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Will They Bring Back Second Life Last Names?

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when i first joined, i made up my first and last name, but i think the ol memory banks were getting full as SL filled up with creative people, so they made you choose from the list of already existing last names, which to me was ok because i started running into people with my last name and thought, are we related? i would like to see that at lease brought back, being able to choose from the already existing last names, resident just seems so " we just made this up yesterday and we are calling it secondlife" 

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eyeye Afterthought wrote:

Mobile phone companies recycle inactive phone numbers. LL maybe should consider recycling inactive accounts. Must be loads.

is some small problem with this. can only do with accounts that never made anything. anything which is now in some other persons inventory. bc of the creator name on the object/thing

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For a coder to say they can't do last names is lazy or stupid on there part, its a computer, just code it. And yes I have done and worked with coders. Now that said, there may be a lot of people stuck with the last name of Resident, but that has nothing to do with bringing back last names. Now bringing back last names and changing everyone from Resident to some other last name, now that is a horse of a different color. But again, bringing back last names can be done. But we will not see it because LL does not care to put forth the effort. IMHO

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tbf the coders never said they cant do it. what the designers/architects said was the way lastnames system was designed in the beginning means that it cant continue to scale

is two options:

1) stop having last names

2) redesign the system and recode it

heres how much each option costs

M choose option 1. Rodvik had a look at option 2 and then choose 1. for the same reason M did


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I could be wrong but, to me the problem is that to a computer the space is just another character. If you added to the sign up page the ability to add one space, only one, and only with at least one preceding character, and at least one trailing character, now you have “one name”, and a first name with a last names, everyone is happy and its not a big codding job. I could be missing something but if I am, I still don't see it, and my last statement still holds true...

But we will not see it because LL does not care to put forth the effort. IMHO

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

For a coder to say they can't do last names is lazy
or stupid
on there part, its a computer, just code it. And yes I have done and worked with coders.

I agree.

And Rodvick said the coders told him they could not do it.

I imagine what that really was "it would take us too much time away from playing MineCraft at work to put that specific discussion idea together, and to find another similar solution would mean not surfing pron during the afternoon hours, so... no can do."

All they really need to do is make field 2 editable again during login, and tell everyone who has the name 'resident' "tough cookies" and then put in a flag to hide "resident" anytime it pops up anywhere.

- Perfect? No. People with Sally90210 would be unhappy (unless they wanted that).

But better than status quo? Sure.

A partial solution can be better than no solution.

But again, it means having to work, rather than dial it in while poseballing on alts in Zindra during office hours. :D


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When I signed up, I joined with a screen name/email name and have regretted it ever since. I didn't know I would be stuck with that name forever as my user name. Not that I mind starlalien as I have used it for years, ever since I first got on the internet and wanted to protect my real identity. I was relieved and happy when I discovered I could set up a display name. I would not mind having a last name, but I would want it to go with my display name, not my user name and that is not likely. So last names mean little to me. If it is that important, just add one of your choosing to your display name. Problem solved. ;-) Being a Resident doesn't seem that big of a deal to me. Just means we are all related. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

staralien aka Melody Star

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I vaguely remember another post or article about this same topic and the answer was incredibly simple. Avatars are identified by their UUID number first, so name changes are possible without loosing inventory, etc. In fact, in rare instances LL has done this for certain residents if their name breached a copyright law, etc. The reason they won't make the change is because its labor-intensive. Every resident would have to submit a ticket with their choices of names and some Linden in a cube would have to manually change it, making sure it was not duplicated or breaching TOS. Learning from their massive expense to relocated adult business to Zindra - reportedly several time more than expected - the rumor is Linden Lab simply does not want to pay for changing names. The other option is to go back to the first & last name format but Linden Lab likely realizes what a fiasco that would be if the massive Resident family flocked to create replacement avatars. That leaves the last option which is do nothing... which is what Linden Lab does best. So if I were you and taking bets on last names coming back, put your money on Linden Labs track record and double-down on "No!" :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

I could be wrong but, to me the problem is that to a computer the space is just another character. If you added to the sign up page the ability to add one space, only one, and only with at least one preceding character, and at least one trailing character, now you have “one name”, and a first name with a last names, everyone is happy and its not a big codding job. I could be missing something but if I am, I still don't see it, and my last statement still holds true...


when this comes up on this forum then we end up chat about the technicals. why it don't scale. the way it is designed

in the database is:

AvatarNames table

FirstName, LastNameID

the last name is not in the AvatarName Table. is a ID into:

LastNames table

ID, LastName

so the query goes something like:

get FirstName from AvatarNames table and LastName from  LastNames table where LastNameID = LastNames.ID

is big implications in this if want to change it

2)  is about 32 millions records now in AvatarNames table now

1) if keep adding lastnames to lastname table then what happens when it gets upto millions?


back in the day linden also did quite a lot of hax it and worry about it later. the main hax was before they made UUIDs. the unique identifier was FirstName+Lastname and sometimes FirstName+LastNames.ID and still is for lots of earlier residents stuff

if they change to keep putting more Lastname into Lastnames table then is terrabytes of records to change/fix to the UUID way


can go on and on about all this

so i just pick up on the space thingy. bc i couldn't see why not either until i learn about the database

if put a space in firstname then the second part is still not your LastName

you still be: Jane Doe LastNames.ID (which points to Resident). not Doe.





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Pussycat Catnap wrote:


And Rodvick said the coders told him they could not do it.



coders like professional engineers like professional designers like professional architects

as opposed to them other coders. who code at home in their spare time on Visual Studio Express for fun

is quite a big difference between coding up say an Access database. and a database server farm 


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eyeye Afterthought wrote:

I see. Small problem. Not impossible. Plenty of empty profile avs LL can easy check if they ever came on line after first 24 hour try.Many many of those.

is no flag on an avatar account to see if it ever made anything. would have to crawl everything in the assets database to find out. just in case

other thing is only need for some innocent newbie to be assigned to some day old greifer throwaway account for there to be a riot


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TristanMercer wrote:

Can't remember which, but it is either Inworldz or Avination that you can choose your own last name. Linden Lab made a HUGE MISTAKE in doing away with last names. Trying to force people to use display names.


One word to sum it all up:  Idiotic.

I've never been to Avination but Inworldz, at least two years ago, allowed one to create a first and last name.  I'm Czari Zenovka over there as well. :)

I agree, doing away with last names and replacing them with "Resident" is one of LL's dumber moves.

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Staralien wrote:

When I signed up, I joined with a screen name/email name and have regretted it ever since. I didn't know I would be stuck with that name forever as my user name. Not that I mind starlalien as I have used it for years, ever since I first got on the internet and wanted to protect my real identity. I was relieved and happy when I discovered I could set up a display name. I would not mind having a last name, but I would want it to go with my display name, not my user name and that is not likely. So last names mean little to me. If it is that important, just add one of your choosing to your display name. Problem solved. ;-) Being a Resident doesn't seem that big of a deal to me. Just means we are all related. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

staralien aka Melody Star

Except some of us still can't see display names so if I saw you in world I'd be calling you staralien.  (I also think display names is another of LL's dumb moves.)

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Honestly i hated when i used to get on secondlife the last names, they didn't fit  me at all, but others were cool with them.


Personally it should be a option rather you want a alast name or not..
Because everyone will always have them anyway since there are still old users with last names Second life will have to just slap resident at the end of one first names. And show resident when needed. :matte-motes-not-entertained

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so i just pick up on the space thingy. bc i couldn't see why not either until i learn about the database

if put a space in firstname then the second part is still not your LastName

you still be: Jane Doe LastNames.ID (which points to Resident). not Doe.


Yes, you would still be Jane Doe LastName but as I understand it LL is working at eliminating the last name Resident. Not real sure about that but I think I remember reading that. So if they do get rid of Resident as the last name then even better, if not then “Jane Dow Resident”. You sigh up with a space in your name and no one will be able to tell the difference between “Teagan Tobias” and “Teagan Tobias”. That would need to be checked for during sign up, but that is what computers are for and they are very good at it, all part of the program.

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one of the reasons why last names were eliminated is because Linden Lab found that choosing a last name was stopping some new users from registering, some didnt want a last name so they didnt continue. also, in most internet entities you suscribe they dont ask for a last name, so it was better to follow the standard of one single field just like almost every user was used to.

some complained that here is a fantasy world where we adopt a second life, a life different from real life, and therefore we should be getting a fantasy last name, but they were the roleplayers and the immersives, the augmentionists didnt agree that it was a different life, that they were the same person they were in real life than in second life, so that argument didnt hold for them, if last names were to be brought back they wanted the possibility to register their real last name, but if they were allowed, many people would register with the same name and last name, and that would bring a conflict in the database.

also, some said that maybe in some cultures you have a name and a last name, while in some cultures, you have only one name or two last names, so it was a controversy about how many fields should be proper to have.

some say that now the new users were forced to have names like canoro1, canoro2, canoro3, so to have a nice name Linden Lab bring the possibility to change your name to a Display Name.

another issue that arised was that we are all "Resident", for example, in the database i am "canoro.philipp.resident", just the middle field was elminated.

not bringing back last names was one of the black spot on Rodvik work, specially when he said he was working on reversing the decision and bring the last names back, he made a conversation with the residents, were everybody worked together to find a solution, to make choosing a last name optional, and even a field to write your own last name, but and at the end he said.. No. even the apologists and fanbois were mad at this.

if he would have bringed last names back maybe he would have been seen with more appreciation that he is seen today, I think he still have a chance to bring them back, and win back much of the hope we have in his leadership.

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