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What Can I Do?

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So this builder uses a plot in front of my home to show off his builds. He puts the land for sale at extortion prices. That bugs me but I never contacted him until yesterday. I contacted him because he built way over his border onto Linden land. He doesn't live there. I've never seen anyone on the plot.

He recently changed the build and that's when it slopped way over onto Linden land in front of my house. I contacted him politely. I even complimented his building skills. This is what I got back plus put on his ban list.

[14:35]  Builder: (Saved Thu Jan 31 00:55:24 2013) Is not even your land, mind your own business (bad name removed)!


So he feels Linden land in front of my home is none of my business. He feels he can do what he wants because he is a builder? What can I do about it?


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He can put his land for sale at any price he chooses and do anything he wants there within the TOS and it really isn't any of your business.  (He could have been more polite in his reply to you I will grant.) This is the problem with mainland.  You only have a say on what goes on within your own property and others can do what they want with theirs, since there is no covenant.  Since you knew this when you bought land there, I'm not sure why you are upset.  At least he's only putting houses on his land and not some huge ugly build. 

As far as his going over his property line into LL owned land, not sure how that is your problem either, since you don't own that land.  If it bugs you so much then you might want to file a support ticket and ask LL to sell it to you.  That's the only way you are going to have a say in what happens there.

If you don't want to buy it, you can  file a support ticket and ask that autoreturn be turned on.  However, maybe they'd also put it up for sale at the same time and someone would buy it and put up something even worse than what he's doing.  There is also the possibility that if you do file a support ticket and they turn on autoreturn, he may figure out you had something to do with it and start doing things that are perfectly legal but that you'd like even less, such as put up an ugly 50 story high rise.

If I were you, I'd landscape so that you can't see what he is doing and let it go.  And if you really want to have your neighbors restricted in what they can do on their property, sell your land and buy where there is a covenant that suits you and an estate owner or manager that strictly enforces it.

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A note regarding building on Linden owned protected land:

In the knowledge base, the article for Protected Land says:

: Build on protected land or in the skies above it at your own risk! If another Resident reports your build, or if it hampers the use of Second Life, it may be returned without notice.

In other words, it's not strictly prohibited but LL will remove stuff if it's causing an issue.  For example, you can make your driveway prims line-up with the road prims but, on the other hand, you can't build walls and such straight across the road.

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Lift_001.pngPlace your feet shoulder width apart, bend at the knees, keep your back straight, then PUSH with all your might!!!

(try not to look too constipated)

You may need a few friends to help if the builds are large, heavy, or shaped oddly.  I'll be glad to pitch in and help lift if you think it would help.

Seriously, good luck and I hope you get some actually useful advice for your frustrating problem.

Enjoy the struggle for solutions!



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he's quite right when he tells you to mind your own business, and by that response I've got a feeling it's not the first time you've pestered him about wanting to dictate what he can do with his land.


Filing an AR won't work, it's hard enough to get customer support to actually do something about TOS violations, and this isn't. It's "a conflict between citizens" and the official policy is they won't get involved in that.

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File an AR for encroachment. That is exactly what it is.

Also contact the group 'Arbor Project' and see if any of its members can drop by and take a look. When they find something that is a -land- abuse, they will often come and AR en mass - and that can get quick results. But be prepared for a lecture on the TOS as they debate whether or not what they find is a violation - they're very picky about that so as to avoid getting the label assorted 'police' groups end up with. :)




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An Abuse Report may work. It depends whether the build offends whichever Linden comes to investigate. And that's not likely to happen very quickly--or even ever--unless you get a few friends or (better) neighbors to complain, too. If it's objectively something that should diminish your enjoyment of your land, it's pretty likely to get returned eventually with an AR.

You might instead (or also) try a Support Case for a problem with Linden-owned land. The Land team is very good, but very busy, so it's not something to do just because neighbors can't get along. Again, if it's really something that an objective observer would judge to substantially hinder your ability to enjoy your property, then a support case is something to which the Land team should respond.

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The only thing that I can throw in here is pack up and move out if the other suggestions dont work for you. If you do this, it sounds like you should be more attentive to the types of things that you are looking for in land. There are places that require all residents that rent from them to be "themed." Make sure to read the covenant before purchase!! This sounds like what you are looking for. Good luck with your search.

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I'm going to pull out a sentence from the OP:  “He recently changed the build and that's when it slopped way over onto Linden land in front of my house.”

There's two things here.  One is “way over onto Linden land.”  Obviously that means they're overhanging prims onto Linden owned land.  The phrase “way over” suggests that it's by a significant amount but is still ambiguous.  The other thing is “in front of my house.”  It's unclear to me exactly what that means.

I made the following graphic to illustrate different possibilities.  Red lines are property lines.  Blue is Linden water.  Purple are objects owned by one resident.  Yellow are objects owned by another resident.  Green is resident owned land and if there's no objects, it's abandoned land.  For the sake of scale, lets say both Purple and Yellow have 64m x 32m land.


What Can I Do Graphic.jpg

Scenario 1:  Purple is in front and has bought the view.  I don't believe in build height restrictions here.  They should be allowed to build tall even if it blocks Yellow's view.  Also, Purple has a few small docks.  Yes, they overhang onto Linden land, but in my experience and opinion, LL would allow them to stay.

Scenario 2:  The same as 1 except that Purple has put a couple of docks in front of the abandoned land.  This might be ok, but I wouldn't be surprised if LL removed them.

Scenario 3:  The same as 2 except that Purple has now added a bunch of boats that extend way out over the water.  That's really pushing it.  And if it happens to be that just beyond the tip of the boats is resident owned land, then the boats would be blocking the Linden channel and they definitely should be removed.

Scenario 4:  The same as 1 except that Purple and Yellow are side-by-side.  In this case, the docks would still be not a problem and would remain.

Scenario 5:  The same as 4 except that Purple placed some docks directly in front of Yellow's land.  That's not right and they should be removed.  This is very similar to 2 except that they're placed in front of land that's owned and being used rather than abandoned land.

Scenario 6:  The same as 5 except that Purple added their bunch of boats.  This is clearly not acceptable and should be removed.

Some are saying that OP should leave the other resident alone because OP has no business dictating what the other the resident does with their land.  Some are saying that OP should definitely AR the overhangs because that's wrong.  Peronally, I don't know where I stand because I don't know which scenario most closely matches what's actually happening.

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Lanas Criss wrote:


Place your feet shoulder width apart, bend at the knees, keep your back straight, then PUSH with all your might!!!

(try not to look too constipated)

You may need a few friends to help if the builds are large, heavy, or shaped oddly.  I'll be glad to pitch in and help lift if you think it would help.

Seriously, good luck and I hope you get some actually useful advice for your frustrating problem.

Enjoy the struggle for solutions!



You are a fun read in this otherwise dead forum.  Actually, you are one of my favorite posters.


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Like I said I never contacted him before. The problem was when he put up a new build. I asked him nicely if he could stay in his borders. I complimented the build. One reason I contacted him is because he has plenty of space to push his build back into his own land. I did not think it would be any problem or was too much to ask. But he thinks he's above it.

It's mainland. I won't move because someone calls me a name. Unlike him and some replies I do think it's my business when it's in front of my house. I think it's my business if someone builds on Linden land. I bought the land for the view. I thought his reply was a little crazy. He didn't deny being on other land. He just said it's not your land. Isn't Linden land for us all?

Thanks. I will take advice from the helpful replies.

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You have called the place he put his build Linden Land and it's not clear from that whether you meant Linden Protected Land or just land owned by Governor Linden (and presumably for sale). I think the assumption for most was that you meant the former and if that's the case then yes, you should notify LL and with any luck they'll put his stuff back in his inventory for him.

My place borders a Linden road and when I was first placing things I inadvertently left a corner of my house protruding across the border and into the road's landscaped boundary (who needs View Property Lines on, right?). Before I'd even finished putting in some landscaping the house was returned to me. I would imagine they're a bit fussier about roads than land in general, but I think they take it seriously.

If in fact you bought your parcel with a view across Linden Protected Land, then in my opinion you are entitled to that view. Obviously, if it's just available mainland then that entitlement does not exist.

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illiana Lorefield wrote:

The only thing that I can throw in here is pack up and move out if the other suggestions dont work for you. If you do this, it sounds like you should be more attentive to the types of things that you are looking for in land. There are places that require all residents that rent from them to be "themed." Make sure to read the covenant before purchase!! This sounds like what you are looking for. Good luck with your search.

Before I'd move, if that becomes a consideration, you might want to consider placing your home in the sky.  And it doesn't need to be a solid "skybox."  I have lived in the sky most of my SL and, depending on the parcel size, have created a platform and textured it with grass or snow, etc.  On a small 512 sqm parcel I had a really nice, two-story, low-prim house that just fit on the parcel, way up high.  The house had an upstairs attached balcony if I wanted to be outside.

Just another thought. :)   I would try some of the other great suggestions first.

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I don't believe Kenbro is being sarcastic.  Regarding my reply, it's NOT about water.  That completely misses the point.  It (like Kenbro's post) is about trying to understand *exactly* what's going on.  The rule on building on protected land is this:  it's NOT strictly prohibited but LL will return stuff they think is a nuisance.

You asked in your OP, "What can I do about it?"  The answer might be nothing since your neighbor did nothing wrong.  The answer might be AR or file a support case because your neighbor is clearly in the wrong.

You asked that question here, but I don't know what to tell you because I don't know *exactly* what's happening.



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Limonella Sorbet wrote:

Protected land.

I thought he did it by mistake. His reply shocked me.



In that case I do think you should report it, absolutely. My understanding of 'Protected' is that it will be left as-is, and anyone who buys property adjacent should be able to assume that that land will remain vacant. If I'm wrong about that I'm sure there are more knowledgeable people on this forum to correct me. I do know that those who market mainland always imply that Protected Land is untouchable.

I also don't think Kenbro's post was intended as sarcasm. There is nothing in the Community Standards/TOS that should prohibit you from posting something like, "Look what happened here at my land!", and including a link to that land. The fact that anyone who goes will see the name of the other owner is not at all your issue.

The only reason (well, at least it SHOULD be the only reason) that the Forum rules prohibit posting another resident's name in a negative way is that there's really no way for those of us reading here to know if the complaint is really true. If it were allowed creators could make alts and come on here with all sorts of horrible comments about their competitors. Thankfully, that never happens.

Giving the link to your property, even after having stated your complaint, in no way violates any rule written or unwritten.

ETA Quote I was replying to. Forgot.

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Personally you should do nothing. You already ruined your relationship with your neighbor, I mean yes, he was rude about it, but you never directly posted what you exactly said, so if you were rude then he has the right to be rude. I would just move to another land. If you report him its only going to turn this whole situation into some type of petty, ignorant and childish war just because he put up things on his land that you didn't like. I wish you would have explained it more  too, i can't tell who's in the wrong with the way you are making it seem. i don't see the point in reporting though, you can always put your house in the sky, or rotate it.

 Theres two sides to every story and in his story you could be the one disturbing the peace for him.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

My understanding of 'Protected' is that it will be left as-is, and anyone who buys property adjacent should be able to assume that that land will remain vacant. If I'm wrong about that I'm sure there are more knowledgeable people on this forum to correct me. I do know that those who market mainland always imply that Protected Land is untouchable.


Actually 'Protected Land" is no longer a term LL uses.  People selling land use it, but improperly.  LL calls the term 'Protected Land" deprecated terminology now and no where does it state any longer in the official documentation that protected land is guaranteed to remain that way forever.  So there is no such thing as "Protected Land' in the sense it will remain forever protected.   At best it is protected for now.

What was 'Protected Land" is now described as "geographical features with the same mission of creating and preserving "natural beauty." LL can and in fact has changed so called protected land it in the past.  If you search this forum for past discussions about this , there are posts giving specific examples of such changes.

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