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Bad manners from a store owner


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XbabylonX wrote:


today I contacted a popular store owner for a business proposal.

After some hour a person contacted me about this, not the owner, perhaps his helper or a manager.

I wrote what I wanted to pass to them and then the response was:


"you know what...piss off and dont bother him with that **bleep** again...kk thanks"


I was shocked. I immediatelly contacted him again:


[18:47] Babylon (xbabylonx): is this a way your interact with people?

[18:47] Babylon (xbabylonx): respond or Ill post this in forums

[18:48] <owner>: Stop IMing Me. I'm not interested.

[18:48] Babylon (xbabylonx): shame to you people

[18:48] <owner>: Go away.

[18:48] Babylon (xbabylonx): Ill sent you the forum link, have a nice day

[18:48] <owner>: **bleep** off.

[18:49] Babylon (xbabylonx): you will regret this

[18:49] <owner>: I've never heard that before.

[18:49] <owner>: Bye bye now.

[18:50] Babylon (xbabylonx): you will cause you dont know anything about what I was talking about

[18:50] <owner>: <owner> (busy reponse): You must be a truly unique individual, to have done something so irritating I actually blocked you.


Should I post his brand? Maybe you wouldnt believe it...

the worry is what happened after you get told to piss off by the help

you contact the owner and say about the poor response you get from the help

the owner not reply to you

then you threaten the owner and say if the owner do not respond to you then you going to make an example of them by escalate to public

owner then reply and say: stop IMMng me. am not interested in your proposal

then you escalate. and now come on here and go rah! rah! rah!


from the testimonals other people putting on here for you then we can deduce that you seem to be a lovely person when you get your own way

if not then you get heavy. like threaten. and you have no shame in carrying out threats you make in your own best interest


I personal would not have any business relationship with you. bc if we ever did have a difference then you going to go bananas on me. in any business I cant afford to be involved with a partner who goes bananas and gets heavy on me when they don't get what they want off me




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I am not supporting cruelty.  I said the initial response from the owner's rep was a bit rude but I don't think it was cruel.  But YOU were rude and unprofessional in return. 

I posted to give you help and advice based on over 6+ years of doing business in SL.  Obviously you didn't read it or you would not have posted back so quick.  Take it or leave it.  It makes no difference to me.

However, realize you are showing everyone here how hard headed you can be and embarrassing yourself.  Other shop owner's you haven't contacted are reading this too, you know. Many of them read these forums but never post.  What kind of impression do you think you are giving them?  I can assure you it is not good.

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XbabylonX wrote:

For you 
difference=bitching , if yes, we would have a problem.

you making the point yourself now. this thread not going all your own way. so you escalating it

from your own chat log. what you wanted from the owner was an apology about the behavior of their staff member

you left out of your chat log what you said to the owner about the staff member. like their parentage. the owners ability to run their business. customer service.  and how offended you are by their unprofessionalism. how do they ever manage to stay in business. a whole bunch of truthiness about how you can run their business better than them. rah de rah rah!. buy my stuff


I not have a problem with you. bc we not doing any business together



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Bad manners from a store owner is about as common as getting goosebumps when you're cold.

Absolutely nothing surprising about it. You think this is bad? Wait until you've seen some of the creators I had to deal with. Absolutely effing bitches. If a store owner is nice to me, I'd even buy extra stuff from her. Easy to guess what's the opposite.

To all store owners: if you think acting like a complete b*tch means you're being "professional" and "cool", you're a complete dumbass. Think again about who is the ultimate loser of this transaction? If your ultimate purpose is to piss off customers and decrease your revenue then go ahead and continue doing it. Methods including having extremely rude stuff in your profile, ignoring IMs/notecards, including swearing words in your messages, falsely advertising your products, so on and so forth. But the last time I checked, most creators are here to make money, and in case you haven't noticed, money actually comes from sales and not how many people you pissed off.

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In the heat of the moment I wanted to reveal his indentity, yes. But I didnt, no matter how I wanted it. That doesnt sound abnormal. At least for me.

Finally, I wanted to share a bad experience, who hasnt anyway? Who never wondered if he/she been treated bad? No, never happened to me to have a bad experience like that before because Im peaceful, I dont provoke people, in this case I dont insist on my proposal when someone is not intrested, but Amethyst, after Ive being hit from someone who prooved himself not worthing at all, I was rude and unprofessional, Im asking you: Where are the boundaries of professionalism? Is there something I have to protect in relation with such people?

And yes, I hope most of the owners I contacted and I got a negative response to post something about me. Did I disturb them maybe? I just wish to post.

It got so long. For the reason I travel inworld around stores for contacting its owners, I might meet some of you who posted here. In case you dont want me to contact you for trash (like some of you said), please send me a pm here just mentioning your sl name. I do follow rules and respecting gently people.

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wow suki it's a shame you've talked to so many lame creators. A lot I've talked to (usually when I get mis delivery or double purchase or something) are very nice.


Either way yes the owner was rude. Threatening didn't help though. and tattleing on forums isn't helpful either since no one knows the owners name anywho. Best thing to do if an owner is rude is tell all your friends aobut how rude they are and let word of mouth do it's job. Threatening whent hey don't respond does nothing.

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"Best thing to do if an owner is rude is tell all your friends aobut how rude they are and let word of mouth do it's job"

After calming from such a bad experience, yes this is right.


About the threats which almost everyone recalled, dont take it so bad. I created something, he will blocked from it because he was so bad with me and he will regret it. Thats all.

Advertising is not allowed here, I didnt any, I cant explain more in details.

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you will be ok. just try chill out a bit and not get stressed to much. like do something for a bit when it getting you down. like cup of tea or walk the dog. or even just go out in the garden

cold calling the toughest sales game ever. when done like a 100 and more and get a little string of rejections which happens cold calling. then can get you down sometimes. the flat out: no go away


also sometimes is just a little thing that can tip you over. something that normally you just meet with a smile and shrug off. and on to the next call

I not mean to be harsh on you. I can be a bit tipped over myself easy sometimes. and not have any good reason for going down that way


the business idea you got I think is pretty good. can see how that can work for some businesses. not all. but some enough to make it viable. so keep plugging away at it. and hope that it works out good for you



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Sweety, like I said, I visited about 100 inworld stores, if not more, I had about 5-6 positive responses. I left a smile and a "have a nice day" to all the negative ones.

Of course I was ready to face these kind of responses, the negatives. But I wasnt ready for that one which happened to me tonight.

And thank you for your nice words!

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XbabylonX wrote:

Best thing to do if an owner is rude is tell all your friends aobut how rude they are and let word of mouth do it's job"

After calming from such a bad experience, yes this is right.


About the threats which almost everyone recalled, dont take it so bad. I created something, he will blocked from it because he was so bad with me and he will regret it. Thats all.

Advertising is not allowed here, I didnt any, I cant explain more in details.

You are not the customer in this case. That is where you went wrong in your thinking. You were the owner speaking to a potential customer rudely and with threats.  Maybe they will take this advice and tell all their friends about you now.

You ask us not to take your threats so bad.  You are want us to cut you slack when you didn't cut this owner any and continue to seek revenge by blocking him thinking he'll be sorry.  I doubt it.  He probably wouldn't do business with you if you were the last person on earth at this point. 

A true professional is NEVER rude in return for rudeness,  They are the better person and just walk away with a pleasant comment, no matter how provoked or hurt they were.  As 16 suggested take a break or kick the couch cushions, scream back at the top of your lungs and tell them off  with your mic off. if it helps. I do that a lot myself when I meet with rudeness.



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I've had an occasional disagreement with a random person in open areas, not trying to sell anything which would probably be waaaay too hard for me to even try to do.  And I can say there are some real in-your-face types of people in second life.  They feel safe saying things to you online that they would never do to you in real life, just because they can hide behind a computer. 

Once I complained to a friend after one very annoying argumen at a club, and my friend reminded me that some of these people are really young, like teenager young, and maybe just not mature the way they handle things.  They become managers, like club managers for instance or store managers because they are friends of the owner and they don't have good judgement about what goes on in their club or the store.

So now, when someone is rude to me, I just remind myself that maybe I am talking to a young teenager who is not very mature and why waste my time arguing with a child or being upset because of it?  Then I just shrug it off and smile.

I like your idea very much by the way.  As a shopper (a constant shopper) in second life, my family is always looking for ways to give me sl things.  A wish list would be perfect.


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Suki Hirano wrote:

Bad manners from a store owner is about as common as getting goosebumps when you're cold.

Absolutely nothing surprising about it. You think this is bad? Wait until you've seen some of the creators I had to deal with. Absolutely effing bitches. If a store owner is nice to me, I'd even buy extra stuff from her. Easy to guess what's the opposite.

To all store owners
: if you think acting like a complete b*tch means you're being "professional" and "cool", you're a complete dumbass. Think again about who is the ultimate loser of this transaction? If your ultimate purpose is to piss off customers and decrease your revenue then go ahead and continue doing it. Methods including having extremely rude stuff in your profile, ignoring IMs/notecards, including swearing words in your messages, falsely advertising your products, so on and so forth. But the last time I checked, most creators are here to make money, and in case you haven't noticed, money actually comes from sales and not how many people you pissed off.


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So instead of acting sensibly in the face of a bit of rudeness, you decided to be threatening, which was really stupid on your part.

Some people can be rude for no good reason, and it can have the effect of hurting some feelings, but you have to accept that and not make a big thing about it. From your own piosts, it sounds like you've contacted many store owners and received many non-rude replies. If the majority of replies were rude, I could understand you wanting to post about rudeness in general. But when it's only rude reply out of many, and your immediate reaction threaten the person, your charatcer is seen an being much worse than the rude person's character. The impression I now have of you is that you are a very nice person as long as nobody says anything rude or bad to you, but if someone does, you will make them "regret it" by shaming them in public. That's not a nice character at all.

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16 wrote:

from the testimonals other people putting on here for you then we can deduce that you seem to be a lovely person when you get your own way

if not then you get heavy. like threaten. and you have no shame in carrying out threats you make in your own best interest 


I'd only read part of the first page when I wrote my post (above). The I read a few more posts and came across yours, in which you come to exactly the same conclusion as I did :)

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chances are if you contact over 100 people..there will always be one that will not be very nice..


when you are hitting 99%..consider yourself winning and take that one negative % and put it behind you..

you can't win them all *winks*

don't let it cover up the other 99% with showing you let 1 little negative bug you that much..




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XbabylonX wrote:

Yes a "No", a simple "No".


Please people, stop supporting cruelty.

We are not robots to easily move on just like nothing happened.

If you honestly think being told to 'piss off' is cruelty ... You need to cancel your SL account, cancel your internet service, return your PC and move out into the middle of nowhere because guess what cupcake - that is nothing at all compared to real creulty.

Grow a thicker skin, learn the difference between creulty and being told off .... and under no circumstances Instant message someone after being told off for any reason.

Welcome to Life - deal with it or live as a hermit.

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