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Is anyone *actually* looking for a friend?


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I have never seen such effort and technology put into a platform, basically used for hooking up for cyber sex.

I'm in Swift and the (literally) 2 people I've encountered there were both squirreled away in their houses, having sex. I love the idea of SL but all I want to do is make friends and that seems to be a rare commodity.

Anyone else in Swift, or around generally, who would be up to hang out with a goth gal, who's into NOLA culture, DJing, writing, exploring, dancing and all things Tim Minchin?

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EssaelBosch wrote:

I have never seen such effort and technology put into a platform, basically used for hooking up for cyber sex.

I'm in Swift and the (literally) 2 people I've encountered there were both squirreled away in their houses, having sex. I love the idea of SL but all I want to do is make friends and that seems to be a rare commodity.

Anyone else in Swift, or around generally, who would be up to hang out with a goth gal, who's into NOLA culture, DJing, writing, exploring, dancing and all things Tim Minchin?

You like writing, you say, then you should also like reading. Have a look through these forums, the different categories of which should show you that the Second Life platform is NOT *actually* "basically used for hooking up for cyber sex".

Some interesting information to help you find your feet a bit more is contained with the Second Life official Knowledge Base http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/English_KB%40tkb

Open your eyes, open your mind, and get out of Swift (give others some privacy if it is their wish to partake in cyber sex). Use the inworld Search feature and the Destination Guide that you will find on your dashboard or via the viewer inworld and visit different places.

I am not *actually* looking for a friend. Or for cyber sex. And this little video represents a few short months of what has made up my own personal Second Life. I hope it will give you a little bit of inspiration. WARNING: May contain butterflies and rainbows.

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The majority of those who regularly visit these forums (fora if Deltango's reading this) will tell you that the platform is sadly lacking in effort spent, and not very sophisticated technologically. I won't step on their toes by disagreeing with you; I'll just make the comment.

I will disagree that Second Life—this 'platform'—is basically used for hooking up for cyber sex. I'm not saying that pixel sex isn't a lure and I'm not saying it isn't a popular source of entertainment for many a resident. With new people that is especially true: the liberality can be a bit breathtaking.

I AM saying that cyber/pixel sex isn't the thing that keeps most people here. No, I have no statistical data. I only have my Second Life experience plus what I've read here plus what I've read elsewhere. After close to five years, that's a fair amount of input.

I am sorry I can't offer advice on making friends. I didn't come here to make friends. I came here for reasons already discussed, just so you'll know I'm not being a prude or anything. As it happens I've made many friends here. Actual friends. It's a treasure in that regard.

The advice I can offer is to click on 'Search' in your viewer, select 'Places' or 'People' or 'Groups' or whatever you want (were I you, I'd choose 'Places') and filter for Goth. Travel. Watch. Listen. Talk, even. Don't feel like you need to spend your time in any one place, even if it's your home.

Go tpabout.

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Figure out what YOU like to do and go forth. The friends and acquaintences will follow. Actually you can have a very good time in SL by yourself. You can create. You can explore. You can make art. You can write about your experiences. It's a big world out there with unlimited possibilities.

I have been here five plus years. Many of my friends have been here longer. None of us has ever had sex. Most of us have never been kissed. Open your eyes :D.


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I'm not a NOLA expert but it's the nearest bastion of culture for Pensacola so I'm definitely a fan of the place.  Feel free to hit me up in world any time, I'm always looking for new people to chat with, and there are lots of SL related news sources out there.  I'm still crazy about the Intellibook format for in world viewing but there are sooo many good blogs.

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Did I read that right? You stand around in one place and complain to not find people who do things you like?( In addition I have no idea what this "Swift" sim is about) Do you also complain that you went to Walmart and haven't found the love of your life within the 15 minutes you spend there?

Go out and explore. Use the right searchterms to find places, people and events you may like. Oh, and one important step on the way of finding new friends: Don't accuse everyone who reads this to be a creepy, plain sexaddict.

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There is no one being a troll on here. All are giving good advice. Maybe a little harshly but still. Only one person was random and actually quite funny when you have a sense of humor. The OP met/saw 2 people and based ALL of Sl on that one interaction to come on here and rant about what sl is about. Some people were taken back by it. Some words could have been softened however I don't see the OP being any nicer.

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I have never seen such effort and technology put into a platform, basically used for hooking up for cyber sex.

That's news to me. Only about 1% of the people I meet in SL are looking around just for sex. The other 99% I have met are either here for businesses, keeping in contact with far-away RL friends and relatives (I do that with my family), roleplaying, or having other innocent forms of fun. I have been in SL since mid-2006, and this still holds true. Perhaps I am just a lucky guy who meets all the nice people...?

...the (literally) 2 people I've encountered...were both squirreled away in their houses, having sex.

Just like it is unwise to judge all European...or American...or Asian...or African...or Goth, or Punk, or Blond-haired, or Brunette...et cetera...people by a few, it is extremely unwise to judge thousands of people...in this case, SL-players...by only two people. It might take a while and you might have to go to a bunch of new places, but you will find real genuine friends somewhere. :smileywink:

...all I want to do is make friends and that seems to be a rare commodity.

I think making friends is heavily impacted on where you are (are you in a place where mainly certain types of people hang out?) and how you interact (are you shy, bubbly, serious, etc. etc.). You sound very nice to me, I'll be quite happy to be friends with you. For making more friends, I highly suggest going to different sims of different themes...exploring SL, meeting new people, et cetera. It may take a lot of patience (believe me, I know...I've had to do it...) but in the end when friends are made, it is worth it.

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Ina Fairport wrote:

Hmm, you obviously don't know what a troll is on a forum ??


I keep saying the wrong things here. Better keep my mouth shut from now on.

Nah no one has actually trolled yet here. Trust me i've been trolled ont his forum. Go look up some of my chats. Trolling is when someone does something like correct your spelling and the call you stupid. THAT'S TROLLING.

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Ina Fairport wrote:



And to think that the subject was deemed worthy of a Doctoral Thesis?  

"Others have addressed the same issue, e.g., Claire Hardaker, in her Ph.D. thesis"


Makes that degree in Baskey Weaving I was thinking of getting look viable after all.  ;)

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I am actually very new to SL, I came here to interact with friends I all ready have that live far away, however I luckily have come across some very nice and interesting people who have no inclination to "cyber" and its been great so far.

Please feel free to befriend me or just have a chat with me. I am a writer  and an avid roleplayer who really loves NOLA and all things regarding Anne Rice. No I cannot say I live in NOLA but I still love it just the same darling.

Explore and Create and you may find yourself enscounced by like-minded, fun loving friends!!!!!

Kindest regards dear,

Queen Akirah:smileyhappy:

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Ina Fairport wrote:

Hmm, you obviously don't know what a troll is on a forum ??


I keep saying the wrong things here.
Better keep my mouth shut from now on.

Please do if all that you are going to contribute is drama. Some people might have been edgy but absolutely no one trolled. They were offended and reacted. Simple as that.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

Randall Ahren wrote:

Sex is the reason we're here.

There you go corrupting all the newbie's. Bad Randall. lol

if there'd been no sex none of us would exist :matte-motes-nerdy:

But yes, most of us aren't in SL for the sex. If it happens, it happens, like everything else. But I for one don't seek it. Tried it, didn't appeal to me apart from the novelty value and that doesn't last long.

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