims per minute!  Anyway, realism where it's possible - as VICE is a combat roleplay system you might find the people you need to talk to in the roleplay (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Role-Play/bd-p/RolePlay) forums.  Have fun.

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Kuregi Mistwood wrote:

... Vehicle Infantry and Combat Entertainment (combat system)...

Thanks for that.

I would think that the biggest problem with realism was speed, escpecially for aircraft.  WW2 machines were doing about 400mph (640kph), weren't they?  That would mean they'd cross 41 (256m) sims per minute!  Anyway, realism where it's possible - as VICE is a combat roleplay system you might find the people you need to talk to in the roleplay (
) forums.  Have fun.

Yep, bombers @ 300-, fighters at 400+. Turning radius for the best of the fighters would be greater than a sim width. And I've yet to fly a simulator that turned my stomach like those August afternoon's sitting in front of my instructor in a li'l Citabria, pulling enough G's to make me scream. And I am not one of those girls who screams on roller coasters... yet.

Realism where it's possible, and doesn't make you hurl.

And double ditto on the "Have fun"!

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Kuregi Mistwood wrote:

... Vehicle Infantry and Combat Entertainment (combat system)...

 WW2 machines were doing about 400mph (640kph), weren't they?  
That would mean they'd cross 41 (256m) sims per minute! 

Oh, hello sonic boom sim border CRASH!   The plane and avatar wouldn't last through the first crossing!   Slow server handoff of info would have them *careening off into cyberspace... 

*Which although might add a bit of realism, is not the goal most have in mind.

(Also, I know you probably realize all this Peter, but just using your comment as the springboard for mine)

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World War II aircraft with multiple wing guns had them mounted inches apart and they were ganged together to fire at the same time. The multiple barrels allowed them to fire more projectiles per second  but for purposes of aiming and hitting a target realistically they were acting like a single weapon. It would actually be MORE unrealistic to calculate each barrel as a separate weapon in a simulation, and it would slow down the calculations considerably.

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Burper Tilling wrote:

:-Spitfire (some varients) 
 2 x 20mm Hispano Mk II cannon, 4 x .303 in Browning machine guns. = 6 guns (2x Cmg in nose + 4x vice LMG in wings)

I've never heard of a Spitfire with any guns in the nose!  For one thing there wouldn't be any room for them.

My late neighbor flew ME-109s during WWII and fired through his propeller, so there were some synchronized gun holdouts after WWI. I don't think the Spitfire did that.

me109 guns.jpg

The Airacobra/Kingcobra not only shot at it's propeller, it use the propshaft as the barrel for the 50mm cannon. How cool is that?


I know these planes were successful, but I wouldn't want to fly something that shoots at/through itself ;-)

ETA: Love your name. Mr. Tilling!

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Kuregi Mistwood wrote:

hey all 

I kinda discovered today that  all vice aircraft  we have for sale in the marketplace arent historically accurate  There armaments are too Low and light for the Lmgs / hmgs /cmgs there main machine guns

back in the ww2 era all aircraft in ww2  had more then just two Lmgs/hmgs/cmgs

Because  if i read On quote "Illustrated Transport Encycolpedia"

                                                    "Fighter Aircraft of world wars 1 & 2"

                                                        By Francis Crosby

And wikipedia


Here is  T
he following aircraft most used in vice ww2 rp are as follows all need more armaments and more hp


:-Hawker Hurricane (some varients some models) should have Eight Machine guns with 334 rounds (8Vice LMG)

:-Spitfire (some varients) 
 2 x 20mm Hispano Mk II cannon, 4 x .303 in Browning machine guns. = 6 guns (2x Cmg in nose + 4x vice LMG in wings)

:-Hawker Tempest Mk V 

4 × 20 mm (.79 in) mK2 Hispano 
cannons, 200 rpg = 4 guns mounted in wings (4X VICE CMG)

:- Bristol Beaufighter

4x Browning Machine Guns outer left Wing (4X vice LMG)

2x .303  machine guns outer right wing (X2 vice LMG)

1x manually operated Vickers (X1 vice LMG)

In total 7 guns



:- Bf109 (and some varients)

2 2× 13 mm (.51 in) synchronized Mg131 Machine guns
 with 300 rounds per gun (2X VICE LMG)

1 × 20 mm Mg151 Cannons
 as Motorkanone with 200 rpg.
 G-6/U4 variant: (1x VICE CMG)

1 × 30 mm (1.18 in) Mk108 cannons 
 with 65 rpG  (1X VICE CMG)

2 × 20 mm MG 151/20 underwing cannon pods with 135 rpg (optional kit—
 VI) (2x vice lmg)

6 guns in total

:-FW190 (some Varients)

 (all synchronized to fire through propeller arc 

2 × 13 mm (.51 in) MG131 Machine guns
 with 475 rpg (2X LMG)

2 × 20 mm MG151 cannons
 with 250 rpg in the wing root (2X CMG) 4 guns

:-Do 17 (Dornier 17)

6x mg15 ( 6x vice Lmg) In varied frontal areas


Now, can you give us specifics on the accuracy of male genitalia in SL?  Some seem rather off to me.


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Kuregi, you've already gotten plenty of explanations as to why things in SL may not be a match for the RL objects they simulate, so I'll not add to that (except to say that Wikipedia says Spits used either Brownings or Hispanos, not both).

I personally was taken with the comment about a reenactment of the Battle of Britain. If you were able even to bring off a halfway realistic reenactment of a single raid you'd be in line to be named the greatest Second Life RP Gamemaster of all time. Given the wildly independent natures of so many SL'ers, the thought of a bunch of them in airplanes actually staying in formation and on task gives me the giggles. I suspect they'd be shooting at wingmates, buzzing the tower, practicing their barrel rolls, and generally not sticking to the plan. Not to mention the occasional Flying Cougar interfering with the formation.

It sure would be fun to watch, though. :-)

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