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2nd Avs's and misuse

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Out of curiousity, were you partnered farily recently?  I ask this because several very odd things happened shortly after my former partner and I were...well partnered.  I'm convinced they were alts or friends of one or more of his ex-girlfriends. 

One bizarre example was a man showing up at my house the minute after I logged in, introducing himself as a hired bodyguard and told me that my partner was "scaring" his "client."  According to him, my partner was going to where she worked late at night (and alluded to this being an escort type club) and was orbiting the girls.  This was totally out of character for my partner which I told this guy and said I knew nothing about it and he would have to talk directly to my partner.  The "bodyguard" shouted, "WHY??? JUST TELL HIM!!"  Of course I did.  When my partner contacted him, then the story changed; the "workplace" was not an escort club, but a large, very well-known jewelry store that had models in the store who  stood on a raised platform.  So the story now is that my partner supposedly "orbited" one of the models in a crowded jewelry store while she was standing on a platform.  I think that would have been noticed by shoppers and/or definitely AR'd and reported to the owner of the store.

After a few months these types of bizarre incidents finally quit happening.  I would recommend muting/banning from any property you have, etc. the alts and they will eventually tire of the game.  I know from experience how annoying, to say the least, it is...but no reaction (other than ARing, banning, muting, etc.) is your best bet. :)

Edit: grammar

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Since you asked, here are my thoughts:

  1. I fail to understand how your suggestion would in any way control griefers or drama.  Do you seriously think that a check off box will stop people out to cause trouble?
  2. It is not uncommon for a new resident to stumble around and 'get too close' to someone.  How does this behavior lead you to believe they are an alt with some sinister motive and they are out to get you? 
  3. Even if this person were an alt of someone you don't like, it seems you have the wrong idea of what griefing is.  Drama is not griefing.  Interpersonal disputes are drama for the most part until they break TOS.  That is not the case here from what you said.  If specific rules of the TOS has been broken, AR it.
  4. Mom isn't here to run tattle to. Everyone needs to learn to handle these things like an adult. Refer to Marigolds excellent post on how to do that.  It works.
  5. It has been my observation over the years that people that continually attract drama and griefers and wonder why should examine their own behavior. 

I'm sorry if you don't like my thoughts but you asked for them.  Number 4 and 5 are not aimed at you in particular, but if the shoe fits..... 

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greek Wingtips wrote:

really Ansariel, you sound like the type that likes to moan for what ever reason, if you dont want to read or give your views then move on but as for same old talk, well why dont you create a survey and see how many items topics in here have been repeated my guess is about 80% so if you going to moan about this topic suggest get writing to every topic in here and mention it dont pick and choose what you personally dont want to hear and BTW for new folks this would be a new discussion to them, so please if your going moan take it elseway omg anything for a moan

lol you the one came on here to have a moan. now you moaning about comments on your moan. srsly !!! (:




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greek Wingtips wrote:

what gets me in these forums are the idiots that dont want to discuss the topic or feel they are some sort of expert in thier field,  what I have said here is my personal exprnce and have heard the same from many others in sl, it is an important topic and

I dont pretend to have answers, i put forward an idea if it does not work then fine mention it, but same old moaners that dont want to hear the topic or suddnely its a case of charector assiination , the topic is bout that in itsself and not about me who started it, now you getting me write about when I would prefer to read about your thoughts on the subject.


what you asking for is already how it done now. is why people going umm!

when log into the viewer for the very first time (on any account. first main and  alt every time after) then have to tick the box. the one that say you have to agree to ToS. if you don't then the viewer not allow you to log in


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Calling people idiots on a thread you started just because you didn't like their answers tells me you are a drama magnet. Taking the right away for people to create alternate avatars on their account the way you say is not fair to users. Griefers are going to grief no matter what. This has been said to death...SL is a place where people come to escape their everday lives, to have a business whatever the reason and NO they should not have to lose the anonymity because people such as yourself bring on the drama. After reading your complete profile I can see where you would be the type of person that someone would find foolishly fun to challenge you on.



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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Out of curiousity, were you partnered farily recently?  I ask this because several very odd things happened shortly after my former partner and I were...well partnered.  I'm convinced they were alts or friends of one or more of his ex-girlfriends. 

If Greek is whom I think he is, and I could be dead wrong here,  but I think I know who his partner was and she happens to be a fairly well known in certain SL circles and is as sweet a girl as you could meet.  I could be dead wrong here.  My memory is a little fuzzy and I haven't had the umption to verify.

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Ansanie. Your have a real problem your sounding like a person i know in history books that started 2nd world war. You have no damm right to dictatebas to what topics are spoke here you dont like then dont read it make me to hear people like that if the subject is not to there liking then the complain. All i say hope this does not relate to your rl personatliy as that would be quite sad as forbme. Am a strong person and can cope with idiots in sl. But for many that cannot i show compassion but that sound like somthing u dont understand maybe my next topic should be about youbtypes

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greek Wingtips wrote:

Read correcly nevervsaid my partner Dont rush take your time

I see what you mean.   But what you wrote was,

I just recenlty had one that was getting too close to myself and my partner, i supected her of being one of two other peron, to which she just compltely diserpeared,

Gramatically, the "her" and "she" refer to your partner, even if that's not who you meant, and the fact your partner is female and we don't know anything about what gender this "one" is doesn't help.     When I'm not familiar with the events being described, and the context doesn't give me any clues about who "her" and "she" are, all I can do is go by what people write.

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your reply was to someone else, but try and take a step back and look at how you are replying to everyone? Drama. If you were a strong person that could handle the idiots of sl, then why post here and continue to go on and on with the posts? Enjoy your drama on here an inworld.

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you are so right Malanya, I fallen in the trap of trying to bring a topic up that I thought would be interesting and in the end its up creating a drama , which I contributed, so your right, my thoughts are these, no point in bring up issues that do effect weak people in hear because the moral is it becomes a drama and the point of the topic dies away in about 5 replies ,the lesson I learned here, is to worry about my own back and not worry about others, as this sure aint the place to mention it, hence I end this topic.

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I think you are making a sane and sensible decision to end this topic. 

I'd advise also in the future only responding to positive constructive posts. That way a thread will not degenerate into a game of verbal tip-taps fit only for a schoolyard.

Try not to worry too much greek about new people being upset over griefers. Everyone finds their way, and it would seem to be a rite of passage to encounter griefers.  Everyone also reacts very differently to different situations (and this sentence is addressed to everyone within this thread).  We are not all clones of one person, and while someone can easily shrug off something, another person may be less able to.  This does not make them an idiot or a bad person, just sensitive, and maybe they are stronger in other areas.

We all need to play to our strengths, forgive each other for being human and different to ourselves maybe.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Out of curiousity, were you partnered farily recently?  I ask this because several very odd things happened shortly after my former partner and I were...well partnered.  I'm convinced they were alts or friends of one or more of his ex-girlfriends. 

If Greek is whom I think he is, and I could be dead wrong here,  but I think I know who his partner was and she happens to be a fairly well known in certain SL circles and is as sweet a girl as you could meet.  I could be dead wrong here.  My memory is a little fuzzy and I haven't had the umption to verify.

Greek clarified this in a later post, but I had (apparently correctly) understood the OP to mean that he and his partner were being bothered by one or more alts.

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greek Wingtips wrote:

It's now becoming epidemic on how many person are create 2nd to cause somesort of havoc or to harrass and stalk others,

I just recenlty had one that was getting too close to myself and my partner, i supected her of being one of two other peron, to which she just compltely diserpeared


what I don't get is this

greek say that was this person try get close to him and partner. greek then say he dealt with it by confront the person. after this the person disappear. (like meaning they not bother him anymore)

the bit I don't get is that greek handle and resolve the situation

but then ask for linden to do something else on top of a situation that was resolved already by greek


the something being that you cant pretend to not know someone you already know

what do this mean? if put in ToS.

like do it only apply to people I unpartner? like any account has to tell me if we used to be partners on another account if I suspect this of them?

what if they unpartner me instead of me unpartner them? the role reversal

say there is a person who split up and makes a new life on a new account. previous partner suspects alt of being a previous partner. do the person on the new account have to own up to this when suspected?

it get pretty murky this. pretty quick. when look at the nuances


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greek Wingtips wrote:

Ansanie. Your have a real problem your sounding like a person i know in history books that started 2nd world war. You have no damm right to dictatebas to what topics are spoke here you dont like then dont read it make me to hear people like that if the subject is not to there liking then the complain. All i say hope this does not relate to your rl personatliy as that would be quite sad as forbme. Am a strong person and can cope with idiots in sl. But for many that cannot i show compassion but that sound like somthing u dont understand maybe my next topic should be about youbtypes

And once again, Godwin's law holds true!

Oh and if you meet Ansanie, say 'hello' from me!

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Out of curiousity, were you partnered farily recently?  I ask this because several very odd things happened shortly after my former partner and I were...well partnered.  I'm convinced they were alts or friends of one or more of his ex-girlfriends. 

If Greek is whom I think he is, and I could be dead wrong here,  but I think I know who his partner was and she happens to be a fairly well known in certain SL circles and is as sweet a girl as you could meet.  I could be dead wrong here.  My memory is a little fuzzy and I haven't had the umption to verify.

Greek clarified this in a later post, but I had (apparently correctly) understood the OP to mean that he and his partner were being bothered by one or more alts.

I had misunderstood his OP.

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greek Wingtips wrote:

It's now becoming epidemic on how many person are create 2nd to cause somesort of havoc or to harrass and stalk others,

I just recenlty had one that was getting too close to myself and my partner, i supected her of being one of two other peron, to which she just compltely diserpeared,  A good idea would be that LL's being able to get all new persons creating a new av, to declare by ticking a box if they do or dont have another av in play in SL,and promise not abuse this, to which i think would discourage person from the above griefs, as if some is reported the IP can be checked with any other AV.

If not this idea then something need to be done to protect people from such ways as not to allow mulitply av's for this reson,

I understand many have other reasons which is fine for havin 2nd av's but for dilberate intention sof greif then something should be done

whats your thoughts


Are you saying that LL should change the way they do business to protect you from an epidemic of people who walk too close to you and then comply when you ask them to go away? I just don't understand the logic. Waht's LL supposed to protect you from?

"Don't MAKE me comply with your request! I'll do it man! I'm crazy like that! You tell me to go away,and I will. Be careful what you wish for." I mean, I just put the situation you described into the nastiest words I could think of... And it still doesn't seem all that bad. It's certainly not creating havoc, stalking, or harrassing.

Somebody standing somewhere seems like a weak reason to ban alts.

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solsyse, I ended reply to this topic because of some the stupid comments and your has to go on top " getting too close is a figure of speech" do you really think someone standing too close is going to make me write, all that I did, of if I said that your as thick as two planks of wood, would I be saying you look like wood, workout yourself OMG

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Well, seeing as how that is literally exactly what you wrote...

Even if you had some secret code hidden in your poorly typed question, it seems that "Should I AR because when I told someone to go away they actually did?" is a question best not met with intellegence.

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