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I can't sell my Lenden Dollars, I am trapped


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I wanted to buy Bitcoins, so I bought 5000 Linden Dollars to exchange them to Bitcoins.


I joined Second Life only to do this and now I can't sell those Linden Dollars through neither Virwox or Second life.


I feel that I have bought something that is completely useless because I won't play the game. I really feel that I have been scammed only because I wanted to buy Bitcoins via Second Life


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Let me get this straight. You threw your money toward a site you won't use, that you aren't familiar with, without actually making sure to read up on the incredible amount of info found there to see if all would go according to plan...and now you feel scammed?


That's not getting scammed, that's you being ridiculously irresponsible with your cash without having taken the time to read up about anything AT ALL.

Can't believe you have the gall to call LL scammers when you're the one who has been acting irresponsible to a ludicrous extend.

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Drtamersameeh wrote:

I wanted to buy Bitcoins, so I bought 5000 Linden Dollars to exchange them to Bitcoins.


I joined Second Life only to do this and now I can't sell those Linden Dollars through neither Virwox or Second life.


I feel that I have bought something that is completely useless because I won't play the game. I really feel that I have been scammed only because I wanted to buy Bitcoins via Second Life


Who told you to do this or where did you get the idea this was a good idea?

Who are you saying 'scammed' you?

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That was sort of a dumb reason to join SL, but there is a way out. Just wait. The amount of L$ you are allowed to sell is limited for the first month or so that you are here, as a way to keep people from using SL for money laundering. You can file a support ticket to ask 'LL to review your trading limits, but it's often better to just wait until they raise automatically. Meanwhile, enjoy Second Life.

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It is not decent to describe people's action as "dumb" and "rediculous" and I won't sink down to your level and use such indecent language.

When Second Life markets that you can use it's so called "Linden Dollars" to buy Bitcoins, then they are scamming people who would buy the Linden Dollar, only to know that they can't sell those Linden Dollars except after a month.


Anyway, I think I will have to wait this month, but I will spread the world about "Second's Life Scam"

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Drtamersameeh wrote:

It is not decent to describe people's action as "dumb" and "rediculous" and I won't sink down to your level and use such indecent language.


When Second Life markets that you can use it's so called "Linden Dollars" to buy Bitcoins, then they are scamming people who would buy the Linden Dollar, only to know that they can't sell those Linden Dollars except after a month.


Anyway, I think I will have to wait this month, but I will spread the world about "Second's Life Scam"

No its NOT a scam, you are just too lazy to do some further research before you do something with your money. Its the same as putting your name under a document you haven't read and then blame everyone else when some bad things happen. Second Life is NOT a damn exchange tool and they have reasons to limit fresh accounts in this way.

And you shouldn't spread the story about your careless way to handle your money! You could get into worse trouble with that behavior.

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Drtamersameeh wrote:

It is not decent to describe people's action as "dumb" and "rediculous" and I won't sink down to your level and use such indecent language.


When Second Life markets that you can use it's so called "Linden Dollars" to buy Bitcoins, then they are scamming people who would buy the Linden Dollar, only to know that they can't sell those Linden Dollars except after a month.


Anyway, I think I will have to wait this month, but I will spread the world about "Second's Life Scam"

I'm curious - where did you see this mentioned? What was the source of this "marketing"?

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Drtamersameeh wrote:

Again indecent words as "Careless" and other words that I don't want to mention. Really, it seems that not only Second Life is a scam, but also many of its users are indecent.

Its not a insulting to call someones actions careless. Its rather irritating how you act like I said something bad. How would you call someone who puts money randomly into something he doesn't understand and cries after because things turned out not the way he wanted?

Do you really want the users, who are well aware of what SL is and how easy it is to get informations about it, to agree with your absurd statement about how Second Life is a scam?

I use Second Life and its not a scam, because I'm aware of what it is and what I can do with it and what not.

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Drtamersameeh wrote:

Again indecent words as "Careless" and other words that I don't want to mention. Really, it seems that not only Second Life is a scam, but also many of its users are indecent.

The only indecent one here is you. Who not only wasted their money on something they do not have a clue about, but also slandered SL. You do realise slander is a crime and you can be prosecuted for it? If you spread the false word of SL scamming when it's been your own fault all along and there is no scam that you might find yourself facing legal charges? Think twice, you've already made a fool of yourself, don't let it get out of hand.

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I would be very surprised if you ever saw ANY advertisement from Linden Lab that made an offer like that. You got fooled by some clown on the Internet and then didn't bother to check to see if he knew what he was talking about. Next time you read some dumb scheme on line --- especially one that you're going to put money into --- do your homework first.

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Drtamersameeh wrote:


When Second Life markets that you can use it's so called "Linden Dollars" to buy Bitcoins, then they are scamming people who would buy the Linden Dollar, only to know that they can't sell those Linden Dollars except after a month.


Anyway, I think I will have to wait this month, but I will spread the world about "Second's Life Scam"


Let me be the second person to ask this question. Where did you see Second Life 'market' that you can use Linden Dollars to buy Bitcoins? That's the crux of your 'scamming' argument. Back it up. Send a link.

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A fool is only someone who calls someone he/she doesn't know a "fool"


I am an SEO consultant and I will post my story with evidence on every relevant forum, so that whenever someone searches Google for "Second Life", my posts will appear first. I know my rights to speak freely and I will tell what really happened.


Second Life tells people " Come on buy Bitcoins using Lenden Dollars at Virwox terminal in Second Life" so I buy Lenden Dollars and then the support department tells me "Sorry, you can't sell the Lenden Dollars or buy Bitcoins for 30 days"









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Drtamersameeh wrote:

Second Life tells people " Come on buy Bitcoins using Lenden Dollars at Virwox terminal in Second Life" so I buy Lenden Dollars and then the support department tells me "Sorry, you can't sell the Lenden Dollars or buy Bitcoins for 30 days" 

Aha! You answered my question as I was writing it. Virwox is nothing to do with Linden Lab or Second Life. It's a totally seperate company. Your problem is with Virwox and not Linden lab.

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Thank you for saving me a little cutting and pasting by posting that link, Dr. Sameeh. Now read down to where it says:

Certain restrictions on Linden Dollar deposits are imposed via Linden Labs' RISK API. For example, your Second Life avatar must be at least 30 days old to deposit Linden Dollars into a VirWoX terminal. There are also various restrictions on the quantity of Linden Dollars that can be deposited at a time.

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I am not throwing money randomly and I know how I will get back the money I used to buy the "stupid" Lenden Dollars.

By the way, for some people, 200 bucks aren't the large sum of cash that demands researching for days before spending them.

In case you didn't know, Virwox and Second Life are linked to the same bank account in Austria and this is more than enough to realize that they are 2 sides of the same coin.


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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Thank you for saving me a little cutting and pasting by posting that link, Dr. Sameeh. Now read down to where it says:

Certain restrictions on Linden Dollar deposits are imposed via Linden Labs' RISK API. For example, your Second Life avatar must be at least 30 days old to deposit Linden Dollars into a VirWoX terminal. There are also various restrictions on the quantity of Linden Dollars that can be deposited at a time.

I am replying to Theresa's comment to BUMP it... ;)

Merry Christmas

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While they both do business on the internet, VirWoX is an entirely different company from Linden labs.  And yes, VirWoX claims to have the ability to turn bitcoins to Lindens, and back again.  A bit of Googling turns up several threads on doing just that,  on the VirWoX user forums.  But I can't find any such claim by Linden Labs.  Here is a link to the knowledge base (official linden info) on buying and selling Lindens:  http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107  Not a word about VirWoX.

VirWoX might be a reputable business, I can't t say from experience, and I don't take everything I read on the internet at face value. But you would be a lot better off taking up your complaint with VirWoX, rather than ranting about scams on a Linden Labs user forum that is not even regularly monitored my Linden Labs management.

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Drtamersameeh wrote:

By the way, Virwox and Second Life are 2 sides of the same coin. Here is one of the hundreds of pages that markets "Buy Bitcoins at Virwox terminals using Lenden Dollars in Second Life"


Wrong again.  Virwox has terminals in SL, but it has nothing to do with SL itself.  Many independent companies and individuals do business in SL.  Here's the part of the Second Life TOS (Sect. 5.3) that you should have read before making these foolish comments >>>

"Linden dollars are occasionally Bought and Sold on third party exchanges, which are wholly distinct from the LindeX exchange. Unless specified by Linden Lab, these exchanges have no affiliation with Linden Lab. We do not guarantee the legitimacy of the Linden dollar transfers offered on them, and we are not liable for purchases of such Linden dollars. You purchase Linden dollars from such sites at your own risk. If you Buy Linden dollars that are traced to unauthorized credit card activity or other fraudulent activity, we will recoup these Linden dollars from your Account.

Purely for informational purposes, we may list on our Websites third-party exchanges that use our "Risk API" tool. The use of the Risk API may lessen the occurrence of fraud on those exchanges; however, in no event do we endorse, guarantee or insure your purchases from these unaffiliated exchanges."

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