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Is their AV consultants out there ?


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Don't pay nothing. Play with the avatar shape yourself till you get it looking like you want. The skin is very important. What I normally do is buy the skin first and then create a shape based on the skin. Then get some hair, and after the hair you might want to tweak the shape again to accommodate the hair.

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Find a friend. Ask them to help you. Ask them for their opinions about your shape, see if they'll help you shop for hair and skins and clothes, and just have fun with it.

Friendship is free. Heck, I'll help for free if you want; I enjoy it.

There is no specific way an avi should look. "Your world, your imagination" - just get to where you're happy with your look, and that's what matters.


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Ariel Vuissent wrote:

Find a friend. Ask them to help you. Ask them for their opinions about your shape, see if they'll help you shop for hair and skins and clothes, and just have fun with it.

Friendship is free. Heck, I'll help for free if you want; I enjoy it.

There is no specific way an avi should look. "Your world, your imagination" - just get to where you're happy with your look, and that's what matters.


awesome advice... Id give you a kudo if I could. 

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Talk to females you like the look of. Compliment them, and say that you should like a makeover, but you don't know any good shops. I am sure that they will teleport you around for free and suggest new skin, hair and clothes. Most female avatars like to shop, and know where to go.

You will probably look like a male version of them... A tan girl with big tattoos will show you tan male skins and tattoo shops... ;) 

Then there is fashion blogs. http://malefashionfeed.info/


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Hi, I agree with the posts here, just keep tweaking things until you get what you like and then get opinions of friends etc, I know of a person inworld who charges quite highly for her services and quite frankly after looking at her avatar i cant imagine she gets much business, at the end of the day the look has to be pleasing to you and not to others so much so only you can make that happen, good luck

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Thanks for all the info, I have found someone that wants to start up an AV consulting. Lets face it some of us just are not talented enough to do what we want. I have no problem paying for someone talent or getting free advice. When I first started on SL I did have someone that offered to help me, But at that time I didn't think I needed it until I started looking at others more closely. I'm sorry I didn't get that guy's help. Here is me so far, my consultant has done some minor adjustments on my body proportions me for forum.jpg

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How about larger photos? I don't think you're fully rezzed in the photos. You pants and feet are blurry. Rebake yourself with control alt r. The shirtless photo is after minor adjustments were made? Your legs look better proportioned in the shirtless photo. They seem a little fat in the other photo.

The shape looks ok, you just need better clothes. Try some mesh or clothes with prim collars and cuffs.

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Very nice! The photo is very small, so it's hard to see, but it looks good. The legs definitely look better proportioned in the shirtless photo.

Try looking for an AO, or animation overrider. It'll give your avatar "body language" and get rid of the newbie walk and jerky animations. For low-cost, but still good quality, try Oracul. My favorite are Vista AO's, but they can be rather expensive.

It's hard to tell because your hands are on your hips, but when your arms are at your sides, the tips of your fingers should fall at about your mid-thigh for realistic proportions. Try to avoid T-Rex arms, and rememer not to ignore the size of your hands and head to avoid the pin-head and claw-hands look.

Depending how much you're willing to spend, look for mesh pants or pants with prim cuffs; they look more realistic than the regular system pants cuffs. Same with shirts. You can also look for prim or mesh feet, if you like to go barefoot (I personally hate the system feet on myself, but if they don't bother you, don't worry about) or for some nice shoes.

But it looks like you're off to a good start! The offer's still open if you'd like another opinion; just message me inworld if you want. Looking good so far ^_^


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You got a really good mesh hair there! What do you want to look like? Roleplay? Viking? Will you need modern clothes, or outfits for roleplay? I just ask about roleplay becaue the hair made me think about it. The skin, you need to ditch it! Ouch! I think it's one of two freebie skins that almost all new avatars use a period when they are new.

Showing two very different male looks I put together just to amuse myself. The top one inspired by Gladiator, the bottom one a tribute to the androgyn supermodel Andrej Peijc. I can't log in much these days, I have RL issues that demand my attention. But I can toss in some advice here. 


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One thing that many forget, is good quality eyes. The default avatar eyes that comes with the avatar is NOT good enough. The eyes can be free or cost 100-200 L, an investment you really should make.

I put some effort in this look, the right type scar, the eye made slightly smaller than the other, the schlera slightly bloodshot. Mesh or prim eyes can give you two different eyes. But I am OCD when it comes to details.



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You may want to adjust the size of your head a little; it looks a little small compared with your body, in my opinion. Same with your hands.

Better eyes will help, as will a better skin. You can find both for free. Skins can be expensive, but some high-quality shops have lovely skins as group gifts, most of which are female, but some are male.

I agree, get rid of the tattoos or find higher quality ones. AITUI was having a sale not that long ago; I'm not sure if they still are, but they make very nice tattoos.

Also look for a hairbase to give you a less abrupt hairline. Check out the pics Marianne posted - see how her hairline in the first image she posted is more gradual, even though she has the same hair? A hairbase is usually a tattoo layer; it adds painted-on hair to the avatar scalp to keep the skin from poking through and to give a more natural hairline.


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I've made male and female avs, even tho I'm female, cause I just love making avs.  What I usually do is start with a good complete avatar.  Usually what you wind up with is the body and a notecard that comes with it that tells you exactly where to get the right skin and hair and exactly which skin and hair to buy to get the exact avatar look you have bought.  I try to buy the ones you can modify because you can change some of the features on those if you want.  If it's non modify you are stuck with it the way it is.  I find the best ones without shopping all over second life on the marketplace (just click on the "shopping" option above and click on "marketplace" and you're there.  Then go to the category on the left "avatar appearance" and from there select "complete avatars".  Now you can choose the human male category and you'll find pages and pages of choices).  My personal preference are the avatars from NOON.  Put that name in the little search field and their avs will come up.  They are pricey and so are the recommended skins you have to buy after you get the body.  The body gives you the facial features you need to go with the skin for the right overall look.  And frankly you get what you pay for.  You can get cheaper ones made by other creators and they're not bad, but you won't get the muscle definition or six pack look.  It will look more flat like skin colored latex.  Once you've got the body, you can make it more slender if you prefer or shorter or taller, but don't make the mistake of turning it into a hercules.  Newbies always do that and the incredible hulk look is a dead giveaway that you are a clueless newb.

So that's my advice.  There is a service called "pimp my avie".  That's the only one I know of.  I've seen some avies of theirs and they're good.  You can find them if you do a general search in the search function.  They are probably pricey too.  As much as the prefab complete avs I mentioned above or more, so your choice.  Good luck.

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Tell us more about what you want. What do you want to keep, and what do you want to change? Are we right in assuming that you want to keep the blonde hair?

Muscular skins? Skins have the muscle details painted on, if you  try on different demos you will notice that. How tan? Facial hair? Body hair?

Clothes style? Are you a jeans guy or a suit? Or both? Leather and tough style? Medieval wizard?

Ispachi has this skin, it's called Bjorn too... Personally, I like it a lot. It has very good brows and the amount of muscles is realistic and it's a great hairbase. The skin comes with a bald option too, if you want to change hairtype.

PLUS, it is "complete". You get a perfect colormatched attachment *cough* if you go skinnydipping. Not that I have tried it, I don't play my malt so much. (Malt=male alt)


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I have to disagree on the NOON shapes. They do not provide a demo. That is way too much money to spend if you can't even test it first. Almost all who sell shapes offer a demo that is no modify with enormous hands and/or feet, so you can look at the body and face closer.

No demo, no buy. Unless it is a free or 1L shape, then it's no loss.

The NOON shapes does not look updated for mesh clothing either. And the newest shape has a one star review where the buyer says he has tried to contact the seller. The review is written in September 2012. That is a warning flag, if the seller is not checking IMs and doing customer service in a reasonable time, I would not risk it.

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