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Bad manners from a store owner


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XbabylonX wrote:

However, we still have the right to ask and desire what your signature is referring to, which I find so correct!

My signature concerns those who feel the need to bring their forum drama into the Grid itself and use the IM features of the Second Life Client to further respond to anything I have said on the forum. It has nothing at all to do with your situation and quite frankly, had it been me in the position of that manager/stre owner (owing to the fact that I have very little patience to deal with business request after buisness request) you'd have likely gotten the exact same initial reaction, followed by far cruder/ruder responses the moment you IMed back with the threatening crap you sent out in response to being told to "piss off".

And that is life.

You could have and should have handled that differently - being told off like that should have been the end of it. Not everyone is going to be nice to you and frankly, viewing such things as "creulty" is a bit much.

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XbabylonX wrote:

I give up! I cant "fight" with most of you anymore. Seems that you are made of stone.

Why try to fight at all? Most people in the thread said that you handled it wrongly, so why not learn instead of fight?

And why threaten someone to try and get the person out of Busy mode? That's what you claimed to have done, although it looks very different in your original post. In your original post, you made the threats before the other person went into Busy mode. So did you leave some of the stuff out, or did you lie to me? When someone is in Busy mode, it means they don't want to talk with you. If you weren't lying to me, then what you did is worse than people in this thread realised.

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XbabylonX wrote:

Just my proposal.

2 messages.

I still wish some of the store owners I contacted (and answered negatively) to post here...

My gut says that there was another part between your 2 messages and that reply going by your threathning skills... to bad it`s a one sides story, i`d love to have some popcorn :matte-motes-silly:

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XbabylonX wrote:

I give up! I cant "fight" with most of you anymore. Seems that you are made of stone.

Oh how I feel for you and your lugubrious plight.  That no one on this forum could possibly even contemplate wrapping their antarctic hands around the pearls on which you clutch so steadfastly is beyond my naive comprehension.

My greatest wish is that this unfortunate experience will not lead you to, once again, micturate your bed.

Best of luck, my friend.


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I did read the thread, but am kinda going to skip over the whole "you were a bad bad person" shpeal. I am pretty certain by now, you know what you did, what you didn't do, and how better to carry yourself from here on out. You don't need another person slapping your hand for that.

But I will share my experience. I have done similar types of cold calling, as it were, both in rl and in sl. It can be very difficult. Even when you carry yourself with the absolute best level of professionalism possible, things can go wrong. Sometimes it might be you, sometimes it might be them. Sometimes it's difficult to tell what went wrong, why, and how to prevent that from happening again.

I get messages from people occasionally for business proposals, not nearly as often as I did when the store was much larger, but I do still get them. I am always polite, though I usually have to decline their offer. Some days that's easier said than done. It shouldn't be difficult to always be polite, but anything could easily set any one of us off, at any point in time. That doesn't mean people still accept my answer, despite being polite, but I try. Then sometimes I get people who can't be nice no matter what, or seem to not be able to anyway. I ran into that a couple days ago from a customer-not a business proposal btw. I checked my email because I had gotten a few messages from customers. One of them was beyond rude. I can't even understand that level of hostility right out of the box.  But, regardless, called me every name in the book, yadda, yadda. I don't need to go into details. I had an assistant send her a new version in the color she wanted(which happens to be one of the colors contained in it anyway, lol).  Customer still not happy, still going off at my assistant. In fact  my assistant is STILL getting messages, as am I. I could block, but, it's almost entertaining at this point. We've both(assistant and myself) been threatened with "i'll go to the forums with this bad experience", "you'll regret it", "you'll be sorry" "I know a lot of people" and a few other choice and very colorful phrases...All I can do is laugh. I've already both refunded the $1 she paid for the item three years ago, plus sent her a replacement product. My job, is done, period. Now if someone else were to come here with that kind of experience, I wouldn't expect them to be kind to that customer at this point. Though most would probably have blocked them by now, lol. I was, and am, being extra kind because right now I'm as crabby as a hermit crab without it's shell and could very easily let my temper get away with itself. I know that stress, anxiety and the horrible pain I'm in, are all things that can push me over the edge. In fact, they will, it's almost a guarantee. But if I did, I would be no better than that customer, and I'd have no room to complain. Once you cross the rude or mean boundary, you have no room for complaint about rude or mean people, imo.

Regardless of how we are treated by others, we should always strive to be better. This goes double for times when others are rude to us. Not because it gives us power by placing us above them. But because it's the right thing to do. It might be hard, and it definitely can be, but it's worth it in the end. At least we can hold our heads high knowing we didn't have to go to that level, to make a point. People are goig to be mean, they're going to be cruel, they're going to mistreat us. By saying this I am not saying you have to accept the treatment, just that you have to accept the possibility. When, not if, it happens, you're better able to deal with it when you don't think of it as an impossibility, or a rarity. Just because we believe others should always be kind, doesn't mean it's going to happen. I'd like to wish away a lot of things right about now, or wish that they were different anyway, but I can't. So I live with what happens, how it happens, when it happens, and I learn from it.

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I got to page 4 before replying. I am saying that in case I missed something different in the pages following that point.

I am curious what you wanted from the topic? I can understand various motivations. I am just curious which motivation was yours. (Or more than one.)


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