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Weird encounter .. !( o .0)!

Coby Foden

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Sharing one of my SL experiences today...  :smileytongue:

I was in SpoonDrift region which is a group owned island where people use to keep their boats docked.  I was wearing a bikini and was just trying on new mesh boots (yeah, funny combination of clothing, lol).  Suddenly a female avie TPed next to me.  Immediately she started an IM session, line after line in rapid succession:

Weirdo Weirdoton: hi
Weirdo Weirdoton: get out of my land pls
Weirdo Weirdoton: its private
Weirdo Weirdoton: or what do u looking for?
Weirdo Weirdoton: can I help you?
Coby Foden: You must be a bot.
Weirdo Weirdoton: leave my land!
Weirdo Weirdoton: but right now!
Coby Foden: Isn't your land.
Weirdo Weirdoton: or I will call my securitymen
Weirdo Weirdoton: yes it is
Weirdo Weirdoton: I just bought it for much money!!!
Coby Foden: Hahaha
Weirdo Weirdoton: LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Weirdo Weirdoton: GO
Coby Foden: This isn't for sale.
Weirdo Weirdoton: PASS AWAY! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !
Weirdo Weirdoton: DIE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !  !
Weirdo Weirdoton: GO TO HELL
Weirdo Weirdoton: IT S MINE ! ! ! ! ! ! !!
Weirdo Weirdoton: MINE ALONE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !
Weirdo Weirdoton: B**CH  PUT SOME CLOTHES ON

At this point I decided to have my share "fun" and tossed her high up in the air.  :matte-motes-evil:  :smileyvery-happy:
She still had something more to yell from up there:

Weirdo Weirdoton: do u earn money with f**king around? u look so
Weirdo Weirdoton: lol
Weirdo Weirdoton: b**ch
Weirdo Weirdoton: cheap  w**re
Weirdo Weirdoton: lol

After that she escaped the trap by TPing away.

I definitely knew that she does not own the land, I knew that she could not have just bought it.
Her account was just few days short of four years old, in her profile I read:
"like to meet nice people from all over the world for good conversations and having fun"

Oh really, you do?  No kidding?  Ermm.gif

• she decided immediately that I was not a nice person to have a good conversation with
• it was just one of those bad days for he
• she had a severe case of menstruation pains
• this was what she considered to be "fun" to do in virtual world
• she had grown a habit of using SL for venting off her pressures
• she did not like my bikini nor the boots I was trying on


It surprises me how freely some can throw all manners out of the window when they can do it in the safety hiding behind their screens!  I wonder what really went on in that persons mind?  Very weird.

It's a pity and very sad if newcomers suddenly get confronted like that.  It must be very unpleasant shock.

I'm not shocked myself, I've already seen all kinds things happening in SL.
I was just amused by her useless raging.  And I had my fun by tossing her up in the sky.

hang-in-smiley.gif.. Help!

extra_happy.gif.. thank you Weirdo Weirdoton for having offered me this chance to do my share of griefing!  :smileyvery-happy:

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Obviously you seem to forget something:

1.: The privacy rules have nothing to do, where you are going and which land/parcel you visit.
The privacy rules are about publishing personal/RL-Data.

2.: Just for fun I tped over and the whole region is one parcel, obviously open for public entry and for use by the group and their guests.
In other words, that weirdo had absolutely no business there.



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Urzul wrote:

it not her fault this is not what i meen ,i explore a lot and now i stop not alowed.

this is again the tos to violate the privacy.cant explore manelands and private sim only go in publick showed in seach

Well, I don't have a habit of going exploring people's private places.


Monsieur, for your information: :smileywink:


SpoonDrift belongs to a group of Sailors Cove sims.  Those sims are connected to Blake Sea sims.  Anybody can go sailing there.  Some sims are set so that they are nice resting places for any sailor needing a rest - no privately owned houses on those special places.  Where did you get the idea that it is not allowed to explore Mainland sims?  Of course it is allowed.  Go on and explore, avoid going in private properties and you're good.

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Actually the privacy provisions do include access to land.  Re read section 8.3 of the TOS where it says you will not

(v) Attempt to gain unauthorized access to any other user's Account, password, Virtual Land or Content;

That said, the person was way out of line and had no authority in this case to do anything since it is in search as open to the public.

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if look at the way the convo went then is the giveaway

kids try to fake it at the start. like they try to act all grownup in their chat phrasing. like pretend they are the account holder

if you keep the convo going then after a time they run out of things to say. and end up saying stuff like the boy did in that convo



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16 wrote:

sounds like Mum left the remember password checked on. and one of her children's friends using the computer was able to log in

from the chat it looks like about a 14yo boy

Yes indeed, it could have been so.  Maybe there was even a group of them at the computer.

**Now let's see for thrills what happens if we act really bad a$$ here!** :matte-motes-evil-invert:






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Amethyst Jetaime wrote: "Re read section 8.3 of the TOS where it says you will not

(v) Attempt to gain unauthorized access to any other user's Account, password, Virtual Land or Content;"

The point is 'Unauthorized'. Like circumventing a ban list, breaking into a private sim, etc.
The region in question is open to the public.


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16 wrote:

sounds like Mum left the remember password checked on. and one of her children's friends using the computer was able to log in

from the chat it looks like about a 14yo boy

I does indeed.  Looks like a hacking to me.  To the OP.  You should IM her again and tell her.  If she has not a clue, you will know, and maybe make a new friend!  HEHEH!



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Yeah that was weird but, it does happen. I had a guy on my land once who was sitting around lounging when I logged on and started yelling at me saying it was HIS land and threatening to ban me if I didn't leave! It was annoying at first and then it was just funny. I finally told him that if it really was his parcel that he could just eject and ban me right then. I dared him to. Of course, he couldn't and I shortly treated him to the old eject and ban treatment.

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